Novel Name : The Alpha's Slave Mate

The Alpha's Slave Mate Chapter 55

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Chapter 55Book 2 Chapter 3

Caleb’s Point of View

While Daphne was in the bathroom getting ready for the day I decided to go to the kitchen and prepare

her a

breakfast. Today will be the first day that she has left our room since she found out that the baby was

not viable. Even though she has taken some meals in our room, I do not feel that she has been eating

enough and her weight loss is now visible. Staring around the kitchen at the cabinets I wonder what I

can cook that will guarantee that she will eat. 1

While I am not a culinary expert, I have picked up a few things along the way. I hurry and begin pulling

out bacon, sausage, eggs, and fruit. I have no idea what Daphne will want to eat so I decide to make a

few things so that she may

choose. I start the bacon and sausage first before whipping some eggs in a bowl. My eye catches the

cupboard where we keep the starch ingredients and I pull out some English Muffins as well as some

pancake mix. Too soon I am trying to keep up with all the burners I have going.

All of a sudden, I hear laughter behind. me, and it is the most melodious sound on this Earth. “What are

you laughing at mate?” I cannot stop myself from asking her in a teasing voice.

“Caleb, are you feeding the entire pack this morning? This is way too much food for just you and I.”

I turn and look at her sheepishly,

knowing that I have been caught redhanded in the act I decide to confess my intentions. “I was not sure what you

would find pleasing this morning, so I

made a little of everything. Pull up a seat

it is almost done.” Even in her baggy clothing my mate takes my breath away.

She is fierce and fragile all rolled into one.

I try to refocus on the stove to find that

the bacon has crisped a little more than I would have liked. I quickly turn

everything off and pile a plate high with

food for her to choose from.

Daphne thanks me as she takes the plate. from my hands and starts picking at the crispy bacon. I grab

a plate of food and sit

across from her at the bar.

“I think I like the bacon better this way.” Daphne says to me as she takes another crunchy bite. I am

sure that she is trying to make me feel better about crisping it. Either way I am just happy to see her

eating. As we both dig into our plates, I begin to form a plan in my mind. Daphne has been helping with

training the wolves that we have found to have special

abilities. Since Theo needs some time to cement his bond with his mate, now is the perfect time for

Daphne to take on additional training. 2Hopefully, I will find a way to bring the subject up to her today. I think that she needs something that will

pull her mind away from the lost babe. She excels at

training, and she loves helping people so essentially, I will be killing two birds with one stone. By the

time we are finished I am feeling pleased with my plan. Sending a quick thank you to the Moon

Goddess for the idea, I inform Daphne that it is time to go.

The appointment goes better than I had expected. The doctor checked Daphne over both internally and

externally and found no issues with her healing. I ensured to confirm that she could resume

some of her duties. The doctor gave her

the clearance to resume most of her duties but advised her not to engage in sparring, or combat for

another week. I

tried to find a moment to ask the doctor if

there were any updates on if Daphne could carry pups in the future, but Daphne beat me to the punch.

The doctor quickly mind linked me and asked if I had informed her. I quickly signaled that I had not.

There was a deep sigh before she heard the news. “You suffered great abuse when you were younger

that created a lot of scar tissue. I will have to continue to monitor you to see how you heal to make that

determination; however, in my professional opinion I do believe that you will be able to have pups in the

future. With your permission we can start the process of scraping the scar tissue away with in the

month. Since we are of Lycan descent the healing will go quickly, and I

doubt that there would be any additional

problems. I do advise that you take

precaution in the meantime to avoidpregnancy.”

I had not realized that I was holding my breath until the doctor finished

explaining everything to us. Daphne could still have pups. I felt bad that my mate would have to

undergo additional procedures to be able to carry pups, but I know now that it is important to her. I look

at Daphne and its as if a massive

weight has been lifted off her shoulders. She smiles and thanks the doctor, and then proceeds to

schedule the follow up


Walking back to our home I decide that now is the perfect time to implement my plan from earlier.

“Since the doctor has cleared you and said that you are doing well, I am hoping that you will help me

with a problem.” Daphne looks at me questioningly and I take a deep breath before continuing. “As you

are aware Theo and Scarlett need some time to cement their bond. They have both been through

some traumatic experiences and I know that it has caused some strain on their relationship. Theo is my

best friend, not just my Beta and I want the best for him.” Daphne is nodding letting me know that she

agrees with my statement. “Unfortunately, Theo has been the main trainer for our special wolves. My

duties as Alpha has left me with very little time to assist. The only other person that

knows our special wolves like Theo is you.” I glance at her to make sure that she is still following my

now long- winded speech. “I want to give Theo more time with Scarlett, but I cannot sacrifice the

additional training that our special wolves need. I know that you have worked closely with Theo on their


schedule, so I was wondering if youwould take over their training for a few weeks to give Theo and Scarlett some time together?”

Daphne seems to mull over this idea, and I worry that she is going to decline the offer. “I have been

working with Theo on specialized training that focuses on honing their special abilities and trying to

help them grow as warriors. I am not sure how good I will be at the job, but I do agree that Theo and

Scarlett deserve some time to cement their relationship.”

I feel a pang of guilt course through my body, and I know that I need to be completely truthful with my

mate. “I also think it will be good for you to have something to focus on right now as well.” I grab her

hand stopping her walking and pull her tightly to my chest. “I love you Daphne more than the air that I


There is nothing that I would not do to lessen your pain my mate.”

I feel her sniffle against my chest, and I know that I have touched a cord in her heart. I simply hold her,


rubbing my hands across her back. I will always try to protect and shield her from pain, but for now all I

can do is hold her and let her know that I am here.

Once she wipes the tears from her eyes we continue our trek home.

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