Novel Name : Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Captivation: Want Nothing But You Chapter 454: Kidnapped (Part One)

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The man didn’t expect that a child like Victor would attack him and grab his neck. He didn’t dare to

move fearing the Victor would slash his neck any second.

“Boss.” The man swallowed hard out of nervousness. He glanced at his boss who was standing a few

steps away. It happened sixteen years ago. Norton looked so young and arrogant wearing leather

clothes. He smiled contemptuously at Victor, whose height only reached his chest.

As if enjoying a great show, Norton lit up a cigarette and smoke in front of Victor. Holding the broken

glass tightly in his hand, Victor met Norton’s gaze.

“Kid, are you seriously threatening me with his life?” With a sneer, Norton added, “It won’t work. I have

a lot of men working for me, all of whom are more capable than that loser. If you want to kill him, do it!”

“Boss, you can’t let him kill me! You…” Victor’s grip on the man’s neck when the latter tried to speak.

Even though the man begged, Norton remained indifferent. His eyes were only focused on Victor.

“What are you waiting for? Kill him.”


As Victor’s eyes swept across the area, he roughly estimated that there were at least fifteen people

here; all of them were equipped with either baseball bats or knives. He could also tell at a glance that

they were trained for this.

In other words, Victor couldn’t possibly win against them. The fact that Norton was fine with him killing

one of his people made the situation more terrifying.

“Let the driver go.”, Victor’s small yet firm voice rang out.

The driver, whose upper body was pressed against the car, struggled when he heard what Victor said.

“No, Mr. Sullivan. Leave me here. Run!”

A trace of amazement flashed across Norton’s face.

“Kid, you can’t even protect yourself, how are you going to protect others? Well, let me tell you

something. Nice people don’t have nice endings.”. There was no response from Victor, so he

continued, “How about I give you two choices since you are such a good friend?”

Norton threw his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it as he walked forward

The closer he got, the harder Victor pressed the broken glass on the man’s neck. The sharp glass

grazed the man’s skin, causing blood to ooze out.

“The first choice is that I will let your driver go with some money. But you have to think it over. It’s not

guaranteed that your driver will call for help once he gets away. Maybe he will just run away with the


After all, if the driver went home without Victor, Carolyn would question him. How could the driver

explain how Victor was kidnapped?

If the Sullivan family decided to punish him, there was nothing he could do. But if these ruthless men let

him go and gave him some money, he could run away from the Sullivan family and live a good life. A

wise man knew which choice was better between the two.

“As for the second option…” With a playful smile, Norton continued, “I’ll give you a knife and you can

kill your driver.”

The driver’s eyes widened.

“Once you killed him, I’ll give you half an hour to escape. I’ll give you one minute to think about it. Kid,

think wisely. What’s more important? Your life, or the life of the person who may betray you?” Norton

tested Victor. The driver trembled in fear. He looked at Victor with pleading eyes and called out his


“Mr. Sullivan…”

Victor cast a quick glance at him before interrupting Norton who was just about to count down. “I don’t

need a minute to think.”

“Oh? Really? Have you made up your mind?”

“Let the driver go, and I’ll follow you.” That was the young Victor’s decision. Despite the possibility that

the driver might betray him, he couldn’t be selfish.

“Are you sure? Boy, you should know that this is your last chance to live.” Disappointed by his answer,

Norton squinted his eyes.

“Let me tell you the truth. Someone paid me to kill you. Do you really think that this is just a kidnap for

ransom? Let me say it again. Someone wants you dead.” These words would have frightened an

ordinary child, but Victor didn’t even flinch. His face remained expressionless.

“Let him go.”

For a while, Norton stared at Victor and waited if he would change his mind. He sneered when he

realized that Victor was serious.

“Boy, you will regret it.” The man holding down the driver released him.

True enough, Norton gave the driver a bank card too.

The driver looked at the bank card in his hand, and then at Victor. He knelt on the ground and said, “Mr.

Sullivan, thank you. Thank you!”

At this time, Victor threw the glass he was holding since he promise to go with the kidnappers.

“Just go,” he told the driver.


“Please call my grandma and tell her I’m grateful to her.”

‘Thank you for protecting and loving me for the past six years. Thank you for giving me home, and for

making me feel that I’m not alone.’ These were the words Victor hoped he could say to his


With bloodshot eyes, the driver bowed to Victor three times. If it were someone else who witnessed

such a dramatic moment, he would have been brought to tears. However, Norton only got annoyed.

“Are you leaving or not? If you don’t want to leave, you can stay here with him. Anyway, I don’t mind

killing one more person.”

Scared for his life, the driver stood up and limped away.

Looking at the driver’s receding figure, Norton chuckled and walked up to Victor.

“You idiot.” Suddenly, a loud gunshot echoed in the place. Before Victor could react, the driver, who

was running for his life, stopped. Then, he trembled and fell straight to the ground and never got up

again. Blood gradually flowed out from the man’s body, staining the road. With wide eyes, Victor turned

to look at Norton, who was holding a gun that was still pointing at the driver.

Norton shot the driver dead.

Because of this, Victor, who had always been nonchalant, was enraged.

“You broke your promise!”

“So what if I did?” Norton put away his gun, held Victor’s face and approached him.

“Boy, you should thank me for helping you get rid of a person who betrayed you. Besides, I just

promised you to let him go. Did I say that I wouldn’t kill him?”

When he tried to touch Victor, the latter shook of his hand.Norton ordered his men.

“Tie him up and take him away! If he resisted, beat him until he couldn’t move! But be careful, I don’t

want him to die so soon. He’s interesting.”


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