Novel Name : The Carrero Heart - Beginning (Friends to Lovers)

The Carrero Heart - Beginning (Friends to Lovers) Chapter 85

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We find his group fast, enveloped into handshakes and hugs and I even recognize a couple of familiar

faces of people I have accompanied Arrick with over the years. I’m passed from person to person, as

we reacquaint and Arrick is caught in the throes of welcomes and back slaps. He’s always been a

sociable and friendly guy. He eases into the whole guy among guys thing so fluidly, at home with his

circle of friends and at ease to just be Arry. Not a rich Carrero tycoon, or even Arrick Carrero, fighter


The club is pretty cool, one I’m sure I have never been to, and it’s obvious the door fee is higher than

most places, by the type of people milling around. It screams trendy, upmarket and stinks of money. I’m

surprised that he comes here. I know they usually opt for classier places, but normally he likes more

middle ground clubs. Affordable for his friends who are not born into money, and this is not one of

those. Knowing him, he probably paid the door and bar tab in advance for whoever’s birthday this is.

That’s what he’s like.

“You look amazing.” Nathan, Arrick’s best friend and fight promoter, winks at me, grabs my hand and

makes me do a little twirl under his arm. Evaluating the new and improved Sophie, as it’s been weeks

since I last saw him. I’m free of my jacket as Arry takes them to dump on a nearby chair.

“Thanks, not so bad yourself old man.” I jest with him. I’ve known Nathan as long as I have known

Arrick; he used to frequent all the group trips he ever took me on. He now works tirelessly to put my

boys’ face all over the New York fight scene and is the reason Arrick is fast becoming a known star. I

love Nathan to bits; he’s tall with dark, almost black hair and deep brown eyes, pretty cute as men go

and totally built like a boxer. I know he sometimes trains with Arry, but never went down the route of

becoming a pro. He’s cocky, womanizer with a cheeky smile, roaming eye, and a serious aversion to

commitment, generally a nice guy though. Like most of Arrick’s friends, I guess.

“Boy needs to man up and lay claim before I do.” He grins and leans in to give me a chaste kiss on the

cheek. Innocent enough, as he’s one of the few men I trust, a little, almost as much as my brothers.

Laughing when Arrick pushes him aside jokingly, returning to my side.

“Hands off, this one’s a lady and will always be out of bounds. For eternity.” Arrick jokes, placing me

beside him and away from Nathan with a smirk, a little hands-off joke and I eye roll. I would never go

there with Nathan, not for anything. It would be weird as hell and besides, he’s always been Arrick’s

best male friend and would be wrong on so many levels. Plus, he doesn’t look anywhere near as good

as Arry does, in any, way, shape, or form.

Arrick accepts the beer Nathan hands to him, sliding a glass of wine my way, and I accept with a smile,

raising a brow at the saucy wink Nathan gives me and laugh when Arry sucker punches him in the

abdomen with the back of his beer bottle for it. Nathan laughs.

“Sure this is all as platonic as you two like to make out?” He jests and only grins wider when he catches

that narrowed glare that his bestie throws him; it’s clear he knows exactly what has been going on with

us, and his dig at Arrick just makes me a little uncomfortable. Nathan always likes to make jokes that

graze a little close to the bone, even with warnings from Arry. I look away and down my drink, ignoring

what glances transpire between them.

Arrick turns away; someone tapping him on the shoulder draws his attention, and when he dips down

and kisses someone on the cheek, my heart sinks as Natasha comes into view. All smiles and curls

and doe eyes, as he gives her a small hug too, before coming back to stand by me and Nate. He

glances my way briefly, and I work so hard to remain impassive and stare at my glass instead, giving

no hint of the war of emotion that runs through me. My gut always knew she would show up, even

though he never mentioned her, and I’m instantly somber. I want to leave, put the glass down, and hop

in a cab back home.

“Hi, Sophie, you look really beautiful tonight. I love that dress.” She beams at me and for once I get an

ache of something in my stomach in relation to her that is not hatred. I get that maybe she thinks we

bonded in the bathroom the other night, but it’s plain weird that she is still being super nice to me;

especially as I just spent the last half hour thinking about sex with her boyfriend. I feel awkward but

notice that she actually looks prettier than normal.

“You too, your dress is pretty cute.” I answer honestly, eyeing up the loose floral dress that is edgy

enough in style to look right for a club. I do, however, mentally picture it as a jumpsuit instead, with

higher heels, and see a much more flattering look on her short height that would make a huge

difference to her whole body. She’s wearing low heels, like she always does, and it just to me makes

her seem so unrefined and unfinished. An extra inch would make her legs killer.

“My friend picked it out, she’s like you. Always following trends and fashion and has an eye for what’s

hot.” She giggles my way and Arrick’s eyes rest on both of us, silently watching with that unreadable

expression. I guess he’s wondering why, after so long being at each other’s throat, I choose now to act

like a human towards her. Even I know my whole attitude towards her is missing any hostility. I sound

genuine for once, because I am.

I guess I feel sorry for her, and guilt has a part to play. I can’t really hate someone for being completely

in love with Arrick. He’s easy to fall in love with, and I can’t imagine what it must be like for her. Wanting

to be normal with him, but can’t, wanting to act like his girlfriend, even though she’s not, the feelings all

still there inside her, and she hasn’t done anything wrong to have him break up with her. I have to

admit, my heartache and gnawing pangs this second are all for her, and the situation she never asked


Arrick drinks from his bottle, giving off subtle vibes that he doesn’t feel completely at ease either.

Nathan making small talk over my head at him and I just take a moment to study Natasha, hovering still

and she smiles at me. Not a bitchy ‘back off’ smile. But a genuine ‘thank you for being nice to me and

not embarrassing me when I came over’ smile, which makes me feel like an absolute asshole. I’m

compelled to say something, while he’s engrossed in a conversation and seems to be avoiding talking

to her.

“So, you still work at the hospital?” I ask her warily, not sure why I’m doing this whole small talk thing;

she would leave a lot quicker if I ignored her. I glance at Arrick and catch the little frowns and signals

he throws my way.

He’s confused. Hell, I’m confused.

“Yeah, I am. I love working there, although it gets hard at times. I’m just glad I’m not down in the ER

anymore, which was hell on earth. I’m just nursing in the pediatric ward now. I love babies.” She seems

relieved to have a reason to still linger, glancing his way every few seconds and it’s obvious she is

desperate to get some eye contact or response from him. I can almost sense her desperation to touch

him while he is so close and that lump in my stomach expands tenfold. I feel like an absolute callous

shithead that I’m the reason she’s even in this kind of pain, and it’s a sobering slap in my face, making

me uncomfortable with all these new wimpy feelings I’m having over her.

Pull yourself together; it’s Natasha, the girl you despise!


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