Novel Name : Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Captivation: Want Nothing But You Chapter 309

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“So, what’s the real reason?” Joey turned his head and met Carson’s piercing eyes. His voice became a

little tense, and his small hands on his thighs tightened. He was trying hard to hide his nervousness by

making him appear as natural as possible. However, he was still a kid. Carson instantly noticed the panic

in his eyes. He then raised his eyebrows and asked deliberately, “You seem to be nervous. What’s

wrong?” “Nervous? No, I’m not. Why would I be?”

Joey answered quickly but stiffly. “Really? Then, why is your forehead sweating?” Hearing this, Joey

immediately used his hand to wipe his forehead. But to his surprise, his forehead was actually dry. That

was when he realized that he had fallen in Carson’s trap. Knowing that he was deceived, he glared at

Carson. “Hey, little guy. I thought you weren’t nervous? Then, why would you believe me so easily? Why

were you so anxious to wipe your sweat off your forehead?”

A playful smile appeared on Carson’s face. Trying to regain his composure, Joey put down his hand and

said firmly, “I told you I’m not nervous. You just lied to my face! Do you really call yourself an adult? Don’t

you feel ashamed deceiving a child like this?” “Ha-ha!” Hearing Joey’s words, the driver in front couldn’t

help but chuckle. At the same time, Carson was rendered speechless. He stared at the boy, wondering

who had taught him to speak like this. He was so eloquent just now, calling out an adult for the wrong

that he had done. Carson wondered if it was because of his genes. But if the information the got was

correct, the little guy’s biological mother was just a poor student.

She was quite pretty, but she was an introvert. Therefore, she didn’t have that many friends. If so, did he

inherit this attitude from Odin? Carson thought that it was more unlikely. There was a saying stating that

enemies knew you better than yourself. In fact, he and Odin didn’t like each other for many years, but he

knew Odin well. He was even more dull than Victor. In high school, Odin couldn’t win when he had to

quarrel with girls. Thus, he would just resort to doing dirty things behind their backs. “Focus on driving!”

Carson felt embarrassed and scolded the driver. “Sorry, Mr. Scott.” The driver immediately stopped

smiling and got back to driving. At the same time, Carson’s phone rang, so they had to stop discussing

the topic for now.

Joey let out a long sigh of relief, but the pressure enveloping in his heart was still there. ‘If he suddenly

asked me about it, he must have sensed that something is wrong. I have to be more careful from now

on!’ Joey thought very hard, recalling how his relationship with Carson played out.

He wondered what kind of mistake he did for a dense man like Carson to notice that something was

amiss. When he was still lost in his thoughts, Carson finished the phone call. That was when he saw the

serious look in Joey’s eyes. He had just received a call from his subordinate, who reported the current

whereabouts of Joey’s mother. If nothing went wrong, they would be able to bring her back soon enough.

Ding! At the same time, a message was sent to Carson’s phone. It was a picture of a woman with simple

clothes, carrying a dish in her hand. It seemed that she was a waitress at some local restaurant. was a

This woman was said to be Joey’s biological mother. At this time, Carson looked at the photo and then

looked at Joey. From his perspective, they didn’t look like each other at all. Then, Carson searched for

another photo of a woman in his phone. It was Rachel. Carson raised his phone once more, looking at

Joey and the photo of Rachel side by side.

To his surprise, Rachel’s eyes were really exactly the same as the little guy’s. For now, he had a theory.

However, there wasn’t any evidence to support it. Just saying that their eyes looked exactly the same

wouldn’t be enough to prove their connection. Therefore, Carson didn’t say anything for now. He had to

find more clues if he wanted to prove his theory Nonetheless, the answer would be clear when they

secured the boy’s biological mother. After a while, they finally arrived in the Salazar Group. The car

slowly stopped at the gate of the Salazar Group’s building, and there were quite a few people waiting


Joey looked out of the car window and saw the couple standing behind a row of people. Before he could

say something, Carson’s voice resounded. “That old couple are Mr. and Mrs. Salazar. Originally, they

would become Victor’s parents-in-law soon.” After saying these words, Carson quickly got out of the car.

Then, the driver also out of the car and walked around to open the door. Under the gaze of the crowd,

the driver assisted Joey to get out. At the same time, Carson walked towards the child. Joey then raised

his head, looked at Carson, and asked, “I don’t understand. Originally?

Did something go wrong?” He heard that his father was going to marry Susan later. And he was

confused with what Carson said just now. i “It’s because of this.” Carson just waved a contract in his

hand and didn’t give any definite detail. One of the terms of this contract was that the engagement

between Susan and Victor would be officially cancelled. But considering that Joey was just a child,

Carson thought that it was unnecessary for him to explain such a complicated thing. “Has anyone ever

told you…” Joey looked at Carson with a frown and paused.

Carson was also a little surprised, not knowing what the kid meant. So, he raised his eyebrows and

asked, “What?” . “Not only do you talk a lot, but you also don’t know how to say things clearly.” Joey

sighed. “That is not a good indication.” “Indication of what?”

“Oh, don’t you know? In the early stage of Alzheimer’s disease, the patients tend to speak unclearly, just

like what you’re doing. Don’t worry. I know a skilled doctor. I can introduce you to him if you like Joey said


Realizing that the kid was mocking him again, the corner of Carson’s mouth twitched. “Should I thank

you then?” “Not really. But you’re welcome.” “You little…” “Carson.” Suddenly, the old couple, James and

Tammy walked up to them, wearing a huge smile. With the contract in his hand, Carson patted Joey’s

head aggressively as his evenge. Then, with a smile on his face, he also greeted, “Mr. and Mrs. Salazar,

long time no see.”


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