Novel Name : The Carrero Heart - Beginning (Friends to Lovers)

The Carrero Heart - Beginning (Friends to Lovers) Chapter 56

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It’s answered quickly, but by Jake instead of Emma, and my stomach drops.

“Sophie? Don’t hang up.” He sounds worried, that familiar deep voice knocks me sideways, not sure

what to say, as it’s not who I expected.

“I thought I would get Ems, Jake … I.....” …. I hesitate, losing all courage and hoping Jake isn’t about to

go commanding godfather on me. He is laid back and fun until he is pissed, and then Jake is a scary

ass mofo.

“She’s napping, Mimmo. Sophs, honey, just tell us where you are. Your parents are frantic, and we

have all been out looking for you.” Jake is being gentle, unusual for the bossy cyclone he normally is,

but then Emma has been rubbing off on him for years.

“I came to the city, I’m with friends and I’m safe. I just need a little headspace to sort this out on my

own. I didn’t mean to scare anyone, Jake. I’m sorry.” I let it out fast, voice trembling and hands shaking.

My stomach doing the rhumba. I know by now everyone will know exactly why I ran; my parents will

have told them about the plans to lock me up and have me packed off to solitary confinement. Jake

sighs heavily.

“Are you going to tell me which friends and where exactly?” He asks pointedly. That edgy tone I know

so well and have always loved him for.

“Don’t ask me that, I know only too well what you’re like. I need a little time. Tell my folks I’m okay,

really. I’m not partying or being stupid. I need a little space and time, and then I’ll come back. I have

real plans this time, stuff to make my life better, and none of it involves getting drunk or high.” I

emphasize the latter with sarcasm, chewing my lip now, the little voices of my favorite little people in

the background behind Jake make me smile, and then frown. I miss them all already and the ever-

present doubts rear up again.

“I’ll be in the city tomorrow, Sophs. At least come meet me so I can see for myself that you really are

okay. I can send a car for you to come to my office, or we can meet for lunch.”

“Jake, please don’t. I know only too well you would have your driver kidnap me and trundle me home. I

know you, remember.” I giggle through a sudden onslaught of tears. Laughing at the man I know is

more than capable. He once rescued me from an existence that was barely a life, and he would do it

more forcefully if he thinks it’s what I need. Jake will always have a special place in my heart, alongside

Emma, as they’re the ones who gave me the Huntsbergers and the means to escape horrendous

abuse, both physically and mentally. I owe both of them more than this past year. It doesn’t mean I trust

him not to roll me up in a bag and drag me home though.

“Emma will never forgive me if I don’t see you for myself. At least think about it. I’ll be at Carrero House

all day for meetings, just show up on the sixty-fifth at any time and I’ll drop everything.” Jake is back to

gentle mode, trying to coax me and not push for once. Even though I know I won’t, I know he’ll keep

asking if I say no.

“Maybe. We’ll see.” I smile sadly to myself. “Look, Jake, I need to go. I’m tired and I’m tucking myself

into bed for an early night, I promise. I’m staying put, and tomorrow I have places to go to collect some

information. I’m thinking of looking into schools or something like that. I’m tired of free falling. Tell

Emma I’m doing okay, and I’ll call her soon.”

Jake sighs again, only this time more from defeat.

“Okay, kiddo. Promise me you will at least call me again so we can talk more about all of this. Keep

your phone on this time; there are lots of people going crazy to get in touch with you, even if it’s only

the odd text to Emma, to let them all know you’re breathing. You owe them that at least.”

“I will. I’ll talk to you in a day or two, I promise. Please, just ask them to give me some time first. I’ll

keep it on, but I’m not ready to take a hundred hostile calls.” I slide down in bed, wriggling under the

covers as the wave of tiredness hits harder, all this emotional angst lately and the broken sleep and

hangovers are killing me.

“I’ll do my best. Tomorrow, Sophs … Carrero House. I’ll be there all day.” He repeats firmly and I sigh.

“I know, I know. I’ll think about it. Get off the phone. I really am tired and in bed already.” I smile with

affection as I picture the frown and huffy glare he’s probably giving me, that stubborn, green, fixated

boyish scowl.

“Okay. Sleep then. But I mean it. Goodnight, kiddo. We all love you.”

I disconnect before he does. Chucking it aside and sliding down to get comfy in the huge king-size bed,

yawning and stretching out lazily, feeling lighter now I know they will get the message that I’m okay.

Feeling better because I talked to him and not Emma after all. He still has the same ability as Arrick to

make things feel less messy and somehow okay. I guess because I know the force he can be, that he

will appease my parents a little and will always be a phone call away. One Carrero brother I can still

count on anyway.

Tiredness looks to ruin my reading plans, and I settle down on my side, heaviness coming over me



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