Novel Name : The Alpha's Slave Mate

The Alpha's Slave Mate Chapter 52

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Chapter 52Epilogue

6 months later

Daphne’s Point of View

Scarlet and Theo have been back home

now for a few months. I am enjoying the bond that we have developed, and life has settled down. Now

the pack is getting ready for their commitment ceremony and I could not be happier for the both of

them. I thank the Moon Goddess every night for blessing me with my life now. It is hard for me to even

imagine my life before Caleb.

Theo has developed a rigorous training program that has helped me develop my special ability more.

As it turns out it seems I have the ability to project a protective barrier of sorts around people and

objects. Of course, Theo was more than happy to tell Caleb that his hunches

about wolves with special abilities has not

failed him yet. 4

I was very proud of myself for helping to develop some of my own training regimen. Theo was so

impressed with my thoughts that I have taken up an active role in helping with training of our other

pack members. I was overjoyed that Theo

took my advice and that those of us

whom have displayed special abilities have some training time together. To this day we have not heard

of any other packs having unique members like ours. Although Theo suspects that Marcus’s pack mayhave a few members with

special abilities, we have not been able to confirm that suspicion yet.

I finish getting ready and head

downstairs to meet Scarlet. We are going into town to hopefully get her a dress for her mating

ceremony. She was adamant that she did not want a big party, but

Caleb was not hearing it. As he liked to

point out to her, she brought most of her previous pack with her and everyone

needed a fresh start.

Things were a little crazy at first getting everyone acclimated to how different Caleb was from their

previous Alpha, but

our members welcomed everyone with

open arms. Houses were quickly built to accommodate the newest members, and

even a few destined mates found each

other. Overall things have been really

great for our pack.

“You ready to go?” Scarlet asks me as I

hit the bottom of the stairs.

“Yeah I am all set, lets go get you adress.” I am excited for her and to be

doing this with her. She links her arm

through mine and we head out. I felt a little strange on the drive into town.

“Are you alright, you look a little pale?”

Scarlet asks me.

“Yeah I am just a bit queasy, I guess car sick.” I tell her. I notice that Scarlet keeps watching me out of

the corner of her eye, but soon enough we make it to the first shop. I settle myself into one of the seats

as the sales lady prepares dresses for

Scarlet to try on.

“Excuse me where is your bathroom.” All of a sudden, I had an urgent need to use. the facilities, and I

asked the sales lady as she was loading more dresses into the dressing room. She points me towards

the back of the store and I quickly locate the sign. When I get back Scarlet is tapping her foot waiting

for me.

“You are pregnant.” She blurts out of


“No, I am not, I just had to go to the

bathroom.” I explain to her.

“Really Daphne, sick on the car ride, andI have noticed that you have been using the bathroom a lot lately. Have you and Caleb been using

protection?” I feel like I am in an inquisition.

“Well no but I mean I think I would know

if I were pregnant.” I tell her.

“Hmmm well I think you should go see

the pack doctor and find out for sure.” Scarlet gives me a long hard look before disappearing to try on

the dresses. Her words leave me to wonder if I could be

pregnant. I have not noticed any weight gain, but I have also been using the

bathroom more frequently. I have also

never gotten car sick before. I think I will make an appointment with the doctor

just to make sure. Scarlet finally finds the

dress she wants, and we head home.

During the car ride I think about Caleb

and how far we have come. I rest a hand

on my stomach and imagine what life

would be like with kids. 13

The slave mate that became a Luna, could

she also be a mother?

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