Novel Name : The Carrero Heart - Beginning (Friends to Lovers)

The Carrero Heart - Beginning (Friends to Lovers) Chapter 7: 7

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He guides me to the car silently, in a controlled manner, his face deadpan. I can sense the distance

between us like a crater, even though he’s molded to my side. My nerves gnawing at me, mood wary,

skin tingling with apprehension that something is off and different this time. I know that lately, we

haven’t exactly been getting on, for months now there’s been coolness between us, but right now

beside him, I can almost taste that something has changed in how he’s being.

Maybe he really has just had enough.

Uncertainty sends my already fragile stomach into a washer-like frenzy, hating that being in tune with

him means I am so sensitive to exactly this kind of thing.

His car has been deposited on the sidewalk neatly, all four gleaming wheels on the concrete, of a sleek

gray Mercedes he bought only weeks ago to replace his electric blue sports car. Arrick is growing up,

leaving behind that young fast life, and settling down, and I don’t know how to feel about it. He’s

changing, has been for a while, and I guess it’s one of the reasons we are not as close as we once

were. He’s growing up and I’m too far behind him.

We move to the car, where an exceptionally large black-coated bouncer is leaning against it casually,

with a beaming smile as he sees us approach.

“Arrick, my main man!” He grins and fist bumps him as we close the gap, still holding me firmly, heating

up my body despite the chill around us and my lack of jacket. I smile weakly at the man, knowing the

game I have to play when with him. He is sociable with everyone, has time for most people, and he

likes those around him to have manners to suit. He’s fast becoming a celebrity on his own terms, not

just another Prince of Carrero and following in his brother’s footsteps as the face of the company. His

fight titles are making him known on his own, his skills and wins, making a name that means something

more to him.

“Thanks, Bro.” Arrick smiles, handing him a hundred-dollar bill so quickly I almost miss it; a smooth

operator in all things related to schmoozing and gaining associates. He pulls me forward so he can

guide and ease me into the door that another bouncer opens for us with a half-smile, and nods towards

him. All I have is the heaviness of fatigue, dizzy with it, just aching to sit down and have some peace.

My head is banging and that nausea that has been swirling around is making me hot and stuffy. I fall

into the cool seat of his car interior with sheer relief, so glad to be back on my ass and relax into the

molded curves with a sigh. The urge to slide my shoes off is insane, but I have zero energy to reach

down and unbuckle them.

“Anytime. See you at Saturday’s fight, man.” The male ducks and dives, throwing a couple of mock air

punches with a smile, trying hard to impress Arry and getting all jocular and best buddy. I resist the

urge to eye roll, now nestled in my seat away from his caring hands and slide down the leather to try

and just calm the side to side waves going on around me. “My money is already on you, Bruv’. Tornado

Carrero is a sure thing! I saw you at your last and you were on top form, that right hook is deadly.”

“Thanks.” Arrick smiles at him, giving the man some sort of bromance arm hug, then leans into

shoulder bump before heading around the car. Very street ghetto and I suppress the urge to giggle at

how many layers to him there really is. Businessman when he needs to be and the company requires

him, then casual lad about town when he’s with me, or street thug when faced with adoring fight fans.

He slides in his own side as the second bouncer leans into the frame of my still open door expectantly,

waiting for Arry to get seated.

“I’ll catch you at the gym tomorrow, Kendall.” Arrick nods at him, leaning forward over me so his hand

rests on my naked inner thigh innocently, to take his weight. He strains forward to see the towering

figure whose head is still too high from his viewpoint.

“Looking forward to it mate, been practicing my uppercut since last time. Hope you see improvement in

my form.” The bouncer nods a goodbye and my door is shut with a wave. Arrick leans back and

removes his hand, leaving me with a sensation of warm softness there. He leans in close to me and

catches my seatbelt over my right shoulder, pulls it across me with eyes on the task and buckles me in.

Not that I’m incapable, but this is just one of the many things he has always done when looking after

me. I watch his face closely, so close I can almost touch him. Eyes downwards, watching what he is

doing and still that emotionless expression. He smells like he always does; a mix of him, his unique

Arry smell and his favorite spicy aftershave. I catch hints of the body spray he uses too, but it all

mingles together to make one alluring scent that is only ever him. It’s a heady mix.

He moves back into his own seat and buckles his belt, strong shoulders and arms moving under fitted

tailoring alluringly, saying nothing when he gets the engine fired up and back into traffic carefully. I

glance his way, more than aware that nothing about his mood has changed. He’s simmering, looks

tense, and way too calm, despite how normal he was with those security men. That can only mean he’s

really angry with me, and I just don’t need this right now.

He brings out this gnawing tension inside my stomach, that fragile emotion welling up inside, and I

know it won’t let up as long as he’s pissed at me. Arrick’s poker face is one of the most infuriating

things about him, even when framed with that sexily cropped sandy colored hair and those gorgeous

hazel eyes. The deadpan nature of that face when he wants to avoid drama and argument. Even

knowing him as I do, it still leaves me guessing sometimes at his ability to close down communication

and deliberately shut people out. Something he never used to do to me at all, but I guess things


He’s been getting colder over time, not just towards me, but in general. The warmth and fun of Arrick of

old have been lacking increasingly in the past months, even before I started partying harder and moved

to the city permanently. Getting more like his dad I guess; he has that same cool and distant

personality and crazily aloof way of dealing with stuff from time to time. I love Giovanni like a second or

third dad, I really do, and he seems to have a soft spot for me, but it’s still infuriating as hell that they

share this trait.

His girlfriend doesn’t exactly help curb it either. Natasha is a profoundly serious girl with little to no

sense of humor, that same outwardly aloof way of dealing with life and always aware of how people

view her. I feel like she is just rubbing off on him a little too much and making him become someone

else. It’s always ‘looking to the future … planning … being super serious and devoid of personality’ with

her, like she is sapping the parts of him out that I love the most.

There has been a growing distance; I guess it’s partly why recent calls to him have been more

frequent. I just feel like I’m losing him and barely holding on with my fingertips, and a gentle breeze is

all it’ll take for the connection to be severed. I know in part it’s why I have spent more time going out

lately, dating, partying, and trying to find another him, anything to fill that void. All it has made me do is

cry for him, anytime reality hits me, and I just want to go home. The horrible reality is that you can

never replace someone you care about this much, no one ever measures up. He isn’t at home

anymore, he's here in this infernal city… with her.

That churning fog of sadness threatens to strangle me as tears bite in the back of my eyes and I glance

his way again, filled with complete heartbreak. That slight jaw tensing catches my eye and my heart


“You’re annoyed?” I whisper his way, watching his handsome profile, longing to see him react in any

other way now we’re alone. I focus on his straight short nose, which was straightened and smoothed

out after a complicated break a couple of years back resulting in surgery and has taken away his

father’s hook nose. It still intrigues me that one minor change can enhance a face so much. I’ve always

thought him one of the most beautiful boys I ever laid eyes on, even before his nose job, even as a

fourteen-year-old kid seeing a guy who could have been a threat. But now he is almost flawless, maybe

even perfect.

He has a face that’s just too easy to stare at. The same square masculine bone structure as his

handsome older brother, yet with lighter hair and darker eyes so they look completely different in some

ways, so alike in others. Arrick has a softer face that is less bad boy and younger Romeo or boy next

door hotty.

He remains silent, watching the traffic and checking his mirrors as he gets us back into the lane and up

to speed. He’s a confident driver, second nature, like breathing, and he’s dealt with New York traffic

since he first passed his test, years ago. Like everything he does in life, it’s with ease and control and

makes me wish he still helped my life feel this way. I could sure use someone else taking control lately

and just fixing the mess that I exist in.

“Arrick?” I glance his way again, hating his ignorance, the silence making it almost unbearable to

continue being so quiet. I lean over to let my fingertips trail down his arm, over his black jacket meekly

as the little tiny eruptions of anxiety play off inside me like fiery tingles. Trying to attract his attention

and knowing he won’t ignore physical touch.


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