Novel Name : Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Captivation: Want Nothing But You Chapter 372: A Trap (Part Four)

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There was a brief silence in the other line. Then, Victor said, “Bye.” He ended the call without giving

Carson the opportunity to respond.

Carson’s eyes narrowed and the corner of his mouth twitched, it seemed that things have gone quite

different from what he planned. He had thought that once Victor learned that Rachel was with Roger,

he would ask him where they were and then go look for her. However, Victor was surprisingly calm.

Carson even believed that seeing the depressed and regretful man in the past four years was an

illusion. Nonetheless, he had already led Rachel to the villa.

Carson shrugged it off and still sent Victor the villa number, muted the phone, and tossed it on the

passenger seat. A smile formed on his lips. “As a friend, this is all i can do.” He stepped on the

accelerator. The Ferrari pulled out of the parking lot and drove away from the Waterfront Hotel.


A message popped out. Victor’s eyes narrowed as he examined Carson’s text message on his phone.

When he was done reading, he deleted everything in a swipe. .

He tightened his fists unconsciously as he closed his eyes. Just when he had calmed down, Rachel’s

face appeared in his mind again. He missed her so much and his heart longed for her. He couldn’t help

but murmur her name in a hushed voice. There was a garden between the hotel’s main hall and the

villas for the guests. In the garden, there were various crisscrossed trails. The air was refreshing and it

was also incredibly quiet. Many customers who dined at the hotel’s restaurant enjoyed taking a stroll

through the garden.

There were dimmed road lamps on both sides of the cobblestone path, allowing people to see the way

while giving them an aesthetic feel. Rachel looked at the sign and proceeded to the villa the waiter had

just mentioned. However, despite walking for more than ten minutes, she was unable to find the villa.

She grimaced as she checked the time on her phone. She changed her SIM card after coming back

and she wasn’t able to save Clara’s phone number yet. Because of that, it was impossible to contact

her and it might take forever to find her at this rate. Luckily, a woman who appeared to be working at

this place was passing by and Rachel quickly walked up and called out to her.

“Hello, what can I do for you?” the staff asked respectfully as she looked at Rachel. “I’m sorry to bother

you, but where can I find this villa?” Rachel told the woman the villa number. ” “It’s still a long way from

here. How did you get here? You took the wrong way. The villa is in the opposite direction.”

The woman was obviously surprised. ‘In the opposite direction?’ “But I followed the sign here…” Rachel

murmured. “Oh! Yes, ma’am. We’re very sorry. A drunk guest broke the sign yesterday. We haven’t

repaired it yet. It’s our honest mistake.”

The corner of Rachel’s mouth twitched. She had walked such a long way but she was actually getting

farther and farther from where she was supposed to go. “I see. So I should take that way?” Rachel

pointed in the direction the staff had told her just now. She needed to give the medicine to Riley and

she didn’t have time to care about the sign.

“Yes. Let me take you there. It’s the least I could do.” “Thank you.”

“Please, follow me.” The woman turned around and led the way. Rachel walked closely behind her.

Some people were chatting on the garden bench, while others strolled across the garden. But as

Rachel walked further, the garden became deafeningly quiet. Except for her and the woman, there was

no one else.

“We’re almost there. The villa is in front of us,” the woman said with a smile as she turned to Rachel.

Rachel nodded and looked up, noticing a villa with lights turned on not far away. The woman evidently

quickened her pace when they were about to arrive as if she couldn’t wait. She appeared to be a little

jittery. Rachel had her movements in sight.

Soon, they arrived at the door of the villa.

“This is our stop. You can go in now, ma’am.” The woman stood at the entrance, smiling at Rachel as if

she wasn’t the one who had just walked in a haste. Rachel cast a cautious glance at the closed door

and her eyes darkened as she looked back at the woman. “Who’s inside?”

“What?” The woman was taken aback by the question, and her smile froze. “I wasn’t walking in the

wrong way, and the sign wasn’t broken, right? This isn’t the villa I want to go to, is it?” Rachel had a

slight grin on her face. Her eyes, on the other hand, were cold and penetrating. Her deep stare jolted

the woman, making her face turn pale.

“Miss Bennet, I… I don’t understand what you mean.” The displeasure on Rachel’s face made the

woman nervous. “How do you know my last name is Bennet?” Rachel’s eyes grew sharper.

The woman’s complexion turned paler. “I… I…” “Tell me, who sent you here? Why did you bring me

here?” Rachel remained still in her place, but she seemed to have everything under control. A bead of

sweat on the woman’s brow rolled down from the corner of her forehead and eventually fell to the

ground. “No one sent me here.” Her hands were clenched tightly. “Since you don’t want to tell me, I’ll

take a guess.”

The woman gulped in response when she heard Rachel’s remark. “Is it Susan? Did she ask you to take

me here?” Rachel raised her eyes and gave her a firm look. The woman’s legs almost gave out as she

heard Susan’s name, nearly falling to the ground. It was already obvious because of her body

language, but she refused to admit it by shaking her head. “No, not at all!” “Why did Susan give you the

order?” Rachel crossed her arms and started to take a few steps forward. Her tone was calm, but the

aura she was giving off intimidated the woman in front of her.

The woman bit her lower lip and shook her head continuously. “Even if you don’t admit it, do you think

Susan will let you go once she learns that you haven’t completed your task?” Rachel said with a faint


“No, that won’t happen. She isn’t going to make things difficult for me,” the woman mumbled. Then she

noticed Rachel’s smug face. She quickly realized she had betrayed Susan and covered her mouth in

shock. Rachel continued to stare her down, then she glanced at the villa’s door once more with dark

eyes. With a guilty huff, the woman lowered her head in disbelief. She didn’t dare to talk and tightly

clenched her clothes. “Since you’re so stubborn, then come in with me,” Rachel coldly said. “No, no!”

When the woman heard Rachel was going to drag her in, she abruptly raised her head, turned back,

and attempted to flee. However, Rachel swiftly grabbed her arm. “Miss Bennet, please don’t…” The

woman begged with teary eyes, knowing that she couldn’t get rid of Rachel. “I can’t go in.”

You can’t? Why? I thought you said no one sent you? Aren’t you going to escort me inside?” Rachel

looked at her coldly.

There is a man inside…” the worker remarked in a trembling voice after a little pause.

The trembling woman was afraid to continue, but Rachel was well aware of the situation. Miss Bennet,

Miss Salazar asked me to do this… I had no other choice. If I didn’t do this, I would lose my job. I have

to take care of my grandma, so I can’t risk losing it.”

And then?” Rachel raised a brow. “Pardon me?” The woman didn’t understand what she meant. “I don’t

think Susan just wants me to spend a night with a man. What will happen if I go inside?”\

The woman swallowed nervously and looked at Rachel with uneasiness. Finally, she began to speak.


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