Novel Name : Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Captivation: Want Nothing But You Chapter 225: Cut Her Finger

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Half an hour ago.

After following the maid to dress up, Rachel didn't immediately return to her room. Instead, she went to

a remote area on the other side of the deck. There was a clear yellow mark on the floor, which was a

platform for a helicopter to land. The staff would occasionally come up here to rest.

But since most of them were attending the celebration party tonight, there was no one else here at the

moment. Rachel leaned forward slightly with her elbows against the railing, letting the refreshing sea

breeze blow through her thick black hair.

Suddenly, the sound of rushing footsteps came from behind.

"Boss, it's Alice. Watch out!" Quintin's urgent warning resonated from Rachel's earpiece.

The attacker quickened her pace, closing in on her target like a vicious predator. A sneer formed at the

corner of Rachel's mouth. She had expected this assault on her and was well-prepared for it. With a

fierce look in her eyes, she calmly turned around.

"Rachel, I'll kill you!" Alice screamed at the top of her lungs and charged forward with a knife in hand. In

the heat of the moment, she didn't notice the rope lying across the floor.


Caught unaware, Alice tripped over the rope and fell heavily to the floor. Her knees hit the floor, and

she cried out in pain while the knife fell a few feet away from her. Rachel simply stood there with an icy

gaze directed at the dazed Alice.

Trying to ignore the searing pain in her legs, Alice forced herself to get back up and grabbed the knife

with her hand. But before she could even take a step forward, her knees soon buckled, and she fell

once more.

Alice couldn't exert any strength, as if her ankle was tied to something. No matter how hard she

wriggled and squirmed, she couldn't break loose from it.

The veins on the back of her palm suddenly turned red.

It seemed that the drug was taking effect again.

The rope that tripped her was right next to her feet, but she felt that it was tightly wrapped around her

ankle. There was a wild look in Alice's eyes as she tried hard to tug at the rope with all her effort,

desperate to break free. But in reality, she was pulling on her own trousers.

Within seconds, a loud crack rippled in the night air. Alicehad just ripped her trouser legs.

But she didn't stop tugging. The crazed woman looked atRachel with wide eyes and shouted, "Untie

me! Untie menow!"

It lasted for two minutes. Because Alice pulled on the trouser legs with brute force, the palms of her

hands turned red as her nails sunk through the fabric into her own flesh. At that point, some wounds

were starting to show. But Alice didn't seem to feel any pain at all. Her attention was solely on the

imaginary rope.

Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of the knife in her hand and grinned in delight.

"Knife! Cut the rope with this knife! It should break me loose! That's right! This knife is the key!" Alice

murmured more gibberish to herself excitedly and looked up at the silent woman staring at her.

"Rachel, you can't hold me down forever! You can't kill me!" :

As she finished her words, she slashed at her ankle without hesitation.

Alice sawed off the imaginary rope with all her strength. Soon, the blade was soaked in blood.

The excruciating pain was so intolerable that it finally stimulated Alice's nerves, making her sober for a

moment. When she saw the knife in her hand and the deep cut on her ankle, her pupils widened in



Alice dropped the knife to the floor.

Howling in pain, she scrambled desperately to apply pressure on her wound as she saw the steady

stream of blood flowing out.

What in the world just happened?

Didn't she just cut the rope?

Alice's bizarre behavior, hallucinations, and impulsive reactions were all because of the drug Rachel

had given her. It was working perfectly. Struggling to gather her thoughts, Alice recalled that she was

locked inside the restroom of the Western restaurant by Rachel the day before.

Since then, her mind had been in a fog, unable to control her actions and make wise decisions.

The sheer pain in her ankle sobered her up quite a bit. The events last night flashed through her mind

like a blurry movie, and the scene of the blade flashing in front of her appeared in her memory.

Her pupils dilated in shock as Alice looked down at her trembling right hand.

Seeing things clearly for the first time, she felt the brunt force of trauma piercing through the walls of

her fragile mind.

The little finger on her right hand was wrapped in white gauze stained with fresh blood. But even if it

was covered, it was not difficult to notice that her little finger had become even shorter.

As she started to get her bearings, a haunting piece of memory shook Alice to the core. Last night,

Rachel held a knife and cut her finger.


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