Novel Name : The Carrero Heart - Beginning (Friends to Lovers)

The Carrero Heart - Beginning (Friends to Lovers) Chapter 32

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I plod to the door and go to walk in without hesitation. Jake, close on my heels, tugs me back by my

ponytail, so he can jump in front of me with a chuckle, and meets another rain of light slaps on his arm

as I try to muscle him out of the way. We have carried on this way ever since I got used to the force

that is Jacob Carrero, and months away have changed nothing. He is still a massive annoying

douchebag that reminds me of every one of my four adopted big brothers, only more irritating and less

mature than any one of them at any given time.

“Bambinos, I’m home.” Jake yells out and muscles me under his arm to squeeze my face into his

armpit and ribcage so that I am almost suffocating on whatever body spray he uses and fight him with

little effect. He drags me through the marble hallway as the small squeals of young children flood this

way; small feet and excited faces race out from a nearby room, and he relinquishes his hold on me,

thankfully. I straighten up to right my clothes and tighten my ponytail, which he has messed up, in

irritation. Face burning from my near-death experience of Carrero aftershave, I shove his large

shoulder hard and meet another uncaring grin.

Mia is first, faster than her baby brother at six years old, all blonde curls and soft blue eyes as she runs

full speed with open arms, straight to her daddy’s legs amid excited squeals. Jake catches her and

swings her up for a full-on hug and kiss. Smiles all around and delighted squeals of a child who idolizes

her daddy. Little Lucah, slower but trying his hardest at just three, comes bouncing through on adorable

chubby little legs, all dark-haired and green-eyed like his father, and has those irresistible Carrero

dimples on show from that shy smile. Jake walks forward to bridge the gap and scoops him up with his

free hand, nestling a child in each arm on either side of his face, to be smothered in kisses and

adoration. He looks like the cat who got the cream and completely at home with his two babies held


“Dadda, Dadda, Dadda”’ the repetitive gurgling of over-excited kids trying to fight for his attention. I

watch them with so much love, waiting for my turn to shower my gorgeous babies with cuddles of my

own; completely torn at how much they have grown in such a short time and how much I must have

missed. It hits me in the stomach like a hard blow, that while I have been out there drowning my

sorrows, I’ve been missing two of my babies growing up, and I can never get that back.

“Look who’s here, Mimmos.” Jake turns my way and shoogles his children to get their attention. Mia

seems to see me for the first time and squeals in giddy delight that only breaks all my defenses down

and I instantly grin. Warmth flowing through every nerve ending, and every mood I have been

harboring, just fizzles away.

“So-feeeeee.” She leans out at an alarming angle, throwing trusting arms towards me that could have

ended in disaster if both Jake and I didn’t react quickly. He deposits her in my waiting arms with a look

of relief at the near miss of his kid face planking a marble floor from a five-foot height. Mia treats me to

the same hugs and slobbering kisses Jake has just endured. Lucah, however, curled up against his

dad’s throat shyly, regards me suspiciously. I guess in the eyes of a three-year-old a few months are a

long time, and he is no longer willing to just throw himself at me like his sister has. That internal pang of

guilt eats away more as I watch the wary looks and serious expression of Jake’s mini-me with sadness.

The funny thing about these two kids is, despite the obvious looks, each child has the opposite parent’s

personality. Mia is Emma to look at but Jake in a nutshell. All bold, flamboyant, and fearless and loves

people like crazy. She is always the belle of the ball and center of the limelight so effortlessly and has

his cheeky confident attitude, that she can wrap anyone around her little finger.

Lucah, however, is more refined, shy, and withdrawn, until he works you out from a distance, and even

then, he is a much calmer child than Mia has ever been. He takes time to warm to you and has never

been overly touchy-feely, even as a little baby. He likes his space and sometimes has Arrick’s cool and

distant mannerisms. Not that it’s surprising, as he idolizes his Uncle and Arrick has spent as much time

with these two kids as he has his brother for years. He probably rubbed off on him a little too much.

Lucah regards me at a distance, while Jake leads the way to the room they came scrambling from.

“Emma, il mio amore?” Jake calls out, frowning as he sees only the nanny in the messy playroom that

opens out in front of us. This used to be his pristine front living room with white couches and expensive

furniture when they bought this house, but soon after Mia learned to crawl, Jake had to relinquish it to a

massive playpen for his bundle of wild.

“Where is she, Nadine?” He asks gently but doesn’t need the response as the soft voice comes from

behind us.

“Right here, admiring your rear, Mr. Carrero.” Emma laughs as Jake turns to her with a happy smile,

scooping down to plant a kiss on her mouth that is more than just a chaste peck. Eyes only for her, like

always, and a second to rub his nose against hers in that affectionate gesture I have seen him do a

million times. It’s like breathing for him.

I glance away shyly, used to the ‘lovey-dovey’ displays of affection between these two, but it doesn’t

mean I’m any more comfortable with it. Jake has never been shy about openly canoodling with her;

something I’m glad to say I’ve never seen Arrick do with any girl. I don’t even think he is the type to

perform any sort of love related PDA.

“Don’t I get a hug?” Emma’s voice brings me back around and I instantly move to hand off Mia to her,

the little bundle still wrapped around my neck possessively. Emma takes her daughter and hands her

back to Jake instantly, with a funny smile. “I meant from you.” She adds more pointedly, raising

eyebrows at me and opening her arms towards me. I feel stupid for a second, and then relief washes

over me at the lack of awkwardness or real nerves now I am faced with her.

I don’t hesitate, stepping forward into the embrace, made a little awkward by the huge bump on the

front of that tiny body, and manage a sort of snuggle. It feels better than good. The soft vanilla smell of

Emma and the familiar hug of someone I love to death, someone who’s always understood me without

trying; because deep down we’re alike in so many ways. Emma rose from a childhood of abuse at the

hands of men, and her own mother failed her, just like mine did. She is the reason I found my way to

this family.

“You’re huge,” I blurt out through strained emotion, heart bursting a little bit at being back here. Tears

stinging my eyes and a sense of really coming home, now I’ve seen her.

“Gee, thanks, Soph, way to make a grumpy pregnant woman feel good.” Emma giggles at me and

bops me on the head with a gentle fist. Jake leans in, separating his kids so he can maneuver down

and kiss his wife on the temple.

“She’s beautiful no matter how big the baby bump is. I’d still do her.” He grins cheekily as Emma

elbows him in the ribs.

“Jacob! Young ears … not appropriate.” She chastises him, but he only winks and smiles harder, never

one to be fully tamed, even with Emma’s chastising.

“I didn’t say the F-word, baby; besides, that created these young ears, and I’m pretty sure Sophie is old

enough to not be traumatized anymore by me.” He smirks and turns towards the playroom once more

as Emma sighs at him indulgently. “I’m going to take my two little devils outside to play for a while and

leave you two to get reacquainted. Send Nadine out if you hear screaming; these kids of mine are

wild.” He smirks once more, planting a parting kiss on his wife’s lips, lingering, before heading off

through the playroom to the patio doors which lead into a fenced off play area.

We watch him saunter off casually, so effortlessly at ease with being a dad and I shake my head in

sheer awe.


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