Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr Chapter 448

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It was only then that Tim shifted his gaze.

At this moment, Sonia pursed her pale lips and looked at him, obviously dissatisfied. “Dr. Lancaster,

you can’t do that.”

Light refracted off his glasses as he spoke. “Don’t worry. I just wanted to scare him. I’m not really going

to do that.”

“Really?” With her eyes squinted, she didn’t hide her suspicion.

This so-called doctor was a devil in disguise. Back when he thought Tina was her, he had even killed

someone for her.

Thus, it made sense that she’d think he was both capable and daring to do something to Toby.

“That’s for sure. I’d let anyone down but you.” Giving a pat on her shoulder, he added, “Alright. You can

go take a look at him if you want. I’ll head out first.”

After saying that, he retracted his hand and tucked it back into his pocket before leaving the ward.

Looking at Toby, she said, “Charles, Mr. Brown, you can leave first too. I’d like to stay with him alone for

a while.”

Though Tom was frowning, he didn’t refuse, and he left.

However, Charles didn’t budge. “Baby, he’s not awake yet. Why do you want to be alone with him? He

isn’t able to see or hear you.”

“I know, but I know what I’m doing. Just go along, Charles.” She turned to look at him and insisted.

Left with no choice, Charles could only obey and leave.

Outside the ward, he was about to find Tom to have a chat about something, but his phone rang.

After taking out his phone, he saw that it was a call from Carl.

As Tom was standing right next to Charles, he could easily see what was displayed on his phone––a

call from Carl. At once, he scoffed. “The culprit has finally decided to come forward. And here I thought

that he’d be hiding out of fear after learning what he did to President Fuller and Miss Reed.”

Three days ago, it was the day that Toby and Sonia fell off the cliff.

After that happened, he was busy looking for a rescue team to search the foot of the mountain.

However, Carl had suddenly gone missing as if he vanished into thin air. Even after he had found Toby

and Sonia, Carl was nowhere to be seen.

Hence, Tom figured that he didn’t have to know what Carl had been off to since he assumed that Carl

had gone into hiding after causing trouble.

At this moment, Charles glared at Tom. Though he didn’t like the way Tom put it, Charles couldn’t bring

himself to refute that claim.

The reason was simply because Carl had really hadn’t made an appearance after Sonia and Toby’s


Giving his temples a rub, Charles picked up the call.

“Sonia has woken up, hasn’t she?” Carl’s hoarse voice came forth from the phone’s speaker and it had

an indescribable spookiness to it.

It made Charles feel uneasy. Though he felt that Carl had changed, he couldn’t quite pinpoint the

difference. With that, he then nodded as he replied, “Yes.”

“That’s good to hear.” Carl’s voice sounded again.

Charles then pursed his lips before asking, “Carl, tell me truthfully. After Toby and my baby fell off the

cliff, where did you go? Why didn’t you help look for them with Tom and the others? Also, why have you

not shown up these past two days?”

On the other end of the line was Carl sitting in a pitch-black room. He suddenly raised his head, and a

blood-red gleam shone in his eyes. “I had something to do.”

“What on earth could be more important than looking for them?” At this moment, Charles growled out of


Hearing that, Carl made an odd expression. “It’s none of your business. Tell Sonia that I will come and

visit her at the hospital later.”

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

At this point, Charles was so furious that he stomped on his feet. “This jerk!”

“What happened, Charles?” Coincidentally, Sonia had just come out of Toby’s ward when she heard

Charles curse.

Keeping his phone, he said, “It was that a*shole Carl. I asked why he didn't appear for the past few

days, and he refused to tell the truth.”

At the mention of Carl, she seemed to have recalled something. She asked, “Oh, and, how is Carl?”

“Him?” Charles’ lips twitched as he answered, “He’s fine.”

“Good to know.” She felt relieved at once.

With his gaze on her, he said, “Darling, this incident must be caused by Carl’s beef with that Delcan

dude. You were taken away by Delcan because of Carl. Not only are you not blaming Carl, but you’re

also even worried about him now.”

“Charles, I know what you’re getting at. Although Carl plays a part in causing the incident, he didn’t

know that it’d cause harm to me. If he knew, he would’ve done something to prevent Delcan from

getting his hands on me. Hence, the situation just got out of hand. So, I can’t put the full blame on Carl

for that. Go back first. My back hurts and I can’t stand much longer,” Sonia said as she supported

herself holding her waist.

Seeing that, he couldn’t help but feel his heart ache. “I’ll help you.”

Humming in acknowledgment, she turned to look at Tom. “I’ll come and visit him again later.”

Tom didn’t say a thing as if he didn’t hear her. He simply pushed the door open and went into Toby’s


Witnessing that, Charles gritted his teeth in anger. “What’s with that attitude of his? He used to be an

easygoing person. Why is he now…”

“I know what he’s going through.” Her eyes were trained on the ground as she continued, “Not only is

Toby his boss. He’s also his good friend. Toby got hurt because of me, so it’s only natural for him to

hold a grudge against me. Let’s go.”

After returning to her own ward, she went to the washroom before Charles helped him onto her bed.

Then, he got her something to eat before she slept.

In the afternoon, Carl made his appearance at the hospital. Arriving at the ward, he gave Sonia an

awkward smile. “Sonia.”

The moment she saw him, she was stunned. Following that, she frowned as she locked eyes with him.

There was an indescribably odd feeling deep within her.

Carl had changed!

At the first sight of him, that was what came to her mind.

First of all, his style of dressing had changed.

Previously, Carl would wear white most of the time. However, Carl was now wearing black from head to


His hairstyle had changed too. Previously, he had bangs covering his forehead, giving people an

elegant yet clean impression.

Now, his hair was all slicked back, showing his forehead. Even his hair was cut shorter than it used to

be. It looked less gentle and more wilder with an edge.

In a nutshell, the Carl standing before her now was completely different from the Carl that she knew.

Besides Sonia, even Charles was shocked to see Carl like this.

At that moment, he knew why he felt that the phone call earlier sounded odd. It was because the Carl

he was looking at now wasn’t the Carl that he used to know. It was like looking at a complete stranger.

That’s right, a stranger!

“Hey, Carl. What did you go through these past three days? How did you change so much?” Charles

took the initiative to ask as he analyzed Carl from top to bottom.

Nonetheless, Carl didn’t bother to answer him. He simply walked to the side of the bed before he

suddenly pulled Sonia, who was leaning against the headboard, into an embrace. He then buried his

face on her shoulder as if he had reunited with her after a very long time. “Sonia, we finally get to


“Finally?” The frown on her forehead deepened as she heard that.

The next moment, she pushed him away all of a sudden.

Carl ended up staggering after getting pushed away, and he took a grip of the hospital bed frame to

regain his stance. Then, a devilish smile crept up his lips. “Sonia, why did you push me?”

“Who are you?” Clenching her fists, she stared at him with her guard up.

Blinking his eyes out of confusion, Charles asked, “Baby, why are you asking him that?”

“Yes, Sonia.” Carl offered a small smile. “I am Carl.”

“No. You’re not Carl.” She nodded her head firmly. “To be precise, you’re not the Carl that I know. You

must be his alter ego.”

“What?” Charles was shocked to hear that as he looked at Carl in disbelief and continued, “His alter


Carl never expected Sonia to see through his true identity so quickly. With that, the smile on his face

froze at once.

However, he adjusted his composure and acted like nothing had happened as he smiled before saying,

“I didn’t expect that you’ll be able to see through me just like that. How did you know?”

“You’re really an alternate personality?” Charles questioned again in a louder tone.


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