Novel Name : Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Captivation: Want Nothing But You Chapter 120

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Captivation Want Nothing But You by Adolf Dunne

Alicia Fell Into The Water

“Miss Bennet?” Lukas called out to Rachel in confusion, seeing she had yet to respond after a long time.

Rachel’s eyes narrowed for a moment. Then, the corners of her lips curled up into a faint smile. “Nothing.

I was just asking,” she casually said, after which she yawned. It had been a long day, and she was

exhausted. After saying goodbye to Lukas, she headed upstairs to her bedroom. Rachel fell asleep the

instant her body hit the bed.

However, the welcome serenity didn’t last for long, she was soon jolted awake by a loud knock on her

bedroom door. “Miss Schultz is here to see you,” Lukas said from the other side of the door. Rachel

stared blankly at the door, trying to get her head together. After thinking for a while, she recalled who

Miss Schultz was and frowned. Although she was still sleepy, she got out of bed and waddled to the


“Lukas, did you say Alicia Schultz is here to see me?” She asked the moment she opened the door.

Lukas nodded politely and replied, “Yes, Miss Bennet. That’s what she said.” Lukas also found the

sudden visit strange. He knew Alicia quite well, as he had been working there for a long time. Back when

the old Mrs. Sullivan was still alive, she appreciated Alicia. If Rachel hadn’t been in the picture, she might

have married Victor.

It was the first time Alicia had been to the Sue Garden after Victor got married. ‘Why did she come here

so all of a sudden? Why would she ask to see Miss Bennet?’ Lukas pondered silently. He considered the

matter a serious one, though, and was thinking of calling Victor right away to fill him in on what was

happening. Rachel was pregnant, after all, and he couldn’t be completely certain that nothing untoward

would happen.

“Is she in the living room now?” Rachel asked, raising her eyebrows. Her voice was a little slow and

inadvertently languid, perhaps because she had just woken up. “No,” Lukas quickly said, pushing aside

his thoughts. “She is in the garden now.” Rachel nodded and walked away. When she walked into the

garden, she saw Alicia sitting on a chair at the corridor.

Atop the garden was a grape rack covered in lush, intertwining vines. The healthy vines cut through the

sunlight permeating the garden, forming thin light spots on the ground. As a cool breeze blew through

the surrounding, the surface of a small artificial lake nearly rippled. Many would consider this beautiful

garden a paradise.

When Alicia heard approaching footsteps, she looked straight at the archway. She stood up, folded her

arms across her chest, and arrogantly looked at Rachel, who had just walked in. Rachel didn’t care,

though. She just sat down on a garden chair nearby and stared silently, waiting for Alicia to speak.

As far as she was concerned, she had said all she needed to say to Alicia at the restaurant a week ago.

However, judging by Alicia’s sudden visit and haughty attitude, it seemed she hadn’t heeded her

warning, after all. “I heard you had a car accident that day,” Alicia said in a contemptuous tone. “I see

you’re perfectly fine, though. I couldn’t help wondering, Rachel, if you plan to frame me for this. Don’t

even think about it!” she sneered.

The confidence with which Alicia had uttered the accusation left Rachel speechless. She couldn’t help

but wonder how Alicia had jumped to that conclusion. Then, Rachel remembered that Victor said she

had stood in the middle of the road on purpose. They were quite identical. In fact, she could even say

they were well-matched.

In their eyes, Rachel was a vicious woman who would risk anything—even things as important as her life

and her baby’s life—to win sympathy To them, she was too cheap. Then… A thought suddenly crossed

Rachel’s mind, and she narrowed her beautiful eyes at Alicia. “I just know you were up to no good, but

unfortunately for you, your plan failed; Victor wouldn’t believe you,” Alicia said, snorting haughtily. It was

as though she hadn’t noticed the coldness in Rachel’s eyes. “Who told you I was in a car accident?”

Rachel asked, her voice suddenly turning cold as she stared down Alicia with hostility.

Alicia was taken aback.

Rachel stood up and walked menacingly toward her. “And who told you I was pregnant before?”

Rachel had been in the hospital for a week. She couldn’t go out and had nothing much to do, so she had

spent a considerable amount of time thinking about what happened that day. She had initially believed

the accident to be just that—an accident. However, the longer she thought about it, the stronger she felt

that something was wrong.

Back then, she barely got a moment to react before she was pushed to the middle of the road. The push

didn’t seem accidental by some hasty passer-by. Instead, it seemed someone already behind her had

pushed her into traffic at the right time. “I-I just heard about it,” Alicia stuttered, cowering a bit under the

intense stare. She felt a little guilty and subconsciously took a step back to keep her distance. “You just

heard about it?”

Rachel slowly asked in a scary voice. From who?” “My friend, of course!” Alicia answered defensively.

Then, she suddenly wondered why she was answering Rachel’s questions. “Rachel, are you trying to dig

another hole for me?” she demanded hotly. “I don’t have to tell you where I heard that from. It’s none of

your business! Why do I have to tell you anything?”

Rachel’s eyes narrowed. It was apparent Alicia was hiding something. This feeling wasn’t new to her.

Back then, at the restaurant, she also had a faint feeling that something wasn’t right, but she didn’t pay

the ominous feeling much attention. It was now clear that whoever was behind all this wanted to kill her.

“Alicia, do you think I won’t find out if you don’t tell me?” Rachel said with a faint smile. “I can tell you

clearly that someone pushed me onto the road on purpose.” “Are you insinuating that I pushed you?”

Alicia’s eyes widened. You had better watch your words!” she bellowed in outrage, reacting quickly.

“Rachel! Don’t try to frame me!” she yelled, pointing at herself. “Why would I push you?” Rachel’s eyes

turned colder. When she raised her head, the surface of her icy pupils reflected Alicia’s angry face.

“I saw you before the accident.” “So what?!” “Alicia, don’t you remember what you did?” Rachel asked

with a cold smile. “…” Alicia’s facial expression instantly changed. “Everyone knows we don’t get along.

That day, you ordered a table of food that was unhealthy for a pregnant woman. Do you think I didn’t

notice? And in less than an hour later, after we had parted ways, I got into the car accident,” Rachel

slowly said, drawing out her words on purpose. Alicia clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.

“I didn’t push you,” she stiffly replied, ditching her earlier arrogance. “I would never do that, no matter

how jealous I am of you. If I was really that shameless, why did I stop you from eating those dishes at the

restaurant in the first place?” Alicia quickly said. She wasn’t sure if Rachel would buy her claim, though.

It was apparent to her that those words weren’t enough to prove her innocence. After all, Rachel already

knew she couldn’t eat the food, so it wouldn’t have mattered if she hadn’t stopped her. Her words meant


This thought made Alicia panic. “I-I really didn’t push you. I—” “I know it’s not you,” Rachel said,

interrupting her. “But do you think others will believe it?” “…” Alicia trembled for a moment. “What do you

want,” she asked, biting her lip. “Who told you about my pregnancy and the car accident?”

Rachel asked in a calm and cold voice, staring straight into her eyes. Alicia struggled to contain her

emotions. Her lips trembled, and Maria’s face and warning appeared in her mind. She couldn’t tell

anyone. She had promised Aunt Maria she would never tell anyone. “I…” Alicia hesitated for a moment

and then said, “Rachel, just know it’s my friend who told me, and she won’t hurt you. Y-You’re just

overthinking this.”

“Oh?” Rachel sneered. “How are you sure she won’t?” Alicia was shocked. Her heart sank, and she was

momentarily at a loss for what to say in response. “Well? You can’t guarantee that she won’t hurt me,

right?” Rachel coldly said as she slowly walked forward. Alicia’s face turned whiter, and she continued

cowering backward subconsciously, unaware of the steps behind her.

Sensing that something was wrong, Rachel suddenly stopped. Narrowing her eyes, she looked behind

Alicia and quickly stretched her hand to grab her. Alicia, who thought Rachel wanted to hurt her, jerked

away and took another step backward. “Ah!” She cried out as she missed her step and tumbled into the

lake. Splash! The water’rose and splattered on Rachel’s pants.


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