Novel Name : The Crown’s Obsession

The Crown’s Obsession Chapter 305 - Execution

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Chapter 305 - Execution

Music Recommendation: Anxiety by Kensuke Ushio


When Helena parted her lips to speak, everyone in the room had their eyes on her, and she said, "Not guilty." The people in the room cheered for the King and murmurs continued to go around the courtroom.

"That is three guilty and three not guilty," stated Madeline, seeing Calhoun who hadn't lost his composure until the very end.

"We don't know what is going to happen," answered Lucy, who looked genuinely worried for her family members. Markus had been put up for execution and she didn't want Calhoun to go through it too. Even though he was the King, the judgement of the High House was mostly absolute, and no one had ever gone against them until now.

"It is a tie in the decision," said Helena loud enough for everyone to hear, "Because of this…" her words hung in the air to let the murmuring chatter die down and bring everyone's attention back to her.

Madeline wondered if they would be holding another trial for another day.

"We shall be dismissing the allegations against the King as he has proved to be worthy of his title. Announcing him to be not guilty as the accusations that were put by the guilty to be not true," on Helena's words, a faint smile appeared on Calhoun's lips. "Mr. Wilmot shall be executed tomorrow early in the morning in front of the public. The court is now dismissed."

Madeline felt a sigh escape from her lips, and she couldn't tell how relieved she was. With the opinions turning out to be equal, the verdict could have turned to either guilty or not guilty. It seemed like in the end, the final decision was in Helena's hand. And as happy Madeline was with the turn of events, the same couldn't be told when it came to the Wilmot's and Beth who had a look of shock on her face.

"The people can now leave from here, while we wrap things up here," Dimitri informed everyone and the ministers who had arrived at the scene along with the rest of the people of the castle started to head out of the room.

Lady Rosamund and Sophie were the first one's to leave as Markus was going to be executed tomorrow and he needed to be saved! Lady Rosamund decided to bring her husband to speak to the King so that Calhoun would spare Markus' life. The High House might have delivered their verdicts, but what they had done was only give permission to execute the person. In the end, it was in the King's hands to go ahead with the execution.

"Beth," Mrs. Harris called her daughter's name who appeared to be in far worse shock than anyone else in the room. Mrs. Harris placed her hand on her daughter's arm, "Beth, dear? Let's get back to our rooms."

"No," whispered Beth, and she pushed her mother's hand away from her arm, "They cannot execute him just like that."

Mrs. Harris' eyebrows had turned into a frown. She was aware of her daughter's fondness towards Markus, but the man was going to be beheaded because of treason. "You cannot go meet him now, Beth. There will be guards and other people-"

"I don't care!" Beth exclaimed and it gained Madeline and Lucy's attention who had been standing a few steps away from them.

Madeline quickly left the place where she was standing until now to go and meet her sister. Though Markus was not the right man, Beth had taken a liking towards him, and her sister was breaking down now.

"Beth?" Madeline spoke to her sister, "Let's go take a walk outside."

But Beth was not interested in it. "Do something! Help him!" there were tears in her green eyes, "You cannot do this to me. Fix it. Please fix it!"

Lucy, who had followed Madeline, said, "Lady Elizabeth, you should go to your room and rest." Lucy loved her relatives dearly but the treason that was designed against the King was done by Markus, who was the one to inform the High House. If he hadn't done it, this would have never happened. He could have spoken to brother Calhoun and resolved the matter, but instead of doing so, he had dragged the High House in it. She wasn't naive to not understand why something like this happened.

"I-I need some time for myself," said Beth, tearing herself away from her family and people whom she knew to step out of the court.

Madeline was about to follow her when Raphael stepped in front of her with a bow, "Allow me to handle it."

"Okay," Madeline whispered, and Raphael took his leave to follow Beth. Her parents were the next to take their leave as this was a little too much to take in. Lucy placed an encouraging hand on Madeline's shoulder, and she walked away from there too. Everyone in the family were trying to digest the fact of what happened here, in the courtroom.

When her eyes met Calhoun's, he offered her a smile.

The people in the courtroom had started to disperse, and Calhoun walked to where she was, his strides long and proud.

"You should go take rest too," he suggested, but she shook her head.

"I am fine," she replied, taking a look at the High House members. Madeline had been worried when the last members of the High House were supposed to give their word from their side. Calhoun raised his hand, tucking her hair behind her ear while openly displaying his affections in front of everyone.

"King Calhoun," came the stern voice from Helena who walked towards him along with Dimtri who walked next to her.

Calhoun gave a charming smile to the woman who didn't have a hint of a smile on her face. "Lady Helena. The last bit of the judgement was tricky," he said, his intelligent red eyes meeting the woman's eyes. He knew Helena for some time now, before he even took the position as the King of Devon, and with her body language, he was sure she was going to hold him to be guilty.

"What changed your mind?" he asked her without holding back his thoughts.

Helena's eyes didn't deter, "Don't think you are off the hook," she said, skipping his question to earn a smile from Calhoun. "This matter is not over."

Madeline who had been relieved with the outcome now had a frown on her face. "It is only for today that I am letting you off with the current circumstances." The woman's eyes fell on Madeline, "Congratulations on the wedding that will be taking place in the next few days," she wished.

"Thank you," Madeline replied. She then looked at Dimitri, who had outright called Calhoun to be guilty. With no facts, and with the number of years that had gone by, there was no concrete proof against Calhoun. The murder was something that had been closed, and there was no point in opening it as it would lead to nothing.

"Are you staying back?" asked Calhoun politely as if Helena had not mentioned about her eyes still on Calhoun's actions.

"I don't think there's any necessity of me to be here to witness your cousin's execution," stated Helena.

"How unfortunate," Calhoun clicked his tongue, "I thought I could treat you to the castle's finest food. Also, with fine wine."

Helena's eyes took in Calhoun's face. The young man she had met at first and the man he had grown into, the King had turned more handsome. The little residues of innocence had been discarded, and the smile he possessed right now was somewhere between charming and malicious.

"I will take the whole bottle home with me. I like only my company," Helena responded to earn a chuckle from the King.

"Theodore," Calhoun raised his hand, and the right-hand man of the King stepped forward, "Pick up one of the finest wines from the cellar and make sure it leaves with the Lady."

Dimitri, who stood there, commented, "We should be careful of what we drink."

"True," Calhoun agreed, "You never know if there's poison in something that you are consuming. Especially when you call someone to be guilty, the probability turns high. It must be hard for you when it comes to receiving gifts from others."

Dimitri's eyes hardened at the King's words, "Are you trying to imply something, King Calhoun?"

"I am?" Calhoun had an oblivious look on his face with his eyebrows raised before he cracked a smile. "I was speaking about gifts. Unfortunately today, Lady Helena is the only one who will be taking it home."

"You should be careful with your words, my King. You never know when they can be used against you," Dimitri warned Calhoun.

"You don't have to feel bad about not receiving the bottle of wine, Dimitri. If you want, we can arrange one for you," Dimitri frowned at Calhoun.

Dimitri knew Calhoun was in the wrong and he had something to do with the murder. Today was the day where he could have been put the King under further trial, but because of the opinions turning to a tie, his effort had turned back to square one. The King screamed danger, someone who wouldn't hold back in doing things his way and it was because when Calhoun had ascended the throne, he had changed every structure in the village and in the towns, replacing everything in the land the way he wanted it, to get the land under his own control.

There was something very off about him too, thought Dimitri in his mind because no matter what status a vampire belonged to, they had come to fear the members of the High House, but Calhoun Hawthrone liked to do the opposite.

When the time came to leave, Theodore brought the bottle of wine to the carriage where Helena stood next to the carriage door. The other High House members had already stepped into their carriage, and the one's at the front had left.

"What changed your mind?" asked Calhoun, his eyes curiously looking at her. He was well aware that Helena wanted to call him guilty just like Dimitri and the others.

"I thought it should be a fair trial," replied Helena, "I know Lilith called you guilty because of her feelings towards you. And I prefer people don't bring up their emotions when it comes to judgement."

Calhoun nodded. Helena was balancing the unfairness that took place during his trial.

There weren't many people in this world like her, someone who tried to be fair and honest. People like those often hit the dust sooner than the rest because of the low chance of survival amid the cunning men and women, thought Calhoun to himself.

Helena was ready to get into the carriage when Calhoun said, "Your judgement was fair today, but you let one of the culprits free." The woman's eyebrows furrowed on his words, wondering if he was speaking about himself until she saw him look in the direction where Catherine Barnes stood.

"Would you care to elaborate?" asked Helena, raising her eyebrows.

"If I did all the work, people in the High House will be jobless. Have a safe journey," wished Calhoun before turning around and walking up the stairs, where Madeline was waiting for him.

Madeline saw the carriages leave one after another, the last one being Helena Shawe's carriage. Her eyes then shifted to see Calhoun walking up the stairs.

"Everything alright?" she asked him.

"Everything is perfect," Calhoun gave her a crooked smile. It seemed like in the entire castle, he was the only person who was in a good mood while everyone else was worried about what was going to happen tomorrow.

Madeline wondered what else was going to take place today as the day was not over yet, and there was still time for Markus' execution.

"Did you know, you would be spared today?" Madeline asked him.

Calhoun didn't answer her, but his smile did broaden on his face, and she wondered what that meant.

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