Novel Name : The Alpha's Slave Mate

The Alpha's Slave Mate Chapter 56

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Chapter 56Book 2 Chapter 4

Daphne’s Point of View

“That is really good Ellie, now try to revive this iris.” I praise the younger pup as she works on her

special abilities. It has been a week since my appointment, and since Caleb asked me to take over

some of the training that Theo normally does with our unique wolves. Currently I am working with Ellie.

Ellie can make

plants grow faster, and healthier. We are working on honing her abilities to revive dead plants now.

Theo and Caleb brought me into the loop about unique wolves after we discovered that I was one

myself. Since then, I have worked on honing my own abilities but have also helped Theo with the other

wolves. We still have not discovered why our pack has these abilities, and we have

not uncovered any evidence that would suggest that these abilities exist in any

other pack.

We have a few working ideas as to why

our wolves possess these talents, but in

reality, none of our studies have given us

a confirmed answer. Caleb believes that

part of the reason we possess special

talents is due to the location of our pack. Although I must agree that the Blue Mountains are majestic, I

do not trulybelieve that it is the reason for our skills. Theo has a few theories including one involving a witch, and

evolution. I am not confident enough in my theory to present it to them yet, but I wonder if there is not a

direct descendant of the Moon Goddess herself within our pack. 3

I ponder this as I watch Ellie straining to concentrate on the iris in the pot before her. “Ellie calm your

mind. Remember

that these gifts are remarkable. What do you feel coursing through your body when you are using your

gift?” The poor girl had her face scrunched up practically glaring at the dead plant, willing it to

come back to life.

“I do not really know how to explain it.” Ellie shrugs her shoulders just like any other teenage girl. “It

does not hurt or anything, but like sometimes I can feel it like coursing through my veins. Not like blood

but like a static electricity feeling, and then I can make plants grow.” I sigh with relief as her face finally

relaxes as

she is talking about her talents.

“Do you notice that your gift works better when you are calm, or stressed?”

“Usually when I am calm, but the other day I had an accident.” Now Ellie is looking at the floor as if she

is afraid that I am going to scold her.

“What kind of accident? Ellie it is ok, I am not going to be mad at you, we just want to help develop your

skills to be the best that they can be.” I reassure the teen pup to the best of my ability.

“I was going to class the other day, and Brian bumped into me in the doorway to Mrs. Fritz class, and

well her snake plant is now more like a snake bush.” Ellie

laughs a little at the end, but I can still see that she is still nervous.“I see. So, this Brian fellow, do you like him?” I already had a strong sense that Ellie had a crush on

him, but I wanted to ask to make sure.

Ellie’s face flares up, and she turns red all the way to the tips of her ears. “He is really cute Luna, and

he is sweet.”

“So then why not ask him out?” Ellie is a

cute girl; I was sure that she would not

have any issues getting a boyfriend.

“Oh, he does not know that I exist. Brian is a senior and I am only a freshman. Plus, I heard Carla

telling the stun crew that she is positive that she will be mated to Brian.” Ellie’s face looks so sad as

she confesses her problems to me.

“Well guess what, just because someone thinks that they are going to be mated to someone does not

mean that they

actually will be mated to that person. As far as the age difference between you and Brian well that does

not mean much

either. There are a few years between me and Alpha Caleb and yet we are fated mates. I do have to

ask though, what in the world is a stun crew?” I was hoping that my pep talk would cheer Ellie up a

little, and I did see her smile.

“That’s what we call Carla and her

friends. They are the super popular girls,

that look like they have walked out of a magazine.” Ellie snorts as she explains itto me.

“I see. So, when Brian bumped into you, that’s when you accidently grew the snake plant?” I hated

shifting her

attention back to her abilities, but I

needed to make sure that I documented

the correct events.

“Yeah I was really embarrassed because I was running late, and I did not see him coming out the door

as I was going in and I basically plowed into him like I was

some sort of crazy freight train.” Her reference made me laugh a little. “The whole class seen it happen,

and I could hear Carla snickering. I could feel the energy swirling in me, and when I looked

up the snake plant was doomed.” I could not help but laugh a little over the teenage dramatics of her

story telling.

“Well, I am sure that Mrs. Fritz will enjoy the extra-large plant, and I doubt that anyone even

remembers you running into Brian.” I quickly reassure Ellie. 2

We return our focus on the dead iris on

the table. “Ellie I would like to try

something, but it may be slightly uncomfortable to you.” I quickly explain that I would like Ellie to try and

vividly remember her embarrassment that she

felt that day in school and see if she could funnel those emotions into reviving the iris. I hated asking

her to recall anincident that caused her discomfort, but I was genuinely curious if stronger emotions could give her a

wider range of abilities.

I was practically holding my breath as I could see Ellie remembering how she felt and trying to channel

that into her talent. A few minutes passed, and just when I

was about to give up hope we started to see some green in the stalk. Ellie seen the coloring on the

plant as well, and I could see her eyes spark with excitement. She quickly started channeling that

emotion into her talent as well, and then she had a fully in bloom iris erected in front of her. 1

“Ellie that is amazing. Look its so beautiful.”

“I did it, Luna I did it.” The young girl was jumping up and down with glee at her success. We had been

trying for

several months for her to be able to revive plants, but this was the first time that she had been

successful. This is a huge accomplishment for her.

Soon after we wrapped up training for her, and I gave her the iris as a gift for her success. After Ellie

left the training area, I pulled out the notebook that I have been using to keep track of our wolves and

their progression of their peculiar talents. I turned to Ellie’s section and jotted down

about her success with the plant revival,

and the theory that her talent was more

predominate when stronger emotions are.

felt. I wondered if it was this way with

any of our other special wolves.Since I had learned about wolves with

peculiar talents, I had been painstakingly documenting everything that we could find out about us. Theo

took some great notes, but they had not been organized. Theo was also more concerned with finding

out why we had these talents, than he was about potentially increasing our talents. Although I am

interested in why our wolves have peculiar talents, I want to see how much we can grow those talents.

In my research I have noticed a few

things that I have not fully disclosed to

Theo or Caleb. For starters according to Theo’s notes he first noticed that those wolves with peculiar

talents developed them after their first shift, which

coincides with puberty. Now we are finding much younger wolves that have not had their first shift with


talents. Then there is the fact that I am an abnormality to everything we know. I was not born here, this

was not my original pack, and to my knowledge I had never come in contact with a witch. I sigh in

frustration that the ever looming mystery that has encompassed our lives.

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