Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr Chapter 732

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You Don’t Trust Me

When she realized that that was a possibility, she was overwhelmed by a great sense of fear, and it

squeezed her heart. With how much Charles disliked her, she knew he would never allow her to be

pregnant with his child, but when she went to the hospital to get a checkup, the doctor already

confirmed that she was pregnant. If Mr. Lane finds out, he’ll force me to abort. But I don’t want to do

that. I want to give birth to this baby.

Sonia was worried about Daphne, since she was looking pale. “Are you alright, Daphne? Why are you

looking so pale all of a sudden?”

Daphne stared down. “I’m alright.”

“Really?” Sonia looked at her, obviously not believing Daphne. She looks so pale. That can’t be alright.

“I’m fine, really.” She shook her head adamantly and repeated her earlier question, “Chairman Reed,

why did Mr. Lane want to know if I’m acting weird anyway? What does he mean by ‘acting weird?’”

“I’m sorry, Daphne, but I don’t know either. I asked him, but he said nothing. He said something

happened between you two, so he wants to know if you’re acting weird lately. That’s all.” Sonia looked

at her with an apologetic smile.

Daphne bit her lip, and she started feeling really nervous. “How did you answer him?” If she told him I

retched, it’d be a disaster.

Sonia didn’t know why Daphne was so nervous, but she shrugged and answered honestly, “I told him

you’re fine.”

Daphne looked at her. “You didn’t tell him I’m feeling unwell?”

Sonia shook her head. “No. You’re feeling unwell because you’re sick. That’s not acting weird. Why

should I tell him that?”

Daphne secretly heaved a sigh of relief and looked at Sonia gratefully. “I see. Thank you, Chairman


She bowed to Sonia. Good thing she didn’t notice what Mr. Lane was talking about. If not, she might

have told him about my retching, and he would have figured out I’m pregnant. He might force me to get

the abortion.

Sonia didn’t understand why Daphne was suddenly thanking her, nor did she understand why Daphne

looked so relieved. Sonia waved her hands and said, “Don’t mention it. I was just telling the truth. What

happened between you guys anyway?”

Daphne stared down and stayed quiet.

Oh, she can’t say. Sonia shook her head. “It’s alright if you don’t want to talk about it, but if you guys

have a misunderstanding, please clear it up. If you don’t, it’ll be harder to clear it up later. You want to

be with him, right? So talk it through with him.”

Daphne forced a smile. “I understand. Thank you for the tip.”

“Alright.” Sonia waved her away.

Daphne took a deep breath and turned around, then she went toward the door, but her footsteps felt

heavier than they were when she came in. Eventually, she left, and the door was closed.

Suddenly, Toby blocked Sonia’s sight and stopped her from looking at the door.

Sonia pulled his hand away, then she turned around. “What are you doing?”

“You’re spending too much time sending her off.” He hugged her.

Sonia was amused. “I was just sending my secretary off. You’re jealous of her?”

He snorted. “They’re not me. You can only look at me like that.”

“You’re such a baby.” She rolled her eyes and refilled her cup with coffee.

Toby pushed his cup over to her. “I want some too.”

Sonia might have grumbled about him, but she refilled his cup anyway. Toby happily picked the cup up

and took a sip. “Your secretary seems to be scared of Charles.”

“Yes,” Sonia said. “I noticed it too. She looked pale when I said Charles asked if she was acting weird.

Judging from her later reactions to my questions, it’s obvious that she’s afraid of him finding out about


“You want to know what that something is?” Toby glanced at her.

She arched her eyebrow. “You know what it is?”

“No.” He shook his head.

The corner of her lips twitched. “Why did you say that then?”

“I’m just saying that I can get someone to look into it if you want to know. He can’t hide from me even if

he wants to.” He looked down and kissed her forehead.

Sonia shook her head. “No. Charles is my friend. I can’t snoop around just because I’m curious. That’s


“Fine.” Toby shrugged. “I don’t want you to pay attention to him either.”

Sonia laughed. “You really get jealous of everything, huh?”

“Well, there’s only one you, but there are a lot of people who want a piece of you.” Toby caressed her


Sonia’s cheek was feeling itchy, so she held his hand and pulled it away. “Same goes to you, Toby.

There’s only one of you, but there are a lot of girls who want a piece of you. I remember you topping

the charts of ‘Men Women Want to Marry Most’ for the longest time. Congrats, Mr. Fuller.” She looked

up and smirked at him.

He frowned. “It’s just some chart those women came up with because they’re bored. I don’t care about

it. I’m all yours, so don’t worry about it.” He pecked her lips.

She was looking up, and it made it easier for him to kiss. She didn’t expect the kiss to come so

suddenly so she was startled, then she covered her lips and shot him a glare. “You’re such a cheeky

opportunist, aren’t you?”

Toby chuckled in response.

Sonia pushed him away. “You’re a smooth talker.”

“I’m not.” He held her by her waist and pulled her into his embrace, then he looked at her. “It’s my true

feelings.” Look at my eyes. My feelings are genuine.

Toby was looking serious, but Sonia rolled her eyes.

Toby frowned slightly, then he held her face. “You don’t believe me?”

“You’re imagining things.” She smacked his hands away.

He looked at the back of his hand, then at her. “I am not. You have to say you believe me.”

“No.” She turned her head away.

He pulled her back to face him. “If you don’t say it, then it means you don’t trust me.”

“You’re really imagining things.” She held her forehead. He’s being a pain right now. He wasn’t like this.

Why did he even become this way anyway? Sonia was immersed in her thoughts at this moment.

Toby noticed her spacing out, and he pursed his lips. “I’m talking to you, and you got distracted?”

Sonia snapped out of it. “Huh? What were you saying?”

The veins on his forehead throbbed, and his voice took on a menacing tone. “I want you to say you

trust me.”

“You’re still on about that?” Sonia was slightly annoyed. “It’s just a little statement. Don’t get obsessed

over it. All that matters is I trust you with all my heart. I don’t have to say it out loud.”


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