Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr Chapter 1436

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Chapter 1436Chapter 1436 Reminiscence

Sonia did not want to eat another bite. Whatever she had on her plate was enough to make her entire

being tremble from having her mental defenses tested.

She did not know what would happen if she continued to eat the food. Would she immediately forgive

all wrongs and acknowledge Julia and Titus as her parents?

She had been yearning for a mother's love for way too long. If Julia kept up with the offense on her

mental defenses, she would not be able to hold on for much longer.

Today's meeting had to end now. She could not let it continue any longer.

She put down her phone. Her body trembled as she got to her feet.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookToby followed suit and wrapped her in his arms.

He had not taken a single bite of the food served at all.

One, Julia prepared the feast just for Sonia. He knew Sonia had been longing for a mother's love.

Hence, he did not want to step in between them. He wanted her to know what a mother's love felt like

and calm any regrets she had.

Two, he was not hungry at all. "Mr. and Mrs. Gray, my wife is full and it is getting late. We should be going," Toby announced, glancing

at Julia and Titus.

Sonia kept her head ducked down the entire time. She did not say a word, and her face was hidden

from view.

Titus had a clearer view of her face than Julia, so he understood there was something off about Sonia's

current mood. He nodded. "Very well. Stay safe. If possible, call us or message us once you're home to

let us know you've arrived safely."

Toby kept quiet. No one knew if that meant he agreed to the request or not.

Julia was silent the entire time, staring at her daughter with eyes full of reluctance.

She has only just arrived. Why is she leaving so soon?

There was still food on the table, and she had not hugged Sonia yet.

A thought seemed to have struck Julia as she suddenly placed her cutlery down and walked over to

Sonia. Then, catching Sonia and Toby by surprise, she pulled Sonia into an embrace.

Sonia instinctively began to struggle.

However, Julia's arms were wrapped so tightly around her that she could not get away.

Toby intended on helping her out, but he saw the look Titus shot at him, begging him to just let Juliahug Sonia for a little while longer.

Toby watched Julia sob as she hugged Sonia, who suddenly stopped struggling and dazedly allowed

the hug to continue. He eventually gave up on separating the two women.

He could see that Sonia wanted to experience a mother's embrace as well. She initially struggled only

because she was not used to the embrace.

"I have missed you so much, Sonny. I have missed you so, so very much," Julia suddenly said. Her

throat was tight with longing.

Sonia froze as emotions swelled in her.

Julia loosened her arms and moved to place her hands on Sonia's cheeks as she stared at Sonia with

teary eyes. "I love you, Sonny. You are the child your father and I finally received after years of

treatment. You are our most beloved person. We're so sorry to have lost you and done so many hurtful

things to you. We feel very guilty for it, but we will not plead for your forgiveness. We just want to say

that we have missed you, and we love you."

Titus did not say a single word throughout Julia's speech, but the way he was looking at Sonia spoke of

his sincere agreement.

It was evident; whatever Julia said was exactly what he wanted to say, too.

Sonia bit down on her lip. She then opened her mouth as if to speak, but she could not utter a single

word. Julia stroked Sonia's thin face. "Will you be coming over tomorrow? I'd like to show you the Gray

Residence and your room. I want to show you the presents we have prepared for over twenty years. I

would like your grandparents to know that you still live."

Sonia slid her eyes shut and hoarsely replied, "We'll see."

It was not a yes or a no.

However, that was enough to make Julia and Titus beside themselves with joy.

As long as it was not a no, then it meant there was a chance she would agree to the request.

There was no need to rush. They would take their time.

"Okay. I won't push you into this. I'll wait for your answer," Julia said, nodding as happy tears streamed

down her cheeks.

Sonia grabbed Toby's hand. "Let's go."

She was afraid she might lose control if she did not leave now.

Toby grunted in acknowledgment and nodded to Julia and Titus before leading Sonia out.

Julia followed behind them the entire time and watched as they walked over to their car. She couldn't

stop waving at them, even after the car vanished from view.

Through the rearview mirror, Sonia saw that. Finally, she was unable to suppress her emotions anylonger and burst out crying.

Her tormented cries saddened Toby. In the end, he parked the car by the side of the road, unbuckled

himself, and leaned over to pull her into his arms. "Aww, don't cry. I know what they've done has made

you very conflicted, but it's not your fault. They are your biological parents. They should love you. You

can accept their love without guilt because that is yours in the first place. You do not need to feel like

you've wronged the Reeds just because you accepted their love."

"I know, but..."

She buried her face into his chest as she continued to sob.

He patiently patted her on the back. "Don't worry. No matter what, you have me and our child. We will

always be beside you."

His words calmed her down, and she slid her eyes shut.

Her health was not the best in the first place, and her pregnancy made her more prone to naps. The

silence combined with his refreshing scent in her nose caused her to eventually drift off to sleep.

Toby waited. When he sensed no movement from her, he looked down to find she had fallen asleep.

He chuckled and adjusted her seat so that she could lie down and nap.

He then covered her with his jacket before starting the car and driving over to First World Hospital.

Tim frowned when he saw Toby walking in with Sonia in his arms. "What happened to her?" "Fell asleep after exhausting herself from crying," Toby replied as he gently placed her on the bed.

Tim unhappily pushed his glasses up. "You actually let her cry knowing just how bad her condition is?"

"What else would I do?" Toby tucked her in before calmly turning around to shoot Tim a look. "Did you

forget whom she was meeting today? Everyone knows just how much the Grays love their only

daughter. Did you think the Little Leaf wouldn't be moved to tears by their feelings?"

There was a dazed look in Tim's eyes. "I'm sorry. I don't quite understand the love of a parent

whatsoever, but I know that she cannot cry so often. It's bad for her body and the baby."

"I know. Today is an exception. I'll keep that in mind in the future." Toby sat down beside the bed and

stared at Sonia's pale skin with a loving gaze.

Suddenly, his phone beeped; he had a message.

When he glanced down at it, he found a message from Titus, asking if they had arrived safely at their


Toby had not planned on replying, but when he recalled how much Titus loved Sonia, he patiently

tapped out a one-word reply. 'Ok.'

It might be cold, but Titus was happy just to see a reply. His fingers trembled as he replied back, 'Take

good care of Sonny.'

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