Novel Name : The Alpha's Slave Mate

The Alpha's Slave Mate Chapter 17

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Chapter 17Chapter Seventeen

Caleb’s Point of View

I have never felt so hopeless as I did when my mate started crying. These were not tears like you see

on television. This was full out sobbing from the heart. It twisted my stomach up knowing that she has

endured so much mental and emotional pain in her lifetime. It also makes me angry that people have

treated like this so much that she believes that she does not deserve to be love. I made a vow right

there and then that I would spend the rest of my days ensuring that she knows that she is loved and

adored. : When she pulled back from me, I wanted to show her that her life would be different moving

forward. I have Waited so long for my mate that I was ready to beg her to stay with me. To give us

achance. I am hoping with time and patience that she will come to love me and need me as much asI

need her. I know that my pack will accept her with open arms. They have been waiting for me to find

my mate.

I do need her; I crave just being in her presence. She does not realize her affect on me yet. Just sitting

near her brings a peace to my mind that I have never known. I meant every word that I said to her, she

is as important to my life as my next breath. Iam aware that I was very close to being a feral wolf, she

saved me. She saved my pack. I had made Theo swear to me that if I ever went feral, that he would

end my life. I knew that it would break his heart to do so, but a feral Alpha can destroy his pack without

mercy. For the greater good of our pack he agreed. '

I am going to have to take things slow with Daphne. I do not want her to ever be afraid of me.

Hopefully, Hannah and a few of the other pack females will help her get dressed. I am so excited that I

get to teach my mate to dance. Imagining holding her in my arms tonight is like envisioning heaven on

earth. Just when I thought that my imagination could not get any better, I hear the shower turn on.

My mind immediately switched to more carnal thoughts. Knowing that my mate was so close, and

naked was driving me crazy. Imagining every water droplet caressing her body, trailing down her arms,

falling from her perfect breasts. My dick was throbbing, begging for release. I had never been this hard

it was almost painful. I briefly thought about using my hand to end my suffering but I do not know how

long it is going to take Theo to find Hannah, and I do not want to be in sucha compromising situation

when they alrive. '

I start pacing the room, hoping that it will help me calm down. When that does not work, I start a series

of pushups, anything at this point to distract me. Surprisingly, it is working, until she turns the shower

off. She slowly opens the bathroom door, peaking out. I am still in the push up position, so I see her

lovely toes first, I allow my eyes to travel up. Her legs are perfection, slim but muscular. The bottom of

the towel only hits mid-thigh and I groan wishing I could see all her beauty. I want to kiss her from her

perfect toes all the way up to her delectable lips. |

I bound up to my feet. “What do you need sweetheart?” I could not resist walking a little closer to her.

“Um, I didn’t know if I should put my old clothes back on or wait for your person to come.” Her voice is

so soft. I can tell that she is still very unsure of the whole situation. Once again when she speaks, she

casts her eyes towards the floor. °“Daphne please do not look down when your speaking to anyone.” I walk over to her and gently lift her

head up from the chin. Her beautiful eyes are so full of questions, and worry. I watch a drop of water

run from her hair line, down her nose, and fall on to her perfect lips. I cannot help myself and I lick it off.

She tenses slightly but does not pull away. : I wrap my arms around her, pulling her into my chest.

“Daphne I will never hurt you. I will never do anything that you do not want me to do. If I ever step out

of line, you only have to say stop. To hurt you would be like ripping my own heart out and shredding it. I

know you are scared and that everything is changing fast. I will try to go slowly, give you time to adjust.

Please try not to look down at the floor when we are talking though. I love your eyes. I get lost in them

every time I look at you.” I want her to know that she is the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes

on. I Kiss the top of her head, and she is slowly relaxing into me. This moment is pure ecstasy for me.

We stayed like that until Theo came and knocked on the door. Although I did not want to stop touching

my mate, I pulled back and looked into her eyes. “ Iam going to go let them in. Do not be afraid of

anyone in my pack. I promise that I will not let anyone hurt you at all.

I do need you to step back into the bathroom for a moment though.” I see the confusion wash over her

face at my words, and I need to clarify. |

“Daphne you are my mate. You are currently in only a towel and there is about to be another man in the

room. Theo is my best friend, but I would rip his eyes out if he even glanced your way right now. You

are my mate, and I could not stand another seeing you barely dressed.” °She laughed. Oh, by all that is light and beautiful in the world my mate actually laughed. The sound

was like angels singing. “What is so funny?” “Nothing, just no man has ever looked at me really and

here your ready to blind your best friend.” Her eyes are twinkling, and I can not help but smile back at

her. She turns and walks back into the bathroom, and I can not help but watch every move she makes.

I walk over and greet Theo. Behind him I can see Hannah, and it looks as if Hannah has round up three

other girls as well.

“Hi Alpha, Theo said that you needed our help so we gathered what we could. We need some help

getting a few of the larger bags up the stairs though.” Hannah is light and bubbly as she speaks.

“No problem Hannah. The young woman I want you to help is in the bathroom right now. Theo and I will

carry up the bags and give you ladies some time to help her get ready for tonight.” I want Daphne to

have some time to get ready and I knew that Hannah would not let me down. “I am going to move a

few things into Theo’s room and then we will grab the bags.” I go and grab my suit for tonight and usher

Theo out of the room. The girls happily start piling in, already talking about shoes.

“Oh Hannah, I need you to know a few things. The young lady you are helping came from a situation

like yours, her name is Daphne.” I take a deep breath before I continue. “Hannah she is also my mate,

so please treat her accordingly.” I hear the collective gasps from the room. Hannah is practically

bouncing around with joy. Before the end of tonight everyone will know that I have found my mate. °

Theo and I quickly retreat after my truth bomb, heading to his room so that Ican lay my suit inside.

“So how are you feeling?” Theo does not mince words. He knows how worried I was that I would not

find my mate at all.

“I can not describe it Theo. I am elated and scared all at the same time. All I want to do is hold her near

me and inhale her scent all the time. I am scared though because of everything that she has been

through she does not even trust that we are mates. In truth I practically had to beg her to give usa

chance. I have never had to beg anyone before, but I would gladly grovel to her.” When I am talking to

Theo, I do not have to hide anything. Our bond has been forged many times both through happiness

and sorrow. '

“It will take time with her, but I distinctively heard her laughing before we came into the room so there is

hope. You are going to have to go slow with her Caleb. Treat her very well, learn about what she likes

and does not like. Take your time and I can see you two growing into a great couple.” Theo’s words

lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. I can go slow with Daphne. Now that we found each other we

had nothing but time.

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