Novel Name : The Carrero Heart - Beginning (Friends to Lovers)

The Carrero Heart - Beginning (Friends to Lovers) Chapter 197

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Settled in the bed of my private room with our baby asleep in his arm, Arrick sits beside me on the bed

with his free arm around my shoulder as we watch her. My head nestled on his chest and my finger in

her little tiny grip. We have sat like this for the last hour, enamored with the little miracle that we

created. Perfect in every little miniature detail and I cannot stop inspecting the sheer amazingness of

her. I finally get why Jake keeps wanting more. Nothing compares to how it feels right now, sitting here

together like this. How much I love her already.

She’s clean now, dressed in a little pink sleepsuit that’s adorned with tiny unicorns and wrapped up

snug in a fluffy pink blanket. Arrick did the fatherly duties and got her trussed up in her little outfit for

me. He was a total pro, from years of helping with Emma’s kids and looked totally at home

maneuvering a frowny faced little lady around to get her cozy in her new clothes. She regarded him

with that Arrick look of cool complacency and I think I died a little bit more.

She is definitely a Carrero, through and through.

I’m exhausted and had a little nap when they moved me here, while Arry held our daughter and didn’t

want to hand her back. I think he found his new favorite pastime and I might have to wrestle her from

him when I want a cuddle too.

“Maybe it’s time we actually finally agree on a name… Seeing as she’s now here.” He smiles down at

her and kisses me again on the temple; he’s been doing it every five minutes since I gave birth to her

and I can tell he’s ecstatically happy if not also exhausted. It may not have been him pushing out a tiny

human, but it’s taken a toll on his emotions just the same. He looks ready to sleep. We’re enjoying this

quiet time to relax in my room, and everything feels perfect right now.

“I still like Maisie, or Marie.” I look up at him adoringly with a hushed voice in case I disturb her. Feeding

her the first time was awkward and uncomfortable but she fed well enough to drift to sleep and I am

savoring these moments of watching how content she is. I’m not sure I like the whole breast-feeding

thing yet, but I will see how I go. I know Arrick won’t pressure me if bottles are more my thing.

She really is the picture of Arrick now I can see her with a clear mind and free of gunk and god knows

what that mess all over her was. It was kind of disgusting in hindsight and I’m glad Arry’s germaphobe

side didn’t actually freak out at that point. It’s like he didn’t see it really and wanted to kiss his new


She looks like him, so scarily, yet has fairer hair, like mine. Her eyes seem dark almost grey, but they

told me her eye color takes a little time to develop and they think she may follow him with hazel eyes.

Secretly I’m proud that she looks like him, because to me Arrick is the most gorgeous person in the

world and I’m happy our little girl takes after his gene pool. The Carreros have so much beauty and

kindness. She will never have to suffer from the flawed genes on my side. She will have his strength,

his heart and hopefully his sensitive nature. I cannot imagine anyone I would rather she take after, than

him, he’s my perfection.

“I don’t think she looks like a Maisie… I like Rowan.” He brushes her face softly with his nose, seeing

as I have his other arm and I want to squeeze him tight. So at home with being besotted. Never afraid

to show his affections. I always knew he would be a gentle caring father, but I think he will be far more

than my expectations. Arry is attentive by nature, caring and patient… More than I will ever be, and I

know he just met the only other little diva in his life that will own him effortlessly.

“Too many R’s… Rowan Carrero, it’s almost as much as a mouthful as yours.” I point out critically.

Frowning at him with a serious face of ‘not a chance.’

“Hey… There’s nothing wrong with my name.” He smiles defensively, turning my way with a mock

furrowed brow.

“Other than it’s hard to say when you put it all together. Arrick Carrero… Arry is so much easier to say,

and not too many C’s either. Jake Carrero is almost as bad to pronounce.” I nudge him in the ribs and

see him instantly start sounding out the names in his head as though he never noticed it before.

Yep, parents clearly never recited full names before bestowing their sons.

“Hmmmm, nice to know you think our names are painful, baby.” he frowns at me and I giggle at him

and curl up closer in his solid embrace. I’m wiped out yet happy, snuggling into my favorite person

while gazing at my new one.

It’s weird how more normal I feel already. Hours after birth, a little sore and bruised, boobs crazily

painful, but my head, my hormones, I can almost feel the sane returning through the haze of

exhaustion. The ‘Cray Cray’ oozing away by the second and that Sophie he used to love so much, is

slowly reappearing. I don’t think I am suited to baby chemicals to be honest.

“Alessia” I suggest, and he shakes his head a little too quickly.

“Ella… I like Ella.” Arrick smiles and I frown at him, a vague familiarity about the name that I can’t

remember. It’s pretty, I like it, I guess. I want to know where it came from and it better not be some hot

PA in his building, or he won’t be reproducing any other offspring in his future.

Actually, I don’t think I want him to produce more.

“Where did you hear that?” I eye him up suspiciously and catch that look that says he knows I am

having a little green-eyed moment. He smiles, kisses me sweetly on the eyebrow and looks back at our

daughter as though he can’t stay away from staring at her for too long.

I know the feeling.

“The first movie you ever made me take you to. It was awful, but … you smiled a lot and you liked it, so

it was worth it. I think if we are keeping things sentimental, then Ella, from Ella Enchanted, is a good

name for our little miracle.”

I smile when the memory comes flooding back and I nod at him without hesitation. Heart bursting and

remembering all the reasons I ever fell in love with this guy in the first place. I swear he has a memory

like an elephant, and I can never fault how good he is at reminding me of the best of them.

“I like it. Ella Carrero… It sounds good. Ella Marie Carrero.” I snuggle into him more and get as close to

her as I can, so I can smell that sweet addictive baby smell she has going on and savor the tiny grip

she has on me.

“As good as Sophie Carrero sounds.” Arrick leans down and leans his face on top of my head,

tightening his hold on me, snuggling his family together.

“Guess we better make the most of this quiet time with our baby. God knows the next few weeks are

going to be a battle to keep our families at bay and have alone time.” I point out, knowing fine well most

of them are on their way already. We didn’t tell anyone until she was actually here as we knew they

would show up in droves. I can almost picture them all battling to get on the jet and bustling this way in

a flurry of balloons and gifts.

“I don’t think alone time is going to be something we get very much of ever again, after this.” He nods

at her and I break into a huge smile.

“Yeah… I guess not.” Watching her sleep so peacefully, so trusting in his arm under our loving gazes.

“I’m not complaining.” Arrick nudges me with a slow sexy smile that brings out those dimples. My heart


“Me either.”

In fact, I can’t imagine anything more perfect than this. I finally got my Happily Ever After.

End of Book Three- Bonus Book to follow on.


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