Novel Name : The Crown’s Obsession

The Crown’s Obsession Chapter 221 - Supper In The Castle

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Chapter 221 - Supper In The Castle

Beth was not sure if the King was truly joking or not. Beth looked at Markus who sat across from her before saying, "Milord, some of the men came with parchments that had seal on it from the royal court. They told that you ordered them to demolish the shop as it was not needed."

Hearing this, Madeline felt her heart sink. She turned to look at her father in worry that they had to witness something like that.

Calhoun asked again, "And how did you know that the order was from the royal court?"

Beth said, "When the shop was being broken down, Mr. Wilmot was passing by. He confirmed it." She had already seen the seal when the invitation has been sent to their house.

"How fortunate," Calhoun chimed, the two words dripped in sarcasm but the Wilmot's didn't change their expressions. They knew the humans were stupid enough to go blabbering about it in the future.

With Markus' name that came up in the conversation, the vampire turned to the King, "My King, I was there when the unfortunate incident took place. Ms. Harris is right. The parchment held the seal of the court."

Calhoun dropped his forks and knives on the surface of the table. Bringing both of his elbows to place on the table and interlocked his fingers together, he placed his chin on top of them, "Did you know that they were related to Madeline? That they were Madeline's family?" asked Calhoun to Markus.

"No, milord," answered Markus, "I didn't know they were related to her at fir-"

"But you knew about it later," stated Calhoun, his eyes calmly looking at his cousin who held a serious look on his face.

Compared to his previous response which was quick, Markus took a second to answer, "Yes, milord."

"How strange that neither Harris nor you reported it to me," Calhoun said, his eyes shifting to look at Harris' family.

Madeline wanted to speak, to tell Calhoun that her parents were only worried that they had done something bad and the King was reprimanding them for it. She hadn't expected Calhoun to bring the conversation at the table today, to clear it. This would allow and let her parents know that it wasn't him who had asked to destroy the shop.

When she turned to look at her parents, she noticed the slight shock on their face. It seemed like, they were now realising it wasn't Calhoun who had ordered it.

"Pardon me, milord," Markus apologised, bowing his head, "I didn't want to raise questions on your decision or orders."

"What good subjects I have," commented Calhoun, without looking away from Markus. He then looked at Madeline's parents, "It seems like someone fooled you and got the shop torn down. The next time if something like this happens, I would like you to send a letter immediately to me or contact the minister of the village. I am sure he will respond to you unless he's been bribed and doesn't care about his dear life," he smiled saying this.

Madeline's parents bowed their heads for the misunderstanding they had until now about the King, "We will be sure to do as you have asked, milord," Mr. Harris complied.

Calhoun gave him a nod.

Madeline felt relieved that her parents didn't have to be worry about the King harming them. When her eyes met his, a faint smile appeared on her lips and Calhoun tipped his chin returning the smile before continuing his meal.

Right now in Madeline's eyes, Calhoun shared the attributes of a bad wolf but there were also some admirable qualities.

Madeline was not in love with Calhoun but she was allowing herself to acknowledge and accept the King. It was the wisest thing to do if she was going to be stuck with him. Calhoun had stirred physical feelings in her and even though she tried to ignore it, the heat that she felt was something that returned, everytime her mind went to what happened at the chapel of the castle which she doubted was a holy place because Calhoun had done unholy things with her there. Bringing her legs closer she squeezed her thighs together.

Quickly, she took a bite of food and started to eat. Chewing it so that her thoughts wouldn't dwell on it.

On the other side of the table, Beth who was eating raised her eyes to look at Markus who was eating too. When their eyes met, the man smiled and his eyes fell on her hand,

"What happened to your hand, Lady Elizabeth?" he inquired with a small frown of concern.

Beth noticed how Markus' sister coughed when he asked the question. Now she wished that she should have listened to her sister Madeline, to not to go near the wolves and stay away from them. Instead of receiving sympathy, she was getting the wrong attention.

"It was nothing," Beth decided to brush it as if it was nothing.

Just because Markus was wooing her, it didn't mean she could take things lightly from here. Who knew that Markus was related to the King. Beth didn't like his sister Sophie and she would have to do something about it. Maybe getting her married quickly would help, so that they wouldn't have to live under the same roof. She gave Markus a sweet smile, tucking her black strands of hair behind her ear before picking up the fork to eat.

When Calhoun was done eating, he said, "I have ordered the tailorman to come tomorrow, instead of today so that you can take some more time to settle in," he looked at Harris' family who bowed their head and whispered thank you, "If you need anything ask the servants and they will bring it to you."

He then stood up, giving a look at Madeline who was looking at him. Without another word, he stepped out of the dining room.

Lady Lucy who had been quiet, said to Madeline's family, "I am sorry to hear what happened to your shop. Brother Calhoun has many enemies and word must have spread that you are the future Queen's family."

Mrs. Harris offered the vampiress a smile. All this time, they had thought it was the King who had tried to destroy the shop but it wasn't so. She looked at the family vampires in front of her. Lady Rosamund and Lady Sophie were the first ones to leave, who were then followed by Lady Lucy.

Madeline who was still sitting at the table with her family noticed how Markus and Beth looked at each other, stealing glances and smiling at each other. It made her question again if Markus was seriously pursuing Beth. Lady Rosamund had been polite to her sister, was it because Markus took interest in Beth?

In one of the many rooms of the castle, Calhoun sat in front of the fireplace after leaving the dining room.

He looked at the burning fire, getting up from the chair, he walked towards the fireplace and sat down to push the logs of the woods to hear them crackle.

"Did the dinner go as you expected, milord?" asked Theodore who stood next to the table of liquors, pouring alcohol into the glasses.

"Barely amusing," replied Calhoun with his eyes still on the woods, "I need you to keep a closer eye on Madeline and the others. Report on every single person on who does what. Where they go. Something seems to be brewing. "

"Consider it to be done, my King," came the solemn answer from Theodore. The man walked to where Calhoun was to hand the drink, "Did Lady Madeline's family say anything."

Calhoun cocked his head to the side after taking the drink and looked back at the fireplace. It seemed like the older daughter of the Harris' was a blabbermouth, not knowing when to stop talking, "My dear Aunt is up to something. She's set up Markus this time in the race for the throne."

"Would you want me to do something about it?" asked Theodore.

"That won't be needed. He's following the trail of the mousetrap, he will expose himself and it will be easier to remove him then," replied Calhoun. He stood up straight and took a sip.

Calhoun was not unaware of his relatives interests when it involved the throne. Everyone were thirsty for the power, that the position held. But Calhoun's thirst was higher than others and he had taken it. Since the time he had become the King, he knew how displeased the others were that they had missed the opportunity to have the throne for themselves.

All these years, he had been playing with them, letting the opportunity dangle in front of them to only pull it back. But he didn't like that they were involving Madeline's parents in it.

Finishing his glass, Calhoun said, "I would like to kill a couple of them in good time but for good reasons," he said raising his brows, "Of course, the good reasons would be portrayed to my dear girl even though if they are actually bad." He didn't want her running to the hills, not that she had an option to do it.

Thinking about Madeline, Calhoun couldn't stop the thoughts of wanting to have her close where he could see her. He was trying to be patient but he doubted it was going to stay that way until the time of their wedding. There were nineteen more days left for their wedding.

Calhoun didn't give a fuck about other plans. But if they tried to disrupt his plans, he would make sure to serve them in a way where they would wish for death.

He was letting her to get accustomed to him, taking her space and filling her thoughts with him. Calhoun wanted her to know how it felt like, when something was denied and made to have waited to the brink. To torture her.

Leaving Theodore behind, Calhoun left the room. Making his way to his quarters, when he heard voices come from the other side of the corridor, where not many came to wander. The corridor was dark and quiet but Calhoun had a very good ear. His footsteps slowed down when he heard,

"Stop getting into things that don't concern you, sister!" warned Markus' to Sophie who now stood in front of him with her hands clutched to her sides, "Why don't you go play with your dolls and leave everything to the adults?"

"I am not six, Mark. I saw how you were looking at her. Are you seriously planning to marry her?!" Sophie raised her voice.

Before Markus could get Sophie to close her mouth, Calhoun asked,

"Who is marrying whom?" and both the Wilmot's siblings snapped their head in the direction where Calhoun's voice came from.

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