Novel Name : The Alpha's Slave Mate

The Alpha's Slave Mate Chapter 44

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Chapter 44Chapter Forty-Four

Caleb’s Point of View

For Daphne’s sake I am trying my hardest to get along with her sister and Dorian. I ensured that she

has enough money to treat her sister to some shopping and a nice lunch. Theo and I discussed having

a guy day with Dorian, neither of us wants to but we are curious about him. Daphne and Scarlet have

already left for the day. I find Theo and we go in search of Dorian.

We find Dorian in the kitchen harassing one of our Omega members.

“All I want is some damn lunch.” Dorian is yelling at Annie, who looks terrified.

“DORIAN” I used my commanding voice, knowing that he will pay attention. “No one here is a slave.

My Omegas do not make me food unless they want to. Here we do things for ourselves. Annie I am

sorry about the confusion this is Dorian, Daphne’s brother in law. I will handle it from here, you go

ahead and run along. Tell your folks I said hello and look forward to seeing everyone at the mating

ceremony.” Annie quickly runs out of the manor house via the kitchen door.

Finally, I turn my attention to Dorian. He is looking at me like I grew another head. As bad as I want to

punch him in the nose for being a pompous ass, I love Daphne and I am going to try to make this work.

“Why don’t you have a seat Dorian, would pastrami sandwiches on rye work for you?” Even Theo is

shocked that I am being this calm, I just hope that Daphne realizes how much I love her. Dorian thinks

about it a moment, but eventually pulls out a chair around the island and sits down. I start getting

ingredients out of the fridge and placing them on the counter.

“So, Dorian tell me about California, and the Cedar Wood pack. How are things going down there?” I

find that most people let out small details when they start talking about themselves and I am veryinterested in Dorian.

“It is good, smaller than your pack here, but hopefully that will change soon.” There is something in his

tone, that makes me want to press farther on and find out more.

“Oh, what are your plans for extending?” I am careful to keep my voice neutral. 1

“My first step is to handle the rogue situation that we have. As I am sure you heard our previous Alpha

was killed by rogues.” I nod my head letting him know that I had hear those rumors. “Once that is

settled, I am sure that our pack numbers will rise. Plus, hopefully Scarlet will bear me an heir soon.” I

can tell that the heir subject is touchy because he is practically growling when he finishes his sentence.


“What do you like on your sandwich?” While Dorian was talking, I have cut up lettuce, tomatoes, and

cheese to go on the pastrami.

Theo is still quietly listening leaning against the cabinets.

“Just meat and cheese, maybe some mustard.” I finish prepping the sandwiches. and place our plates

on the island. Theo comes over and sits down finally.

“So, your big ceremony is tomorrow, I bet there are a line of broken hearts huh.”

Dorian’s words turn my blood into ice. I can see why Theo does not trust this man; he is a dog.

“No there will not be a line of broken hearts.

I respect women and did not play around. There was only one woman before Daphne, we were young

and dumb. It broke my heart when she found her mate. After seeing the guilt that she felt for not waiting

for her mate, I decided not to hurt another person like that. So, I abstained, content to wait for the day

that I would meet the person destined to be mine.” Theo is the only person that really knew the story ofhow I lost my virginity. I do not mind telling Dorian, in hopes that perhaps he will learn some respect for


“Oh man that is cheesy. There was a whole line of broken hearts when I mated with Scarlet. Shoot

there are still broken hearts out there man.” I was disappointed as Dorian continues talking about his

various conquests of females when he was younger. My disgust for him grows by the moment. 1

“We should go paint balling.” My head jerks up because this is the first time that Theo has spoken. We

had not talked about paint. ball earlier but imagining hitting Dorian with some paint is a great image. 2

“Yes, I love paintballing.” Great so Dorian is down. We split up to change clothes and then we head off

to the paint ball field. Paintballing turns out to be a great idea. All three of us let off some frustration and

tension. Soon we are all covered in paint, although I firmly believe that Dorian got it the worst. We head

back to the house to shower and change, thinking that the girls will be home soon.

I had just stepped out of the shower when I heard the banging, and yelling. I raced out of the room and

found the commotion in the den. Against one wall was Hannah, crying softly, a tear in her shirt. Theo

has Dorian up against the wall, choking him. From the blood coming from Dorian’s nose I can tell that

Theo has gotten in a few hits beforehand.

“What the hell is going on?” Theo does not remove his hand from Dorian’s neck. Although everyone

has stilled in their movements, Theo is intent on killing Dorian.

“This bastard tried to hurt Hannah.” Theo’s voice is dead cold, and I know that he is about to lose

control soon.

“Hannah tell me what happened sweetheart.” I walk over and position myself so that I am blocking her

view of Dorian.“I was looking for my book, I thought everyone had gone out. He came in and thought that I was some

kind of slave or something. He cornered me by the couch, and tried to kiss me, telling me that he is

some Alpha and I must please him. When I refused, he tried taking my shirt off, and that is when I

kicked him in the balls. I tried to run out of the room, but he caught my ankle and I tripped and then he

was on top of me.” Hannah is full out crying at this point. I pull her into my chest and give her a moment

to gather herself. “That’s when

Theo heard us, and he came in and saved me.” Hannah is shaking and now I can understand why

Theo is enraged. 2

“I am sorry Hannah, I promised you a long time ago that nothing would hurt you. I want you to go get

cleaned up, I need to deal with this now.” I give her a long hug and send her on her way. Turning I can

see that Theo still has Dorian by the neck, his eyes are a deep onyx.

“How dare you come into my home, and assault ANY of my family.” Dorian has crossed a line and I am

going to see that he remembers not to cross it again. “Theo move out of my way.” Theo tries to resist

but I am his Alpha and he is loyal to me. Slowly he uncurls his fingers and moves slightly to the left of

Dorian. I do not warn Dorian before I deliver a blow to his guts that doubles him over. “You are a sick

coward. You do not deserve the title of Alpha.” Dorian is still doubled over, but I have lost my patience

with him. I grab his hair yanking him up to look at me. “This is my pack, my home, my family. I will not

think twice over ending your life to protect theirs. The only thing saving you right now is my mate, and

that is barely a thought. You will return to your room and pack your things. Scarlet is welcome to attend

the ceremony, but you are not welcome here.” I drag the quivering bastard out of the room by his hair,

tossing him into the guest room. I do not dare leave him to wreak havoc anywhere else in my home.

As I am waiting for him to pack his bags, I worry over how Daphne is going to take the news. She may

be upset for a while, but I hope once she talks to Hannah everything will work out. Theo has left, I can

only assume to check on Hannah and ensure that she is ok. I hope that this incident has not ruined our

ceremony. Once Dorian is finished, I grab his bag and escort him downstairs.“I am not leaving without Scarlet.” I am surprised that Dorian has the guts to say anything to me.

“You will leave, I will inform her as to why you are leaving. She is welcome here, but if you ever grace

my sight again, I will end your life.” I stare him dead in the eye, I want him to know that I am serious. As

luck would have it as I am leading him out of the house the girls are pulling in. Dorian demands that

Scarlet leave with him, but she refuses. Theo and I move in front of the girls when Dorian steps forward

threatening. Dorian makes a cheesy comment about how we will regret this and I have my warriors

ensure that

Dorian is out of our territory. 1

I know that the girls are tired from today. I send Daphne up to shower. I need to speak with my warriors

before I can crawl into bed with her. I quickly assemble my teams, ensuring that our patrolling guards

are alert to the situation. I also contact Marcus whom I know is nearby and he and his men are also

patrolling. If Dorian makes a move, I will know about it well in advance. I then check in with Theo

making sure that Hannah is ok, and that he is calm. He assures me that they are both well. With this

knowledge I finally trudge up to bed exhausted. All I want to do is wrap my arms around my beautiful

mate and sleep.

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