Novel Name : Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Captivation: Want Nothing But You Chapter 518: Make A Choice (Part Three)

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All of a sudden, Andy’s forehead wrinkled into a frown. “The investigation team What do they want?”

“Um… They said it’s about the Sullivan Group.” The assistant could only shake her head, confused as to

why the investigator team would suddenly come to the Bennet Group. Moreover, it was definitely strange

that it had something to do with the Sullivan Group.

“Where are they?” Despite their unease, Rachel still sounded calm.

“They’re in the conference room on the 11th floor.” The assistant stood straight, yet she couldn’t stop

wringing her hands. Rachel then checked the time on her phone and learned it was almost noon. For

some reason, she could just surmise that their unexpected visitors had just finished their investigation in

Sullivan Group and come here right after that.

“Ask someone to prepare coffee for the investigation team. You go and tell them I’ll meet them with Andy

in ten minutes,” Rachel instructed her assistant the way she usually did. Even though the assistant

nodded, worry still lingered in her eyes.

“Miss Bennet, will they-”

“Everything will be fine.” Rachel smiled at her assistant without a trace of alarm. Fortunately, the

assistant took it as a sign that she shouldn’t worry. After all, if Rachel wasn’t concerned, then she must

already know how to deal with them. She calmed down a little and left the office to carry out her tasks.

When the assistant was no longer in sight, Andy looked at Rachel and found how calm and composed

she seemed.

“Were you already aware that they would come here?”


“But you…” It wasn’t until then that Andy came to his senses. Just now, Rachel pretended to be calm so

her assistant wouldn’t panic. He suddenly looked more serious.

“Those guys are always cautious. They won’t make a move so easily without evidence, but now they’re

here. I’m afraid they didn’t come empty-handed,” Of course, Rachel also knew that.

“But if it has something to do with the Sullivan Group, why would they involve us? Bennet Group has no

business dealings with them.”

Andy kept going as if he was thinking loudly. He tried to piece things together, but he couldn’t find an


“Shares.” Rachel immediately figured out what was going on.

Andy tilted his head and looked at her in confusion.

“Victor held forty-five percent of the Bennet Group shares around six years ago. That’s why they came

here,” Rachel explained patiently.

“They’re looking for the source of those shares.”

“Shares? Weren’t the shares under Victor’s own name? The shares had nothing to do with Sullivan

Group. Neither Sullivan Group or Bennet Group should be subject to investigation. Not to mention, he

had atrundy returned all the shares to the Bennet family two years later.”

Indeed, if Victor had bought the shares out of his own pocket, then it was a legitimate investment that

belonged to his personal properties. Therefore, it shouldn’t warrant an investigation.

However, it he purchased those shares with ill-gotten gains, that would be a different story. Although

Rachel didn’t have extensive knowledge of wheeling and dealing associated with business, the methods

were all pretty standard. It would seem that whatever was about to surface in their meeting with the

investigators involved a frame-up.

“What if someone wants those shares to be traced back to Sullivan Group?” Rachel Lowered her eyes.

At this point, there were a hundred things running in her mind. “Someone? Like who?”

The question reminded Rachel they had to get going, so she slid her phone into her pocket and started

walking. As a matter of fact, she already had an idea of who it could be, but she chose to keep it to

herself for now.

“It isn’t news that some people want to see Sullivan Group fall down so they can reap profits for their own


“I see.” Andy might be the Bennet Group’s lawyer, but he only had to deal with the daily operations of

the company. Although they hadn’t had much progress in the last four years, everything was well and

stable. He had yet to encounter problems of this size.

Needless to say, he panicked as soon as he heard about the appearance of the investigation team.

“Come on, let’s go meet them first.” Rachel patted his shoulder.

“Have you already come up with a solution?” However, Rachel just kept silent and shook her head.

Eventually, the two walked out of the office and headed straight to the elevator. Upon entering, Rachel

pressed the button to the eleventh floor. As the elevator started to move, Andy’s voice echoed from


“But you don’t look like you’re worried about it.”

“It’s not that I’m not worried. But I know the exact reason why those guys are here.”

After a deep sigh, Rachel continued, “Their target is Sullivan Group.”

Meanwhile, in the meeting room, the place was filled with deafening silence. There were five people on

the investigation team. All of them were in suits and wore stern faces.

When the assistant served them coffee, she inadvertently glanced at their badges and got stunned-their

names and titles revealed that each of them was a big shot. She couldn’t help but panic, thinking about

what these people were doing here. At that moment, the head of the investigation team checked his

watch and looked at the assistant with a serious expression.

“We’ve been here for ten minutes. Where is Miss Bennet?”

The assistant had already been uneasy for a while. Hence, when the disapproving voice of the team

leader suddenly broke the silence, she was instantly startled.

“She will be here soon, sir.”

The assistant took a deep breath to calm herself down. Since she was Rachel’s personal assistant, she

shouldn’t look incapable in front of these men. After all, Rachel’s image would also be affected. Clearly

dissatisfied with her answer, the man frowned.

“I’m sorry for keep you waiting.”

Before another impatient member of the investigation team could open his mouth, the door opened.

Right then, Rachel and Andy walked into the conference room and greeted them with a friendly smile.

“Hello, Miss Bennet.” The head of the team stood up and reached out to shake her hand.

“My name is Kent Bates. I’m heading this investigation team.” Rachel glanced at his badge. The man in

the ID photo looked exactly the same as the man in front of her, so serious and cold.

“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Bates.” Rachel shook hands with him and sat opposite him and his four team

members. While Andy took a seat next to Rachel, the assistant discreetly left the room. With a room of

seven people, the conference room seemed massive.

At first glance, it would appear as though Rachel and Andy were here for a deposition. For a moment,

everyone sat in silence. Kent took the time to size Rachel up and ended up admiring her a bit for her

calmness. He recalled some of their previous visits to other companies and how the people in charge

would either be too hospitable or too nervous whenever they met with the investigation team.

“You must be wondering why we paid you a visit today, Miss Bennet.” Kent soon went straight to the

point. Despite his appreciation of her attitude, he was scrupulous about his work responsibilities.

“I am, actually. Would you mind telling me? If there’s anything we could help you with, we’d be willing to


“Very well.” Kent then fixed the files inside the folder in front of him.

“Are you aware of the news about the Sullivan Group, Miss Bennet?”

“I’ve heard about it.”

“Alright, then. That would make things easier.” As he spoke, Kent took an investigation order from his


“This is the investigation order against the Bennet Group. Miss Bennet, please sign it.”


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