Novel Name : The Alpha's Slave Mate

The Alpha's Slave Mate Chapter 31

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Chapter 31Chapter Thirty-One

Caleb’s Point of View

Work has consumed me lately. We are expecting a harsh winter, so I have been in trade negotiations

with neighboring packs, trying to ensure that everyone is supplied. I have also been fielding a lot of

questions about my mate. Although Daphne and I have marked each other, we have not set a date for

the ceremony. This is making people question whether we are true mates. Daphne should have

stepped up as my Luna, but she is still learning about herself and our pack. I know that she is not

ready. I am hoping to shield her from the extra attention for a little while longer. Hopefully with time she

will become more comfortable with her new position in life.

This waiting game has taken its toll on me though. I hear the rumors that we have trouble in paradise,

that she is not my real mate, that a spell was cast over me to make me believe that she is my mate.

They are a bunch of crap, but rumors spread quickly. Even Marcus has called me to chat this week

about them. I have Theo teaching Daphne as fast as he can about the politics that govern us, and

about the pack and its history. She is a quick learner, but because she was so sheltered and abused it

is like trying to cram fifteen years of knowledge into a few short weeks. I know that we will have to do

the ceremony soon in order to put these rumors to rest. I can not have the entire werewolf community

doubting my mate before she even has a chance to prove herself as a Luna. I also havea sneaking

suspicion that some of these rumors were started by members of the Silver Moon pack.

Although I was fair in the deal I made with Alpha Jason for Daphne, I know that he is not happy with the

fact that I will not open trade negotiations with him and his pack. It did not help that I basically

threatened to destroy his pack. What did he expect though, he mistreated my mate? Any male but

especially an Alpha male would be outraged about the mistreatment of his mate. Either way the rumors

are getting out of hand, and I fear that it could bring trouble to my pack. If these rumors continue it will

make my pack look weak, and that could bring us under attack. ~

Many people have coveted what I have built here, but few are willing or able to do the work that it takes

to get here. More than once we have been attacked by someone stupid enough to think that they can

step into my shoes. Not to toot my own horn but my people follow my lead out of respect and love, not

fear. I doubt that they would work as well under a tyrant. Luckily, most of my neighboring packs have

Alphas that work very similarly to me, and we generally get along. °

I know that I must talk to Daphne soon about the mating ceremony, but I have been putting it off. I do

not want to stress her out. I am scared that if I do it will hinder the progress she has already made. I

can see how far she has come in such a short time. She is doing well in training. As an Alpha

sometimes I have to travel, andI want to make sure that she can defend herself

in my absence. She has made great progress in learning defense techniques in both her human and

wolf form. She is also doing well with Theo, and I know he is teaching her some etiquette as well

because as my Luna she will be expected to attend social events with me. '

Sighing I close my logs for the evening. Glancing at the clock I can see that it is later than I thought. I

hope Daphne is not too upset with me for working so late. Ihad been in conference calls all daynegotiating the movement of winter supplies. Then I reviewed the supply ledgers to ensure that our

pack would have enough to get us through. ° I hurry back to the house, anxious to see my mate.

Walking in! smell the faint odor of fish and assumed that Daphne was in the kitchen. Surprisingly when

I get to the kitchen she is no where to be seen, but the odor of fish is coming from the waste basket

and I can see fish and potatoes in there. Was she sick, the food does not look touched?

I hurry up the stairs to our room, concerned that Daphne is sick. Opening the door, I can see that she is

already in bed. As I get closer to her, I can see that there are dried tears on her cheeks. Still worried

that she is ill, I press my lips to forehead, but she does not seem warm. I straighten up confused as to

what caused her to cry. Finally, I notice that she is in a black lace lingerie dress. ° Boom, like a

lightening flash erupting in my brain the pieces come together. My mate had been crying because of


The realization floors me, and IJ have to take a step back. Settling myself on the couch that faces the

bed, I start to piece together tonight the best I can from my mate’s point of view. I assume that the food

I found in the waste basket she had prepared for us. The new black lingerie she had lovingly put on

fora night of romance. Only I left her wanting, I did not show up. I ruined her night and caused her pain.

Looking at her in the dark I start to review the last couple of weeks. I realize that I have had almost

tunnel vision when it comes to Daphne. I have been so focused on making sure that she was training

and learning our ways that I have neglected her feelings. As an Alpha I am busy, the workload is

tremendous. Before Daphne I never had to consider how late I work, or if my actions would personallyaffect another person. I need to do better; I need to bea better mate. She deserves at least that much

from me.

I watch her sleeping for a while longer before stripping off my clothes and climbing into bed. I pull

Daphne close to me cradling her in my arms. I whisper in her ear how sorry Iam and make promises to

do better. I am already formulating a plan in my head that will hopefully show my mate how dedicated I

am to her.

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