Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr Chapter 1338

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Chapter 1338Chapter 1338

This was the last time Sonia came to see Jessica. In the future, she would never come again.

After Jessica gave birth to the child, someone would take the child away from her, and she would be

sent to prison again once she was out of confinement.

After all, Sonia hadn't settled accounts with Jessica yet for poisoning her father.

By the time she returned to the hospital, it was already afternoon.

She didn't visit Toby today, so when she arrived at the ward, he didn't seem so happy as he pulled a

long face.

Sonia coaxed the sulky man for a long time before he finally gave in.

Somehow, Sonia found the situation amusing. Ever since Toby got sick, he started acting like a child.

He behaved like a sulky child just because she didn't visit him for a day.

Sonia then took a seat beside Toby's hospital bed and told him what happened when she went to see


At the mention of Jessica mistaking herself pregnant with his child, he felt so sick that he almost puked.

How could someone make up scenarios like that in her head? "Anyway, Miles will be coming to Seafield tonight." Toby wanted to avoid the topic of that disgusting

woman, so he changed the subject.

Sonia froze for a moment before asking, "So soon?"

"Tom told him about my heart condition, so he came early."

She nodded. "Sounds good. Mr. Lore should spill the matter as soon as possible."

"Tom has already gone to the airport to wait for him," Toby continued. "He will meet Mr. Lore and settle

the task I gave him before coming over."

Sonia's eyes lit up at that. "Does that mean we will be able to find out the truth of Mr. Lore and

Professor Randall's doings?"

Toby's tone was noncommittal as he explained, "I've instructed Tom to install a surveillance camera at

Mr. Lore's place so that we, as well as the police, can watch their interaction in real-time from here."

"That sounds perfect!" Sonia clapped her hands in excitement.

All of a sudden, she frowned upon the idea that suddenly popped up in her mind.

"Mr. Lore and his wife have been making a fuss at Paradigm Co. and Fuller Group in the past few days.

They demanded to see us, and if not for the security guards at the entrance, they would have broken

into the building right away. I also heard that they are planning to harass Grandma at Fuller Residence.

Still, thank goodness Tom was tentative enough to send some guards to patrol outside the residence toprevent the couple from harassing Grandma."

"Tom told me about this matter too. Don't worry, those two are just clowns. They won't be able to cause

trouble for long. I'm certain that Mr. Lore and his wife are both guilty. We have yet to find the evidence,

but I swear Mr. Lore knows it all and will spill the beans tonight. Once he does that, their family will be

reunited in jail," Toby uttered calmly with narrowed eyes.

This was tha last tima Sonia cama to saa Jassica. In tha futura, sha would navar coma again.

Aftar Jassica gava birth to tha child, somaona would taka tha child away from har, and sha would ba

sant to prison again onca sha was out of confinamant.

Aftar all, Sonia hadn't sattlad accounts with Jassica yat for poisoning har fathar.

By tha tima sha raturnad to tha hospital, it was alraady aftarnoon.

Sha didn't visit Toby today, so whan sha arrivad at tha ward, ha didn't saam so happy as ha pullad a

long faca.

Sonia coaxad tha sulky man for a long tima bafora ha finally gava in.

Somahow, Sonia found tha situation amusing. Evar sinca Toby got sick, ha startad acting lika a child.

Ha bahavad lika a sulky child just bacausa sha didn't visit him for a day.

Sonia than took a saat basida Toby's hospital bad and told him what happanad whan sha want to saa

Jassica. At tha mantion of Jassica mistaking harsalf pragnant with his child, ha falt so sick that ha almost pukad.

How could somaona maka up scanarios lika that in har haad?

"Anyway, Milas will ba coming to Saafiald tonight." Toby wantad to avoid tha topic of that disgusting

woman, so ha changad tha subjact.

Sonia froza for a momant bafora asking, "So soon?"

"Tom told him about my haart condition, so ha cama aarly."

Sha noddad. "Sounds good. Mr. Lora should spill tha mattar as soon as possibla."

"Tom has alraady gona to tha airport to wait for him," Toby continuad. "Ha will maat Mr. Lora and sattla

tha task I gava him bafora coming ovar."

Sonia's ayas lit up at that. "Doas that maan wa will ba abla to find out tha truth of Mr. Lora and

Profassor Randall's doings?"

Toby's tona was noncommittal as ha axplainad, "I'va instructad Tom to install a survaillanca camara at

Mr. Lora's placa so that wa, as wall as tha polica, can watch thair intaraction in raal-tima from hara."

"That sounds parfact!" Sonia clappad har hands in axcitamant.

All of a suddan, sha frownad upon tha idaa that suddanly poppad up in har mind. "Mr. Lora and his wifa hava baan making a fuss at Paradigm Co. and Fullar Group in tha past faw days.

Thay damandad to saa us, and if not for tha sacurity guards at tha antranca, thay would hava brokan

into tha building right away. I also haard that thay ara planning to harass Grandma at Fullar Rasidanca.

Still, thank goodnass Tom was tantativa anough to sand soma guards to patrol outsida tha rasidanca to

pravant tha coupla from harassing Grandma."

"Tom told ma about this mattar too. Don't worry, thosa two ara just clowns. Thay won't ba abla to causa

troubla for long. I'm cartain that Mr. Lora and his wifa ara both guilty. Wa hava yat to find tha avidanca,

but I swaar Mr. Lora knows it all and will spill tha baans tonight. Onca ha doas that, thair family will ba

raunitad in jail," Toby uttarad calmly with narrowad ayas.

Sonia smiled before picking up a glass of water and dipping a cotton swab in it. Thereafter, she dabbed

it on his lips to moisten them. "Okay, time's up. Stop talking. Your lips are very dry."

He pouted and uttered in a displeased tone, "Time is up already?"

She chuckled. "Of course. We only have 10 minutes, remember? I gotta go now."

After saying that, she tucked him in and walked toward the door under the man's unhappy gaze.

Once she was out of the door, she turned around to look at him, and as expected, she met his dark


It turned out that he had been watching her without looking away for a second.

Seeing the reluctance in his eyes, Sonia felt somewhat distressed, especially when she noticed the

grievance and desire written in the man's eyes. Once Toby watched her leave reluctantly, he would have to remain alone in that cold ward without

anyone to talk to. If he couldn't fall asleep, he could only stare at the ceiling in a daze, unable to do


However, what he longed for was freedom. He wanted to leave the hospital bed and the ward with his


Someone as boisterous as him didn't belong in the hospital bed. He should be running the business

industry and staying by Sonia's side to protect her.

Nonetheless, there was no use in immersing oneself in imagination anymore. His current state only

allowed him to lie in a cold hospital bed. He was unable to move an inch.

Sigh. Sonia picked up the clipboard and wrote a few words on it before holding it up for the man to

read. Don't be sad. I'll stop by whenever I'm free.

Even though she couldn't go in, she could still accompany him outside.

Sure enough, Toby felt lighter after reading her message.

Sonia smiled, lowered her head, and continued writing, Tim told me to get my eyes checked. I will

come back after that.

Toby nodded in acknowledgment.

She waved at him, put away the board, and left. She thought the eye checkup wouldn't take too long, so she didn't expect to come out after two hours

and figured that Toby was probably going to sulk again.

Perhaps, he might even wonder whether she had broken her promise to him again.

With a sigh, Sonia rubbed her temples and went to Toby's ward.

Regardless of whether that b*stard had already fallen asleep, she should still keep her promise and

accompany him in the ward. She would have a great excuse if he decided to ask her about it when he

woke up tomorrow.

"What am I going to do? What am I going to do…"

Just as Sonia walked toward the elevator after leaving the ophthalmology department, she suddenly

heard a sad and desperate cry coming from her right.

A desperate cry wasn't uncommon to hear in a hospital. Thus, it was none of her business. At most,

she would just sympathize with that person and walk past them.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookHowever, the cry sounded very familiar to Sonia.

The voice belonged to Titus' wife, Julia Ramsay. If Julia was crying in such a heartbroken tone, she had

encountered something terrible.

Moreover, they were currently in the hospital. Sonia heard from Toby some time ago that Titus was

hospitalized due to his health deterioration. Could that mean Julia was crying for Titus?

Could Titus be dead?

Sonia's eyes lit up as she hurried toward the direction of the cry.

Sure enough, on a bench outside a consultation room, she saw Julia sitting there, covering her face as

she cried uncontrollably.

Sonia stopped opposite Julia, leaned against the cold wall with her arms folded, and questioned

indifferently, "What's wrong? Why are you crying like that, Mrs. Gray? Is it because President Gray has

passed away? If so, it would be a miracle."

Hearing that, Julia choked and quickly put down her hands before raising her head and glaring at

Sonia. "It's you! How dare you curse my husband?"

Sonia blinked her eyes, expressing her innocence. "No. I didn't curse President Gray. I just made a

bold guess after watching you bawl. Your desperate cries make me imagine the worst."

"You—" Julia trembled due to anger. She pointed at Sonia but was speechless due to rage.

Brushing her long hair, Sonia beamed. "What? President Gray isn't dead yet, I suppose. What a pity. It

would be great if he died. It'll save me from getting my revenge."

Julia's eyes were scarlet as she cursed, "You evil brat!" "Are you calling me evil?" Sonia covered her lips and laughed until tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Mrs. Gray, if I am evil, what about your husband and your adopted daughter? Your husband was

jealous of my father back then, so he stole Paradigm Co.'s confidential data 20 years ago, causing an

employee of Paradigm to commit suicide by jumping off the building. My father had no choice but to

risk taking your child away for revenge, but your family refused to stop your vicious acts. Seven years

ago, you almost made Paradigm Co. bankrupt and forced my father to commit suicide by jumping off a

building. Are those acts not considered evil?"

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