Novel Name : The Alpha's Slave Mate

The Alpha's Slave Mate Chapter 24

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Chapter 24Chapter Twenty-Four

Caleb’s Point of View -

I really hated leaving my mate. She was vulnerable right now and I wanted to stay and comfort her

some more. I know that she is going to sleep fora while, she unloaded a lot of emotional baggage that

she has kept locked away for a long time. That kind of emotional release tends to be exhausting both

physically and mentally. I made sure that she was secure in the bed before I headed out assess the

damage of tonight. ~

Theo let me know that he is outside the manor house by the back door. I take the back stairs down,

retracing my steps from this morning. Thinking about this morning makes me realize just how much my

life has also changed in such a short period of time. Heading towards the woods this morning I was

fearful of becoming a feral wolf, almost sure that the Moon Goddess had forgotten to create a mate for

me. Now here I am with my mate upstairs, ready to wage war on those that have hurt her.

Stepping outside I take a deep inhale of the night air. I love the cool crisp smell of the dirt, pine needles,

and fall scents. Theo is standing close to the door and I see that Marcus is with him.

“How was the rest of the ball?” I cannot stop myself from being slightly quirky, hoping that it will lift

some of the tension.

“The ball was fine, although Hannah is ready to go to war with this pack. I think she really cares for

Daphne. After you two left, things did settle down. There was a slight mishap between one of our

warriors and a male from the Mission pack over a female, but it was handled peacefully. I ensured that

everyone in our pack was safe, and they know to mind link if anything is wrong. Alpha Jason has

requested an audience with you in the morning.” Theo finished his report with a sigh.

“I will meet with him in the morning then. I want it to be early. I would like our pack ready to move out

no later than noon tomorrow. I believe that staying here will soon turn hostile, and Iam excited to get

Daphne home and settled. I want her to experience some normalcy, and she will not get that here.”

Theo understands more than anyone what I mean.

“Caleb, I have to ask you why you did not inform me of your mate’s circumstances?” I knew that

Marcus would eventually ask, and I could hear the hurt in his voice.

“I had planned to tell you privately after the ball. Daphne had never been allowed to go to any dance, or

social function and I was hoping that tonight would be magical for her. I did not say anything about her

upbringing when your mate asked about how we met because I was not sure if it would embarrass her.”

Just like when Iam speaking with Theo, I can be honest and open with Marcus as well. I know that he

will have some understanding. “I feel like a fool really, I never considered her mother to be a real threat to her before tonight. Perhaps

it was my male ego at play but when I discovered her station in life, I placed most of the blame on her

father. I made it clear to him this afternoon when he signed the contracts that she was mine, and that

no one was to harm her. Evidently he failed to pass along the information to his pack.” It is hard

admitting the truth to my friends. As an Alpha I am supposed to think three steps ahead of everyone.

Strategize how to keep my pack safe. Tonight, I failed.

“Your mate is very strong my friend. I am sure that with time, and distance from this place she will

become a great Luna. Lola adores her already and is looking forward to coming to your mating

ceremony. I had hoped to invite you to ours as well, but we have not set a date yet.” Marcus, Theo, and

I have started walking at a lazy pace, not really headed anywhere but too full of energy tonight to stand

still. :

“I would be honored to be at your mating ceremony, and I am sure Daphne would love to be there as

well. If you do not mind me asking why have you not set a date yet? Ido not mean to pry, but your mate

seems to love you as much as you love her.” Iam hoping that Marcus does not take offense to my


“I do believe that Lola loves me, and she has fully accepted me as her mate. We have already marked

each other, but we are having some disagreement on living arrangements. There is also the possibility

that she may be pregnant.” I look at Marcus ready to congratulate him, but the look on his face says

that he is not happy about that news. Hanging his head slightly Marcus goes on to tell us that Lola hada boyfriend before him and that there was a possibility that she may be carrying his child. It is not

uncommon for wolves to have lovers before they find their mates. After all, in a sense we are animals.

Sex is normal in our community. It is unusual though to not be super careful about not producing pups

until you find your mate. Ihave seen a few instances of pups being born out of wedlock, but it is few and

far between. If this does happen usually the mate will adopt the pup as if it were their own.

“So, if she is pregnant, do you plan of adopting the baby?” Theo asks the question that was on my

mind. : “Probably, I mean it is what is expected. Although I have been hoping and praying that she is

not with child. Iam blessed beyond a doubt that I found her, unfortunately life has been so hectic that

we have not even had time to see a doctor to confirm whether she is or is not pregnant. I know it

sounds selfish and childish, but I want our first child to be of my blood.” I can tell that Marcus is

ashamed of his own words.

“No offense meant, but yes you are being childish.” Both Marcus and I snap our heads to look at Theo.

Theo is staring up at the sky though and does not see the shock that has registered on my face yet.

“You both are so lucky; you have your mates. Yes, there are some complications that come with both,

but they are here on Earth with you.” Marcus and I did not comment for a moment, instead we took a

minuet to reflect on Theo's words. I felt guilty that Marcus and I had been speaking freely of our mates

in front of Theo. I know that his mate's death still affects him greatly. :

“Theo you are a genius, and I apologize for speaking without thinking earlier.” Marcus is the first to


“Iam not a genius Alpha Marcus; truth be told I am just jealous. I can only imagine what it would be like

to watch Miranda’s belly swell with child.” It is not very often that Theo says her name.

“I bet she would have been beautiful.”

“I am sure she would have my friend, and I am sorry that she was taken from this world too soon. I

have heard rumors though of wolves finding a second mate, is this something you have ever

considered?” Marcus is genuinely curious as he asks Theo. °

“I have heard the rumors, but I have never met anyone that found a second mate. I do not know if I am

open to it honestly. I do not ever want to live through the pain of losing another mate if I did find one.

1am normally content with my life. In a lot of ways, I view Hannah as my daughter, I mean I! did help

raise and train her. My days are busy with the pack, and I enjoy my work.”

Theo shoots us a smile with his words. “I believe I just got overly sentimental watching you two love

birds gawk over your mates tonight.” Marcus and I both laugh at Theo's words knowing that he is trying

to lighten the mood. “Well guys thank you for tonight. I was ready to wage a war earlier, and I feel

lighter. Although I am sure that tomorrow morning will bring about another bout of rage.” My mind is

already shifting back to the meeting tomorrow morning with Alpha Jason. “If you want me to be there, I

will accompany you?” Marcus speaks up to let me know that I have his support. “It leaves a sour taste

in my mouth to know that Alpha Jason treated his own daughter as a slave.”

“Thank you Marcus I have always appreciated your friendship. I do not think that it would hurt to have

you there. I may need all the help I can get to not rip his head off. The thought of everything they did toher makes my blood boil.” Iam seeing red just thinking about everything that Daphne may have been

subjected to. My mind goes back to her crumbled form asking me what was wrong with her.

“It would not be difficult to attack this pack. Although their home is placed strategically, their warriors do

not seem to be as disciplined as ours. I also happen to know a few of Marcus's warriors, and they are

ruthless in battle.” Theo has snapped back into his intellectual self, giving the pre-battle synapse void of


“Let us hope that it does not come to that, although we are ready if it does.” Marcus replies to Theo’s

assessment. Although Theo is right and it would be easy to attack and dismantle this pack, I try not to

choose war if I can avoid it. There are always innocent casualties in war, no matter how carefully you

plan. I do not take pleasure in hurting people. I will try to remain political tomorrow, but I know that I will

protect Daphne with my life. While I am lost in thought we have made our way back to the door leading

into the manor house. We bid each other farewell and disperse for the evening.

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