Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr Chapter 1392

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Chapter 1392Chapter 1392

Rina clenched her fists nervously. Finally, she seemed to make up her mind about something. Taking

out some makeup remover wipes from her bag, she resolutely began to remove her makeup.

Sonia did not understand what Rina was doing, but she did not stop the other party either. She simply

watched Rina's actions with curiosity.

Under Sonia's watch, the layers of makeup on Rina's face gradually faded away and disappeared.

Sonia's eyes gradually widened at the changes that were happening before her. "You..."

"Miss Reed." Rina had completely removed her makeup at this point. Falling to her knees, she crawled

forward and grabbed Sonia's hand.

Sonia tried to pull her hand away, but her efforts were fruitless. Rina's grip was simply too strong.

It never occurred to Sonia that the person who came was not a nurse but Rina herself!

Rina had begged Sonia to rescue her father, but who was her father? He was none other than Titus

Gray himself!

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookBesides, this was not the first time she came to beg Sonia for help. Just a few months ago, she had

also clutched Sonia's hand and begged Sonia to save her father.

As for the rescue method... Naturally, it was for Sonia to donate her kidney. Titus was suffering from

kidney failure after all. His only method of survival was to get a kidney transplant. Rina had not gotten in contact again after she was chased away by Sonia back then, which made

Sonia mistakenly assume that she had given up. Regrettably, she had unexpectedly turned up again

several months later. She even disguised herself as a nurse and sneaked into the premises after she

learned Sonia's current whereabouts, then she got down on her knees and begged Sonia for help once

more. It was truly a ridiculous sight.

Sonia's frosty expression twisted into a hideous grimace. "Rina, are you here again because you want

me to donate a kidney to save your father?"

Rina bit her lip and nodded. "Yes, Miss Reed. You're the only person who can save my father. So,

please... Please, I'm begging you. Please save my father. Please..."

While speaking, she prostrated herself on the ground.

Sonia remained expressionless. Despite how Rina was prostrating on the ground before her only to the

people who deserved her kindness. No matter how kind she was, she would never feel sorry for people

like the Gray Family.

"You're begging the wrong person." Sonia turned away, refusing to even look at Rina. She continued,

"You should be begging the doctors if you want to save Titus. Why are you begging me instead? Don't

you know about the enmity and grievances between Titus and me? Why would I save my enemy? I'm

afraid you think too highly of me. Let me make this clear to you; I will never save my enemy. On the

contrary, I wish he dies even sooner. Furthermore, even if I had nothing against him, I still would not

choose to save him. Why should I donate my kidney just to save a stranger who has nothing to do with

me? If it were you, would you?" Rina lowered her eyes. Of course, she would not. Who would be so kind-hearted as to give up their

kidney for a stranger?

Taking in Rina's silence, a look of derision appeared on Sonia's face. "Look! Even you won't do it! What

right do you have to beg me for help? What makes you think I will agree to your request? Do you know

what it means to donate a kidney? It means that I will lose my health. It means that I will also risk

suffering from kidney failure in the future. It means that I will have to give up the child in my womb. Let

me tell you now; I will never agree to your request. It's impossible! But, speaking of which, I am very

curious about one thing. Why do you staunchly believe that my kidney can save Titus?"

"Because... Because..." Rina's eyes flickered uncertainly, but she could not find the right words.

Sonia lost her patience and waved her hand dismissively. "Forget it. Since you can't tell me the truth,

then don't bother. I don't want to hear the answer either. Now, please leave. Otherwise, I'm going to call


While speaking, she placed her hand against the emergency button at the head of the bed. She would

press the button immediately if Rina dared to even lay a hand on her, and Rina would not be able to

escape once that happened.

It was clear that Rina was aware of the consequences, and her expression distorted slightly. "Miss

Reed, must you really be so heartless?"

Sonia rolled her eyes. "Please. I just don't want to save my enemy, donate my kidney, or give up the

child in my womb. How does that make me heartless? Aren't you the real heartless one here? I am an

outsider. The probability of me being a match with Titus is very low. On the other hand, you are Titus'daughter. The probability of you being a match with Titus should be much higher. Since you love your

father so much, then shouldn't you donate your kidney to save him instead? Why won't you donate

your own kidney? Why are you begging me, an outsider and an enemy, to donate my kidney instead?

What does that make you, if not selfish and heartless? And yet, you don't seem to realize how cruel

and selfish you are being. How dare you try to coerce me? That's just ridiculous."

"If I could donate my kidney, I would have donated my kidney a long time ago!" Rina seemed greatly

agitated by Sonia's speech earlier. Standing up abruptly, she raised her voice by several degrees. "I've

never known what family and affection meant before. It wasn't until I came to the Gray Residence that I

learned how warm and beautiful family and affection could be! That's why I wish, more than anybody,

for my father to survive! Only if my father survives can I continue to enjoy my father's love and the

luxuries of the wealthy! Of course, I'd willingly donate my kidney to my father, but I'll never be a match

for him! Do you know why?"

Looking at Rina's bloodshot eyes and agitated expression, Sonia felt an inexplicable sense of

premonition washing over her. She opened her mouth and asked in a slightly hoarse voice, "Why?"

A hideous smile appeared on Rina's face. "Because… I'm not their real daughter."

"What did you say?" Sonia's expression changed.

Rina clenched her fists tightly. "Because I'm not their real daughter! I'm not Rina Gray!"

"That's impossible!" Sonia's pupils contracted at those words. "We were all present when you and Titus

performed the DNA test! It's impossible for more than a dozen DNA labs to make the same mistake! It's

even more impossible for them to be bribed!" "Of course, there will be no mistakes. Of course, the DNA labs were not bribed either. That's because

nobody tried to bribe them at all. Their appraisal results were accurate. The results of the DNA test

clearly showed the relationship between parent and child. It's just that I'm not that person!"

"What do you mean?" Sonia's beautiful eyebrows were furrowed together in a deep frown. "Are you

saying that the DNA sample used for the test was real? It was truly the hair of Rina Gray and Titus

Gray? But you are not Rina Gray herself?"

Rina laughed. "You're correct, Miss Reed. That's exactly it. The hairs in the DNA test had indeed

belonged to Rina and my parents. That's why the results revealed the relationship between parent and

child. However, I'm not Rina Gray. So, I'm not their real daughter."

"How is that possible?" Sonia felt dizzy and faint. "We clearly saw you pulling the hair from your head

that day."

"I did take the hair from my head, but that does not mean the hair belonged to me. I obtained the hair

from the real Rina Gray in advance, then I clipped the hair to my head with a hair clip. When you asked

me to take a hair from my head, I used the position of the hair clip to accurately retrieve the pre-

prepared hair for the DNA test. That's why it seemed as though I plucked out my hair and gave it to

you, but the truth was not even close."

"So that's how it is." Everything was falling into place, and Sonia felt as though her eyes had been

opened to the truth. "So that's how it is."

"That's right. That's how I successfully became the real Rina Gray. On the other hand, the real Rina

Gray never returned to the Gray Family." "In other words… Hal and Greta were your real parents."

"That's right. They are my real parents. If possible, I wish they were not." Rina's eyes were bloodshot.

Meanwhile, her expression was filled with pure disgust and resentment. "But why? Why am I their

daughter? Why am I not the real Rina Gray?"

"Your birth is not something you can change. What's the point of complaining about that?" Sonia stated

matter-of-factly. She felt no sympathy for Rina. Her sympathy was reserved for the real Rina Gray.

"So? Why are you telling me this? Didn't you go to such lengths just to become the Gray Family's

daughter? Why are you telling me the truth about your birth and origins? Are you not afraid that I might

tell the Gray Family the truth? Are you not afraid of getting kicked out of the house?" Sonia stared at

Rina with narrowed eyes.

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