Novel Name : The Crown’s Obsession

The Crown’s Obsession Chapter 112 - Nothing Goes Unnoticed

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Chapter 112 - Nothing Goes Unnoticed

Beheading people that had been taking place in the towns and villages was not anything new, and it was something that had been taking since from many decades which was why everyone was used to it and didn't look shocked. Instead, there were a lot of them who indulged themselves in it as they enjoyed people being punished for committing crimes and sins while praising the crown as they believed the higher-ups could do nothing wrong.

But the Harris' family weren't like that which is why Madeline wished that Calhoun had not presented his words to her father that blatantly. His words, instead of easing the atmosphere only made it tense and uncomfortable where Madeline didn't utter another word while her father looked taken aback before nodding his head.

"Oh," was all her father could respond to Calhoun's words.

Madeline truly didn't understand how the King's head worked. He said he loved her and wanted to court her but what kind of courting was this?! Scaring and daunting her father about what they had witnessed in the centre of the market. People were usually nice with the thought to impress, and here Calhoun was only trying to scare people and not impress them.

"The person must have deserved it," her father said, trying to fill up the silence as they walked closer to the house. The King was walking with them, which was already a big thing for him. Not to forget, his daughter was living in the castle under the protection of the King.

"She did," chimed Calhoun, and thankfully he didn't elaborate more on it. Madeline didn't want her father to be worried that someone had tried to poison the King during the same time she was present where there was a possibility of her having the same food which was poisoned.

When they reached the small gate of the house, her father was the one to open by walking forward that left Calhoun and Madeline behind. She took a sneak at the King, and Calhoun was quick to turn his head to look at her. There was a smile on his lips, and she only hoped he wouldn't say anything embarrassing about the things that had taken place in these last few days between them.

"What a lovely house," Calhoun complimented as he stepped his foot inside and Madeline's father smiled, "This must have cost you a fortune," he said as his eyes looked around the humble house of the girl with whom he was in love with.

"It was given by my maternal aunt. She had two houses. One which is in the town and the other is this one. She didn't want to give it to a stranger, and that's how the house came into my possession," explained Mr. Harris, looking at the King now and then.

"Interesting," said Calhoun, and before he could step inside the house, Mrs. Harris had stepped out upon hearing the voices at the front of the house.

Madeline's eyes lit up even more on seeing her mother, and so did her mother's before it fell on the King. Mrs. Harris bowed her head to offer her respect to the King of Devon, the land they lived in, "My King, we didn't know you were going to visit our humble house. Please come in. Let me make something very quick for you to have if you will allow me," said the older woman, taking a couple of steps behind to make way for the King and her daughter who followed the King.

Calhoun, who stepped into the house, observed the things that were around him. His eyes leisurely fell back on Madeline's mother,

"That won't be necessary. We are here for a short visit and will be returning to the castle as we have finished the work that we came here for. Please sit. The last time we met we didn't get to acquaint ourselves enough." He gave them his charming smile, but the Harris' family looked uneasy. Not only was he the King, but the last time they had met, he had threatened them to leave their daughter in his care. One mistake from their side would result in their daughter being harmed.

"That is alright, milord," said Mrs. Harris, quickly pulling out the best chair that was in the room. Starting to dust it for him to be able to sit. Seeing this, Madeline walked forward to help her mother and Calhoun finally took a seat while the rest stood in front of him.

Madeline stood with her hands folded in front of him, just like her parents. She wanted to spend time with her mother. Maybe alone but with the King who had refused to eat anything, it had only ended up with her mother staying in the hall that took away the opportunity from the young girl to follow her mother to the kitchen, so that she could speak and spend some time with her.

She looked around the rooms in the quiet house, "Where is Beth?" inquired Madeline to her mother.

"She had gone out to the market to fetch some vegetables. She must be returning back. Oh! There she is," her mother exclaimed as Madeline's older sister stepped inside the house with a basket of vegetables in her hand.

"My King!"

Beth greeted the man who was sitting on the chair with his legs crossed. Beth then raised her head and shifted her eyes to look at her younger sister, who was dressed just like a doll. With clothes that were made of silk. Her sweet sister now wore jewelry around her neck that Beth had only dreamed of having. She walked towards her sister.

When Madeline had wished to come and meet her family, she had been utterly worried about how Beth would take her current position. Madeline knew that in Beth's eyes, she had stolen her place and the last time when they had spoken in the castle, Beth was furious and upset. All Madeline wanted was her older sister to understand that it wasn't her intention. On the same thought, she wanted Beth and her relationship to be okay.

"Madeline," greeted Beth.

"Beth…" said Madeline to suddenly be wrapped around by Beth's arms.

"I am glad to see you here," whispered Beth and Madeline couldn't stop the smile on her lips. Her eyes slightly teared, and she hugged her elder sister back. She had missed her. With her sister hugging her, it only meant that they were okay and nothing had changed in between them which relaxed Madeline's shoulders, "I was worried and thought I would not see you. Thank you, my King," said Beth after she pulled away from her little sister.

"That was no trouble at all," said Calhoun with a crooked smile on his face that stole even Beth's breath.

The elder daughter of Harris noticed the stark difference between the King and the background he sat in front of. He was like a dream. There was a time when women and girls, even men at times who spoke about how the King looked. Various different rumours surrounded him on how he was the devil's reincarnation because of how he looked. Beth didn't take in the entire rumour which she had heard. It was not only about his physical appearance but also his nature which was like a devil- cunning, evil and someone who would trick any person.

"There's still a good six minutes left before we leave for the castle," said Calhoun and this had Beth's face fall. Not because she was sad that she wouldn't be able to spend more time with her sister but because her sister was going to continue living in the castle.

Beth smiled at this, "Will you bring her here again? We miss her," she said to Calhoun, her voice came off a little too strong which Calhoun didn't like.

"Why?" asked Calhoun, the smile on his face had fallen, and his dark red eyes stared at the lowly human.

Beth's eyes shifted from the King to look at Madeline and then back at the King because she had given the reason in the same sentence which had been blatantly ignored, "Madeline might be missing home too."

"She has the castle now which is more spacious. The comprise of the same walls and ceilings," he continued to say, "I doubt you will be staying here long too, Miss Harris as you will be getting married to stay in your husband's house. Right?" he asked Beth.

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