Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr Chapter 28

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Sonia was no longer the daughter-in-law of the Fuller Family, so she did not have to bear with Jean

anymore. She grasped Jean’s wrist forcefully and pushed her away which caught the latter completely

off guard. Because of that, Jean lost her balance and fell onto the ground. Her image was ruined as

she moaned in pain.

“Madam White, please mind your behavior,” Sonia said coldly. “If you’re going to start throwing hands, I

will not hesitate to do the same.”

Jean was boiling in anger. “Sonia, how dare you say that to me!”

Previously, when Sonia and Toby were still married, Sonia was extremely obedient to Jean and would

never dare to talk back. However, she had changed completely after the divorce.

“I knew you were a b*tch! You have been putting up an act all this while to cotton up to me!” Jean

scowled. Despite wearing an elegant dark blue dress, she looked shrewish with her ferocious


“You’re the one who refused to take a single cent from Toby when you guys divorced! What is this

attitude you’re giving me right now? Have you no shame?!”

“It’s true that I didn’t take money from Toby.” Sonia looked directly into Jean’s eyes.

“Why are you still pestering my son then?!” Jean snarled.

She then took out a stack of pictures from her handbag and distributed them to the staff who were

watching. “Look at your boss. What a shameless woman. My son has already divorced her and even

has a girlfriend now, but she still refuses to let go of him. She just won’t stop pestering him!”

After distributing the pictures, Jean threw the remaining pictures at Sonia. “Take a look for yourself.

How could you be so shameless to ask Toby to carry you into the car?!”

The pictures which Jean threw hit Sonia before landing on the ground. Sonia picked up a couple of

them and saw Toby and her in them—she was talking to Toby beside the car while holding an umbrella.

Because the two of them were standing close to each other, it seemed as if she was hugging Toby. On

the other hand, the second picture was the scene of Toby carrying her into the car.

Little did Sonia expect that someone had secretly captured pictures of Toby and her when they were at

the car park yesterday afternoon.

Jean pointed at Sonia and continued to reprimand, “Tina’s father has apologized to you regarding the

video, but you’re such an ungrateful brat! You do know that Tina likes mangoes, don’t you? And yet you

dared to ask Toby to send mangoes to your company!”

Sonia was startled by Jean’s words. She didn’t know Tina liked mangoes and thought that the box of

mangoes was from Charles. It turned out that it wasn’t the case.

“I’m warning you, Sonia—you better stay away from my son! The reason Toby agreed to marry you six

years ago was because of Tina. Otherwise, given your status, do you think you deserve to be with


Seeing Sonia’s pale face, Zane quickly stood up to mediate. “Madam White, although Miss Reed and

Toby have divorced, they are still friends. The pictures must be a misunderstanding. Why don’t you go

back and ask Toby about it?”

“If she didn’t seduce Toby, why would he carry her into the car?” Jean questioned.

“Maybe Miss Reed was feeling unwell, and Toby merely helped her out of kindness. Madam White, this

is Miss Reed’s office after all. You’ll put her in a difficult situation by causing such a scene,” Zane said


However, Jean darted a glare at Zane and thereafter looked at Sonia with her eyes filled with contempt.

Then, she sneered in a loud and sharp voice, “Ha! You’re really good at seducing men, Sonia. Not only

did you seduce the model, but you won’t even spare Toby’s friend!”

With that, Zane was rendered speechless.

Meanwhile, seeing how Jean was being increasingly unreasonable, Sonia grabbed a cup of coffee from

a staff’s table and splashed it toward Jean’s face. The coffee was still warm as it was splashed onto

Jean’s face and her dress. Screaming, Jean quickly took some napkins to wipe the stains on her dress.

“You b*tch!” Jean almost wanted to tear Sonia into pieces when her favorite dress was stained.

Nevertheless, before she could do anything, the securities had rushed up and held her down.

Sonia put the coffee cup back on the table and stared at Jean coldly. “President Fuller is a renowned

man in the business circle. I hope that you will conduct yourself better, Madam White, lest other people

think President Fuller’s mother is a rude shrew. Also, this is Paradigm Co.—my company. Therefore,

please make an appointment at the concierge if you would like to see me. If a situation like this

happens again, I’ll ask my lawyer to talk to you, Madam White.”

Before Jean could blow up, Sonia ordered the two securities, “Madam White here has disrupted

everyone’s work. Please send her out.”

“Let go of me! I’m going to kill this b*tch!” Jean was still cursing Sonia as she was dragged out by the

securities, and she looked like a shrew indeed.

Meanwhile, the staff sensibly dismissed themselves and went back to their desks to work.

“My apologies, Mr. Coleman.” Sonia smiled faintly while wiping the coffee stain which spattered onto

her sleeve.

Thereafter, the two went into the lift. Zane couldn’t stop glancing at Sonia as he rubbed his chin with his

slender fingers and commented, “I realize you’ve changed a lot after divorcing Toby.”

Before Toby and Sonia had divorced, Zane had gone to the Fullers’ residence a few times and had

seen the way Jean treated Sonia like a servant, ordering her about. On the other hand, Sonia would

always obey her commands in a servile manner. As such, Zane was very surprised to see Sonia’s

domineering stance today when she splashed coffee at Jean and taught her a lesson.

“Yeah. Thanks to Toby,” Sonia said in sarcasm.

She married Toby six years ago because she loved him. She had been an obedient daughter-in-law

and served the Fullers while bearing with Jean’s scolding and unreasonableness, thinking that by doing

so, Toby would be moved and fall in love with her.

Nonetheless, it was only later on did she realize it was just her wishful thinking. There was already

someone else in Toby’s heart, so no matter how she loved him humbly and wholeheartedly, she

wouldn’t be able to capture his heart.

“It’s not a bad thing that you guys divorced. I reckon no woman will dare to marry into the Fullers given

Madam White’s character.” Zane freaked out at the thought of Jean’s fierce look. “Toby is amazing for

not being psychologically distorted having a mother like this.” Then, he changed the topic and asked

Sonia, “The model seems pretty decent. When do you guys plan to get married?”

Sonia wasn’t that close with Zane and thought she didn’t have to tell him everything, so she answered,

“Carl is quite busy and has gone on a business trip overseas.”

Hearing that, Zane perceived that the two were indeed dating, and he hummed in response.

When the lift arrived on the ground floor, a message came into Zane’s phone. He glanced at it and

turned to Sonia. “Miss Reed, I’ll take a rain check on the lunch as I have some matters to attend to.”

“Sure.” Sonia nodded and sent Zane out of the company.

After arriving at Majestique, Zane found the private room and entered it. Seeing that Toby was already

here, Zane said immediately, “Your mother was making a scene at Paradigm Co. just now.”

Toby frowned. “What did she do?”

“Sigh. It’s because of the person who took pictures of you carrying Sonia into the car.” Zane sat down

and poured himself a cup of tea. “I have no idea how she got those pictures. She went to find Sonia in

her company and scolded her for being shameless and seducing you even after you guys are


Zane continued asking with interest, “What’s going on? Are you the one seducing Sonia?”

“No.” Toby shot Zane a cold glance and explained in a displeased tone, “She wasn’t feeling well after

being caught in the rain yesterday afternoon. I was worried that she would cause a car accident if she

drove, so I decided to send her back, but she was stubborn and insisted on getting a temporary driver.”

“She’s right. She could have just gotten a driver. Question is, why were you, her ex-husband, worried

about her?” Zane tutted. “Thanks to your ‘kind act’, your mother went to Paradigm Co. and called Sonia

names in front of all her colleagues.”

Upon hearing that, Toby was rendered speechless.


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