Novel Name : Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Captivation: Want Nothing But You Chapter 294

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"I..." Andy was stunned for a moment.

Rachel observed his expression, and then she suddenly remembered the car she saw while she was

on the balcony earlier. "Were you looking at the car parked by the gate?" she asked tentatively.

"Wait, you knew about it, Miss Bennet?" Andy replied, visibly shocked.

"Knew what?" Rachel raised her eyebrows. "You mean the car outside? Yep. I saw it upstairs earlier,

but I didn't know that you were looking at the car earlier. I was just guessing, but it seems like

something did happen."

"Miss Bennet, you…" Andy didn't know what to say at this point. Seeing her reaction now, he realized

that it seemed like he had fallen into her trap.

"Who's in the car?" she asked.

Andy pursed his lips, staring into her eyes. He couldn't bring himself to answer the question.

Rachel wasn't in any hurry, so she took a sip of water and replied, "If you don't tell me, then I can only

assume who it is."

Still, he remained silent. But upon hearing her words, his eyes fell on her.

Rachel lowered her gaze and stared at the water in the glass. After a while, she said, "I'm guessing the

person in the car is definitely not here to see you."

"What makes you say that?" asked Andy.

"If that person is here for you, they should've investigated you. That way, they would know that it would

be easier to find you by just waiting at your studio. So, I'm assuming the car isn't here for you. We're

the only people in this house. Whoever that person is outside, they are here for me. Is my assumption


Rachel wasn't asking, she was merely stating a fact.

Now that four years had passed, she had changed and improved a lot. She had become even more

intelligent than she used to be.

Andy was visibly surprised of the changes in her. Now, he was even more curious about what she had

experienced these past four years.

"Allow me to guess who's looking for me." Without waiting for his answer, Rachel continued, "As a

matter of fact, it's easy to guess who it is. Very few people know that I'm still alive. And this person

knew that he could find me here, so it's either Ivan or Victor.

I believe Victor can't get out of bed right now, so the only other person who could be in that car is Ivan."

Andy's face turned grim as he looked at her. "Sometimes, I wish that you weren't so smart, Miss


"Sadly, that's something I can't control. I was born this way," Rachel said with a grin.

"Well, you're correct. Ivan is waiting for you outside, and he's been there for three hours." Since he

couldn't hide it anymore, Andy decided to tell her the truth. "I'm sorry, Miss Bennet. I should've told you

the moment he came here."

"Why are you apologizing?" Rachel put down her glass of water. "Even if you had told me, he would

still be waiting until now."

She was no longer the same person she used to be. She wasn't going to let Victor do as he wished to

her ever again.

Thus, she resolved that she wasn't going with Ivan even if Andy had told her. And as for Joe, she

wasn't worried about him, because Victor's men were protecting him. It was clear to her that nobody in

Apliaria would be bold or fooli

sh enough to break into Sue Garden.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Andy frowned, wondering who was ringing the doorbell. He stood up and went to the vestibule to check

the surveillance camera. Meanwhile, Rachel remained seated, raising her eyebrows and smirking.

"Speak of the devil," she remarked.

Just as she had expected, Ivan showed up on the monitor, peering into the yard through the gate.

Andy turned his gaze back to Rachel, but said nothing. He was waiting for her instructions.

Rachel stood up. "It's cold outside. Let him in."

"Miss Bennet, if we let him in, he might—"

"He might what? It's two against one, Andy. Do you really think he can abduct me? Let him in. He won't

do anything, and I'm certain he's not foolish enough to do anything to me." Rachel was right. Ivan

wouldn't dare to harm her. If Victor found out about it, he would be in serious trouble.

After thinking about it, Andy resolved that she was correct. Thus, he nodded affirmatively before taking

his coat and going out.

Rachel was still a little hungry. Seeing that Andy had gone out, she went into the kitchen to look for

something to eat. And while she was looking, she thought that she should purchase some more daily

necessities if she wished to stay here for a while.

It had been four years since she returned. There were a lot of things in this house that needed to be


Moments later, Ivan and Andy entered the living room one after the other.

After glancing around, Ivan didn't find Rachel. Thus, he looked at Andy and asked, "Mr. Torres, is Miss

Bennet still asleep?"

The reason he rang the doorbell was that he saw Rachel standing on the second floor balcony just


Andy didn't respond. He just poured him a glass of water and placed it on the table. He didn't even

bother to look at him, let alone speak to him.

Without asking another question, Ivan sat on the sofa and continued waiting.

Three and a half hours had passed since he came here.

"Andy, are you free tomorrow? Do you mind going to the furniture market with me tomorrow? Some

furnishings in the house need to be replaced. We can have the bigger stuff delivered, but I'll need your

help carrying the small ones." Rachel walked out of the kitchen.

"I have a court hearing to attend tomorrow morning. It won't be over until noon," replied Andy.

"Then, I'll drive to the court and pick you up at noon. Let's have lunch before going to the furniture

market," said Rachel.

Andy nodded in response.

"Miss Bennet," said Ivan. They were acting as though he wasn't around, so he had to stand up and

interrupt their conversation.

Rachel pretended as though she just realized that he was here. "When did you come in, Ivan?"

Knowing that she was just pretending, Ivan was rendered speechless.

But he quickly composed himself. He hadn't forgotten why he was here. "Miss Bennet, Mr. Sullivan has

woken up."

"I see." Rachel sat down, seemingly apathetic about the news.

Upon seeing her reaction, Ivan didn't know what to say next. Feeling awkward, he stammered, "Miss

Bennet, my boss has asked me to come pick you up and take you to the hospital. So..."


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