Novel Name : Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Captivation: Want Nothing But You Chapter 293

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Rachel didn't loiter around the balcony for too long. The cold wind blew across her face, sobering her

up. She then turned around and left the balcony, and walked out of the room.

Upon her arrival downstairs, she saw Andy standing at the door and staring at something.

"Andy, what are you doing?" Rachel asked as she walked downstairs.

Upon hearing her voice, Andy composed himself and turned around at once. "Oh, Miss Bennet, you're


Rachel nodded in response and then she looked behind him. The lights in the yard weren't on, and only

stark darkness could be seen outside. From where she was standing, she couldn't see thing that was

happening outside.

Even when she took a closer look, she still saw nothing.

It was then that she turned her attention back to Andy. "I just got up. I saw you standing at the door

looking at something. What was it?"

"Nothing, Miss Bennet," answered Andy. He was stunned for a moment, and he immediately looked

away. "Anyway, Miss Bennet, I'll go heat up the food for you. You took a long nap this afternoon. The

food arrived soon after you fell asleep, but I didn't want to wake you."

For a moment, Rachel paused. "Okay," she said. She stared at his face for a while, and couldn't see

anything suspicious. Thus, after a moment of pondering, she nodded.

Somehow, she felt like Andy was hiding something, but it didn't seem that way.

She thought that she was just overthinking it.

While she was in thought, Andy said, "Miss Bennet, please wait in the living room and have a seat.

Dinner will be ready soon."

Having said that, he walked into the kitchen. After giving him a nod, Rachel turned around and went to

the living room upon his suggestion.

Unbeknownst to her, Ivan had been waiting outside for three hours.

Moments later, Andy came to the living room along with the heated food. Rachel hadn't eaten anything

for a whole day. So, when she smelled the food, she felt so hungry.

She then took the food from Andy and ate it in silence. And after a few minutes, she finished eating.

"Andy, you must've ordered food delivery many times in the past four years. You sure know which

restaurants serve the best food!" Now that she was full, Rachel became energetic. She put away the

lunch box with a smile, and intended to throw it into the garbage can.

Upon hearing her remark, Andy shook his head and smiled helplessly.

But even as he smiled, it seemed like he was still worried about something.

This time, Rachel noticed the look on his face. "Andy?"

"Yes, Miss Bennet?"

"I think I should ask you a question." Rachel returned to the sofa and sat down. "I noticed that you

seem to be troubled by something just now."

Andy pursed his lips, and he made no attempt to deny her observation.

Rachel wasn't in any hurry to interrogate him about what happened. She poured her

self a glass of water to dampen her dry throat, and patiently waited for him to speak. She had known

Andy long enough to know that if he wanted to tell her something, he would do it without her pressing.

Thus, all she needed to do was wait.

Andy's eyes glinted with hesitation. Moments later, he made up his mind. "Miss Bennet, have you

spoken to Victor lately?"

"Yes, I just met with him today," she replied. Andy's question caught her off-guard, but she admitted to it

right away.

"Then, are the two of you…"

After hearing the news from Ivan this afternoon, Andy had been feeling restless. The incident that

happened four years ago was still vivid in his mind. Now that Rachel had returned, she had gotten

involved with Victor yet again.

In all honesty, he wasn't sure how Rachel felt about Victor now.

All he knew was that if they got back together, Rachel would just end up getting hurt again. But even

though this was quite clear to him, Andy was aware that he had no right to stop them. Thus, he felt

conflicted about this whole thing.

He just knew that he didn't want that tragedy four years ago to happen again.

"I ran into him by accident. Don't worry. I won't associate myself with that man ever again," said Rachel.

It appeared as though she knew what Andy was worried about.

Andy fell silent for a moment, and a frown appeared on his face. "Actually, four years ago, after your

alleged death, Victor showed up here several times. It frightens me that he won't let you go now that he

knows you're still alive."

Rachel picked up the cushion on the sofa and leaned back with a grin. "You think so, huh? Do you think

he'll send someone to kidnap me and lock me up?" she asked.

Andy didn't respond. However, he believed that it was a possibility.

Rachel read his mind and replied, "He couldn't lock me up four years ago, and he sure as hell won't be

able to do it this time. Andy, I'm not the same person I was four years ago. I'm not that weak anymore."

Four years ago, after she was reborn, everything she had when she was Shelia disappeared. Abby, the

child, and the Bennet Group became her weaknesses. And for those same reasons, she decided to

take back everything she had lost.

But now, after four long years, Shelia, the renowned King of Hearts and the leader of the Red Hackers

alliance was gone. She had been replaced by Rachel. However, only Rachel herself knew that it took

her four years to regain everything that used to be hers.

At present, Rachel no longer had any weaknesses, and nobody would dare to go against her.

Upon seeing the determination on Rachel's face, Andy wanted to say something, but he bit his words

back. Even though he was worried, his apprehensions dissipated when he saw the look on her face.

"I'm curious. Who told you that I've met with Victor?" Rachel asked all of a sudden.


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