Novel Name : The Alpha's Slave Mate

The Alpha's Slave Mate Chapter 28

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Chapter 28Chapter Twenty-Eight

Daphne's Point of View

We did not have to walk too far before we came upon a group of vehicles. I have seen some of the

vehicles in my town but have never ridden in one.

Eve3ryone is piling into trucks, and cars and I look up at Caleb with questions. :

“We tend to run everywhere we usually need to go, but for longer trips yes we use our cars.” He is

almost chuckling as he explains. “Come on my jeep is right over here.” Caleb brings me to a larger

SUV style vehicle. It is an off-white color with larger tires that look like they are for off road hauling. The

truck is more spacious than I expected it to be and Caleb loads up our bags. Iam nervous and excited

to be going in a car for my first time. Theo and Hannah throw their stuff in the back as well. ©

Caleb goes around to the passenger side and opens the front door. “Daphne, I want you to ride up front

with me. I want you to be able to see your new home.” I feel a little strange as I slide into the car.

assume that Theo normally sits here, and I do not want to offend him.

“Theo if you want to sit up here you can, I do not mind sitting back there.” I really do not want to cause

any offense or have any problems with any of my new pack mates.“No thank you, Iam going to kick back here and relax before I hit the training field at home.” Theo pops

in some ear buds as he gets comfy next to Hannah. I take a good look around at the interior of the car.

The seats are black leather, and super comfortable. The dash is huge and as Caleb starts the vehicle

there is a minicomputer showing a map. Caleb looks over at me and chuckles slightly as he sees me

looking around the car. “Is this your first time in a car” Caleb asks me.

“Yeah, I mean I seen some of the cars in my town, but this looks newer than the ones I have seen.” '

“I will teach you how to drive soon. This is a Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk, it has four-wheel drive

which is important in the winter months since we live up in the mountains. It also has great safety

features which makes it an ideal car for you to learn in.” Caleb leans over me and snaps a strap over

my chest. “Your first lesson is that in any vehicle you should wear your seat belt. It will keep you in

place if a crash happens. Your safety will always bea priority to me.” Caleb smiles at me as he sits back

in his seat, his smile causes butterflies to erupt in my stomach. I briefly recall this morning and I feel my

face flush again.

Caleb starts moving the car andI am amazed at how it feels. We are still ona dirt road but sitting in the

seat feels like we are riding on a cloud. Soon we turn onto the highway and I realize that this is the

farthest I have ever been from my home. I can not stop looking at all the trees zooming by as we start

up the mountain. It feels like we are flying, and my eyes can not take in everything as quickly as it is

passing by. Caleb keeps one hand on the steering wheel but reaches over and takes my hand with his

other one. I enjoy the contact; I find it comforting.After about fifteen minuets or so I finally ask Caleb how far away we are from his home. He informs me

that we are about forty-five minutes away from home and asks me if lam comfortable. “Yes, the seats

are very comfortable. I did not know that cars move so fast, I can barely see everything before it

disappears behind us.” I continue watching out the window and see large green signs stating that

Mount Emily is coming up. There are also signs for Boise, and other areas of the world that I have only

heard of in passing.

“Do you want to listen to any music while IJ drive? I have Sirius so I can find any kind of music that you

like.” I do not want to admit to Caleb that Ihaven o idea what Sirius is, and truthfully, I do not know what

kind of music I really like.

“Iam fine with whatever you like.” Maybe this will be a great way to learn what he likes to listen to.

Caleb releases my hand briefly to reach below the map and presses a button. Soft country music fills

the car. I am enjoying this ride, watching the scenery and the twangy slow music coming through the

speakers is perfect. The slow song changes into a more upbeat sound in the next song, and I find my

foot tapping along with the beat.

We ride like that not talking, simply holding hands and enjoying this moment in time. It feels

comfortable and I am amazed that I am already so comfortable with Caleb. Soon he is pulling off the

highway and slowing down. It is much easier to see the surrounding scenery as the vehicle slows

down.“We are almost home” Caleb informs me. I sit up a little straighter in the seat taking in everything

around me.I love the large blue pines that are growing along the roadside. It is like my old home and in

a way comforting. My wolf feels cramped up and she is itching to go for a run. We pull into a little town

and I assumed that this was home, but Caleb keeps driving. I look over at him questioning where we

are going.

“This is La Grande it is a small town, but this is not our home. This town is mostly human. Our town is

built out of the way in the mountains. It gives our people privacy to be able to shift when they want, and

it is easier to guard our area.” Caleb explains this to me.

Soon we are driving again on a two- lane road with trees once again dotting the side of the road. Caleb

slows down significantly and turns off ona narrower road with a heavy thicket of trees at the entrance. I

imagine that if I had been driving, I would have missed this turn. Soon the asphalt turns toa dirt road,

and it is like we are on a trail weaving in and around trees.

Suddenly there is an opening and I stare in amazement as Caleb drives into a town. I thought my home

was big, but this is huge. There are people milling about. I can see restaurants, and stores dotting our

path. There are so many cute homes in between, and I love seeing children outside playing. As we get

farther into the town Caleb lets me know that our home is up ahead. °

Soon Caleb is pulling into a circular driveway. I look up at his house and l am amazed. Caleb's home is

a large, sprawling two story stone home. I can see that chimneys dot the roof top. The home has large

windows, and a lovely rose garden out front. I am in awe of its beauty. The house is large, but it looks

like it belongs here in nature. Caleb pulls up in front of the steps and turns off the car.

“Welcome home Daphne.” I am still staring at the house. I can not believethat Caleb lives here. I turn

and look at him.

“It is beautiful Caleb.” He burst into a large grin at my words. :

“Not as beautiful as you are.” My face flushes at his words.

Caleb exits the car and comes around and opens my door. I inhale the smell of my new home as soon

as! am out of the car. My wolf is still itching to go for a run, but she will have to wait a little while longer.

Caleb retrieves our bags from the back of the car, and Theo and Hannah have gotten out. Hannah

comes up to me and wraps her arm around mine.

“It is not as big as it looks on the inside” Hannah kind of giggles as she tells me. I guess I have been

staring in wonder at the large house. As we start up the stairs it dawns on me that this is my home now.

It already feels more like home, than my other home ever did. I am excited to be beginning my new life.

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