Novel Name : The Crown’s Obsession

The Crown’s Obsession Chapter 560 - Bundle Of Joy

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Chapter 560 - Bundle Of Joy

Months passed by, and with the news of the demons and fallen angels' existence being known by people, they were slowly trying to get used to it. Initially, there had been resistance by the public, but the High House had recruited some of the efficient and capable people to the higher position so that it could continue to function and not break the existing system that had so far remarkably helped to maintain peace.

One of the High House headquarters had been built in the abandoned town that was now being brought back to life where people could start living there too. In the meeting room of the High House quarters, one of the men reported,

"The villages in the East side have calmed down about the matter, but there has been quite some commotion going on in the North side. Both the West and North sides have opposite conditions with the different kinds who have tried to colonize and hurt the others," the man had knit his eyebrows in worries.

"What about the magistrates in there? I thought we spoke to them in the meeting that had taken place a few months ago," demanded Helena, who sat in the centre seat of the half-circle shaped table in the room. Her ever narrowed eyes hadn't changed, and she stared at the man with a stern look.

"A rogue werewolf killed the magistrate in the capital of the North land," informed the man.

"Does Sebastian know about it?"

The man nodded his head, lowering his head, "He found the ones who killed the magistrate and killed them."

Helena leaned back, wondering what to do with the Warring King's temper. "Daphne," she called the fellow High House member, "Get the carriage ready. Both you and I will be leaving tonight and see how things are in there. Good job on the reports, Hammon. At least the East and South has turned calmer compared to the first time the news about the existence of demons had broken to them."

Looking at the pocket watch that she had kept open on the table, she said, "We'll meet you in the land of Warrings, Hammon."

"Yes, milady," the man bowed his head. The High House members slowly started to step out of the room, and Helena picked up the parchments on the table. When one of them fell on the ground, she went to get it when someone else picked it up for her.

One glance at the hand and the ring that was on the person's hand, a scowl appeared on Helena's face.

"What are you doing here?" Helena asked, frowning at Vladimir.

"I came to the Hawthrone's castle and thought I would make a visit to the beautiful lady," Vladimir offered a charming smile.

Snatching the parchment away from Vladimir's hand, Helena ignored him and started to make her way towards the door. When she stepped out of the room, she saw Vladimir standing outside the door, "Where are you going?"

"To my grave," replied Helena, and Vladimir chuckled at her response.

"I will make sure to welcome you with open arms and get a room prepared for you in Hell," Vladimir chimed with the same enthusiasm without Helena's mood affecting him.

Helena looked at him from the corner of her eyes. After a few weeks of meeting this man for the second time, she had soon found out about who he really was. "I would love to accompany you, but then I am already...dead?"

Making her way down the stairs, she heard the footsteps that followed her, and she asked, "Don't you have something more important to do than following me?"

"My my, following you? I am only doing that now, but how can I deny your wish if that is what you truly want," Vladimir responded to her. He had the worst ways when it came to wooing a woman, thought Helena to herself and with him around, it was like a constant headache that kept appearing in front of her.

Helena didn't answer, and she made her way to the carriage that was waiting for her to get inside, and when she sat inside with the door of the carriage closing, she heard Vladimir's voice,

"You didn't tell me where you are going," Helena looked slightly shocked, her eyes closed as if she was trying to calm her heart. He had appeared inside the carriage sitting next to her.

"What do you want, Vladimir, so that you will leave me in peace?" Helena asked, tired of dodging him.

"Invite me to dinner?" Vladimir tapped his finger against his leg, waiting for her answer.

Helena replied, "I have nothing but rat poisons in the cupboard."

"Then let me invite you for dinner. Of course not in Hell, but in the castle in the living world, Belmount?"

It seemed like the Devil had taken an interest in her, and she wondered if she ate one meal with him, if he would let her live in peace without showing up in the High House. It was something that had been occurring for months. To avoid him, she had also changed the location of the meeting, but Vladimir had found her.

"One dinner," stated Helena, and Vladimir picked up Helena's hand. Like a gentleman, he kissed the back of her hand.

"Wonderful, I shall see you later," and within a blink of an eye, the Devil disappeared, leaving Helena alone in the carriage.

Vladimir flew away from the town, making his way to the Hawthrone castle and heard a little commotion. Though most of the servants continued with their work, on one side of the castle, in front of one of the rooms that had double doors that were closed, some of the maids stood outside, but they weren't all who were there now. Mr. and Mrs. Harris stood out along with Elizabeth, Lucy, and Theodore.

The Devil appeared in the long corridor, noticing the crowd formed in front of the room. His shoes clicked sharply against the floor. The maids who saw him quickly scattered away, resuming back to their work while some brave souls continued to stand there.

"How are things going on, Elizabeth?" Vladimir questioned Beth, who left her parent's side and had made her way to where Vladimir was.

"The physician said it's going fine so far. King Calhoun is in there," answered Beth. At the same time, one of the midwives appeared from the other side of the door and said, "We need some more hot water."

Two maids quickly hurried away from the door to get the water, and the midwife disappeared behind the door again.

They heard Madeline's scream from behind the doors before they heard an infant's cry. Inside the room, Madeline laid on the bed with many pillows placed behind her for support. She was covered in sweat, and her breathing laboured, feeling her body exhausted with her eyes that felt dizzy.

Calhoun stroked Madeline's head, "You did well, Maddie. He's finally here," he whispered to her, his voice filled with love for her, and he kissed her head.

With tired eyes, Madeline saw Calhoun leave her for a few seconds so that he could take their child from one of the midwives, who had finished wrapping the baby in a white cloth. Calhoun brought their child to her so that she could see and hold him.

Her heart filled itself with joy by carrying the little one in her arms, "He's so small," she murmured. Calhoun sat next to Madeline, putting his one arm around her, while the other supported her hand in holding their child.

"Thank you. I couldn't ask for anything more in this world than you and our child and future children," Calhoun thanked her for the gift only she could give him, and Madeline looked up at him with a tender smile on her lips.

Not soon later, the room's doors opened and in came the family members to see Calhoun and Madeline's newborn baby. Mr. and Mrs. Harris were the first ones who couldn't stop gushing looking at their first grandchild.

"He's beautiful, Maddie!" exclaimed her mother, who had already begun shedding happy tears as their children had grown up so quickly and that they had turned to grandparents. Beth was the next one to hold the baby, who was followed by Lucy who held the baby boy.

"Look at those hands. My nephew," said Lucy as she gently rocked the baby gently in her arms. When she handed the baby to Vladimir, who seemed to be waiting for his turn after everyone so that he wouldn't have to pass the baby to the next person immediately.

Theodore who stood next to Lucy said something in her ears that had the vampiress' eyes turn wide before she coughed.

Holding the baby in his arms, Vladimir couldn't help but remember the first time he had held Constance in his hand after he had turned to the dark side. "What a wonderful feeling to have my great-grandchild in my arms. I can tell he will grow just like his great-grandfather," he proudly announced. "Have you decided what to name him?"

"Yes," answered Calhoun and Vladimir raised his eyebrows.

"What is it?" asked the Devil.

Calhoun answered, "We were thinking about the name Michael."

"You are joking," Vladimir's eyes narrowed, and Calhoun chuckled on seeing the Devil's reaction. "You have terrible jokes to share."

"We are still deciding," replied Calhoun.

Vladimir reluctantly parted from the newborn baby, wondering if he should order Odin to shift his things from Belmont to the Hawthrone's castle so that he could bond with his great-grandson. And the minute he stepped out of the room, he had gone back to Belmont, declaring Odin that they were moving to the Hawthrone's castle for a few weeks.

With the new member's arrival in the Hawthrone's family, the news was announced to the towns and villages before celebration took place in the land of Devon. People came to look at the royal baby while wishing Calhoun and Madeline for the happiness that was spreading in the castle and the whole Kingdom of Devon.

The family members that Calhoun and Madeline had, stayed in the castle to spend more time and dot on the baby boy. Beth walked in the corridor, making her way to her room after providing her sister her company, who now had fallen asleep, and Calhoun was with her.

On her way, she noticed Lady Lucy speaking to one of the male guests who had arrived at the castle two hours ago. Beth bowed her head to offer her greetings.

"Mr. Winkle, this is Lady Elizabeth Harris, Lady Madeline's sister," Lady Lucy introduced her to Mr. Winkle, who was a handsome man wearing posh clothes.

Mr. Winkle bowed his head, "It is a pleasure to acquaint with you, Lady Elizabeth."

"The pleasure is all mine," Beth greeted back.

Lady Lucy said, "Mr. Winkle is from Borris. He was recently appointed as one of the High House members, and he is here for the High House's work." Lady Lucy was soon informed by a maid about her relative Aunt Monique who had only arrived at the castle and she excused herself, leaving Beth and Mr. Winkle in the corridor.

"Forgive me for my forwardness, milady, but I have never seen someone as beautiful as you. I was wondering if you-" Mr. Winkle didn't get to finish his words as Beth bowed her head and said,

"Forgive me, but I have somewhere to go. It was good to meet you, Mr. Winkle," she offered him a polite smile before leaving from there.

While Beth continued to walk, she walked past another person who seemed to be another guest, who wore high-class clothes. Not paying attention to it, she reached the front of her room and away from the crowd that she once craved for. She walked inside her room.

Unconsciously, her hand reached for the simple chain with a pendant enclosing a small blue flower. Her hand dropped, and she fished in her dress pocket to pull out the card from it.

"I think you have something that is mine," came a voice at the door of her room.

Beth's head snapped around to look at the same person who she had walked past earlier, but in a haze to get to her room, she had failed to see the face. She felt her heart jump in her chest.

He looked different but the same at the same time.

"How are you here…?" She asked, confused. She had heard from Madeline that Raphael was an archangel and not a demon. The more she thought about it, the more sense it made on why Raphael's behaviour was the way it was.

Raphael made his way to where she stood, "We were granted permission to step into the living world. God is merciful and knows how important love is." His eyes then fell on the flower that was in the crystal-like pendant that she wore. "Paschar is on his way to meet Madeline and the child."

"She's resting at the moment," informed Beth, and Raphael nodded his head.

"He'll wait."

When Beth was handing over the card, she noticed the plain card of the fool was not plain anymore as it had a picture of an angel with white wings. She softly gulped and turned her eyes away.

"Are you here for a short visit?" she inquired before looking away.

His appearance was nothing like the way he previously looked, and instead, it was the stark opposite. It was hard to keep eye contact with him because it had been months since she had last seen him. The last time she had seen him was when Calhoun had put him in the coffin.

"The last time I was here, I believe I had left things unfinished, and I decided to come back here," stated Raphael, and Beth looked back at him and saw him stretch his hand towards her. The smile on his lips was gentle, and Beth pursed her lips so that they wouldn't tremble.

Back in the castle's royal room, Calhoun took care of the baby while Madeline tried to catch up with her sleep as their small one had kept her awake. He had arrived in the room right after she had fallen asleep, thanking Beth for staying here with Madeline before she left. He took care of the baby as well as Madeline, letting her know he was right there next to her. After a short nap, when Madeline woke up, she caught sight of Calhoun who tucked their baby in the cradle.

"Sleep some more," advised Calhoun.

Madeline hummed in response before a yawn escaped her lips and she sat up. She asked, "Did he just go to sleep?"

"Yes," replied Calhoun, going to her side and pulling out the pillows to place it behind her so that she could lean against them. He kissed the side of her temple, "I missed you."

"I missed you too. When did you return?" she asked him.

"Nearly an hour ago," Calhoun replied before taking a seat next to Madeline, and brushing the baby hairs from her face. Instead of using the pillows, she preferred to lean against him by putting her hands around his arm and hugging it, whilst she looked at their baby boy they had been blessed with.

So much had changed, thought Madeline to herself. She was not only a wife, daughter and a sister, but also a mother now. Interlinking her fingers with his, she whispered,

"Have I told you how much I love you?"

"Tell me again," Calhoun replied in a low voice without wanting to wake up the baby and he turned to face her. He looked at the innocent brown eyes that peered up to look at him. He smiled, "I don't think I will ever tire from hearing it."

Madeline returned the smile, "I love you, Cal."

"And I love you more every day, my sweet rose," Calhoun whispered back to her.


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