Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr Chapter 1465

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Chapter 1465Chapter 1465 It’s Better to Tell Her

This isn't entirely impossible. After all, President Gray and his wife love Young Mistress Sonia so much

that it's very likely for them to deal with all her previous enemies in order to make it up to her, thought


Much to her surprise, however, Titus replied, "I had no idea what was going on with that lady. She

suddenly came to my ward and eavesdropped on my conversation with Julia outside the door. After we

caught her doing so, she even tried to run away. Then, she shoved Julia when the latter grabbed hold

of her." Although he didn't reveal the specific details, he described the incident truthfully without any


"She eavesdropped on you two?" Mary was stunned. "Why would she do that?"

"I don't know." Titus shook his head. "We asked her about it, but she said nothing and fled after shoving

Julia to the ground. Because of that, Julia's still lying unconscious in the hospital with a lumbar fracture

right now and probably won't be able to walk properly for at least a couple of months!" At the mention of

this, his face became even more contorted with rage. How he wished he could catch that lady and

wreak brutal vengeance on her!

Mary let out a gasp of shock. "What? A lumbar fracture? That's got to be terrible!" Even she, an old

woman, knew very well how important the lumbar spine was to the human body. The lumbar spine was

arguably essential for a human being to walk upright; someone with an injured lumbar spine wouldn't

be able to stand up even if their legs were fine, so it was obvious in Julia's case how severe her injury

was. Furthermore, Julia wasn't young anymore. At over 50 years old, she was no longer as fit as she

used to be when she was younger. Now that she had injured her lumbar spine, she wouldn't recover as

quickly as younger people would. "President Gray, is Mrs. Gray hurt anywhere else apart from herlumbar fracture?" she asked. After all, Julia was Sonia's biological mother, so it would be better to ask

about it.

Titus shook his head. "No, that's it." That alone was enough to stir up all his anger, though.

Mary let out a sigh. "I got it. No wonder she didn't come today."

"Mary, please don't tell Sonny about this," Titus pleaded suddenly. "We don't want her to get worried."

On the surface, Sonia appeared to be still hating them and unwilling to resume her relationship with

them, but in reality, he and Julia both knew that she did care about them. There was no way she would

not feel anything whatsoever if she were to learn about Julia's injury.

However, she objected, "President Gray, I know what you're thinking, but I think it's better not to hide

this from Young Mistress Sonia. After all, you two are her own parents, so she has the right to know

about this. And besides, Anya holds some grudges against Young Mistress Sonia, so it'll actually do

more harm than good to keep this from her. If she learns about this by chance afterward, she'll only feel

even worse. After all, she'll only feel left out if everyone hides this from her instead of letting her know

about this."

Titus opened his mouth to speak, but he was unable to refute her. In the end, he replied with a sigh,

"Well, then, you may tell her about this, but don't make it sound too serious." In any case, it's better to

keep that girl as less worried as possible.

"Okay," Mary replied as she promised him. Then, she asked, "Has Anya been arrested yet?"

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebook"No, not yet." He shook his head. "The police said she's involved in a major case and thus can't be

arrested for the time being. Arresting her now will easily ruin the opportunity, so she's still under

surveillance." Despite his great dissatisfaction with such a reply, he had no choice but to put up with it

at the thought that the case Anya was involved in had something to do with Toby. It couldn't be helped,since Toby was his son-in-law. Even if he didn't want to take Toby into consideration, he had to think

about Sonia.

After the phone conversation ended, Mary came out of the kitchen with the phone in hand.

Sonia took off her glasses, upon which her vision blurred instantly. As she wasn't able to see clearly, all

she could make out was a figure coming her way. "Madam Mary?" she called out somewhat


Mary replied, "It's me, Young Mistress Sonia. Are you going to stop reading for now?"

"Uh-huh, I'm gonna take a break. My eyes are tired after a long time of wearing glasses," Sonia

explained with a smile while putting her glasses aside.

Mary came over and took the book from her. "You should get some rest indeed."

Leaning back against the headboard, Sonia asked curiously, "By the way, Madam Mary, who were you

speaking to over the phone in the kitchen just now? I heard you talking." She had vaguely heard Mary

mention the word 'Gray' just now. Could she have called to ask about it because Mrs. Gray isn't coming


Smart as Mary was, she knew what was on Sonia's mind, of course. Moreover, Sonia didn't hide it

either; her thoughts were written all over her face. Hence, she smiled and sat by Sonia's bedside,

saying, "Young Mistress Sonia, I just spoke to Titus over the phone. Actually, you've guessed it already,


Sonia's pupils shrank for a moment, but she regained her composure soon afterward. She asked, "But

didn't I tell you before that you don't have to call to ask about it?""I know that, but I could tell that you don't actually feel that way. In reality, you care very much about

Mrs. Gray not coming over, and you're eager to know the reason for that, no? That's why I made the

phone call." Mary took her hand and gently patted the back of it. "Actually, Young Mistress Sonia, Mrs.

Gray does have her reasons for not coming over. She's injured," she explained.

"What?" Sonia's expression changed, and she tensed all over. "You mean… she's hurt?"

"That's right." Mary nodded.

"How did that happen?" Sonia looked visibly anxious; a look of worry appeared on her face without her

realizing it.

Mary noticed that, though. Knowing that she had done the right thing by making the phone call, she

replied with a sigh, "She injured her lumbar spine when someone shoved her to the ground, so she has

to stay in bed right now and can't be up and about for at least a couple of months." Instead of playing

down the incident as she had promised Titus, she thought it unnecessary to hide part of the story now

that they had chosen to tell Sonia about it. It's better to just tell her everything, she thought.

Sonia's heart began racing when she heard that Julia had been pushed over and had to stay in bed for

a couple of months as a result. Her beautiful eyebrows furrowed as she asked, "How did that happen?

Who pushed her over? Did the culprit get arrested?" The three questions fired in rapid succession

revealed just how much she worried about Julia at this very moment.

Mary answered, "The culprit ran away without getting arrested. Titus reported the incident to the police,

but they said there was something special about the culprit, whom they'd been watching all this time.

Now isn't the time to arrest her yet, so they told Titus to put up with it for a moment, saying that they'll

arrest her later. You know that person as well, Young Mistress Sonia. She's none other than Anya

Steinfeld.""It's her!" Sonia was taken aback. "How could she do that?"

"Who knows? Titus said she'd suddenly shown up outside his ward and eavesdropped on his

conversation with Mrs. Gray. After they caught her doing so, she shoved Mrs. Gray to the ground and


"Eavesdropping, huh…" Sonia's eyes narrowed. "What did she overhear?"

"I don't know. Titus didn't let me know about it, nor did I ask him about it." Mary shook her head. "That

being said, it was strange for her to come to Titus' ward and eavesdrop on him and Mrs. Gray for no

reason. When I first heard that she had pushed Mrs. Gray over, I thought Titus and Mrs. Gray had her

brought there because they wanted to avenge you. After all, she's bullied you before. But then, I heard

from Titus that they'd never looked for her at all. Instead, she came to their ward on her own and

eavesdropped on them. Say, don't you find this strange?"

"Not at all." Sonia shook her head with a sneer. "Because Anya is, in fact, Tina Gray."

"What?" Mary turned pale with shock while jumping to her feet at once. "What did you say, Young

Mistress Sonia? You mean Anya Steinfeld is actually Tina Gray?"

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