Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr Chapter 949

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Asher’s Scheme

A poor thing? Why don’t I find anything about me that deserves pity? thought Sonia.

Just as Sonia could no longer restrain herself and wanted to argue with Asher about what he meant,

Toby gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze, signaling her to hold her horses. She looked up at Toby, who

happened to be looking at her as well. Seeing her gaze, he merely gave her a reassuring look without

saying a word, signaling her to leave the matter to him.

As it turned out, Toby had noticed that she had gotten pissed off by Asher’s words and wanted to

confront him. He stopped her because he worried that she might be at a disadvantage against Asher.

After all, Asher had been in business for decades longer than she had. It was easy for her to be at a

disadvantage against him, so Toby thought it was better to let him deal with this kind of thing.

When Sonia realized what he meant, her heart warmed for a moment. Then, she calmed down.

Sensing her emotional changes, Toby gently patted her on the shoulder. Then, he pulled her to his

right, separating her from Asher with his own body while facing Asher himself.

To be honest, now that he had to face Toby head-on with Sonia no longer standing between them,

Asher was under much more pressure than he had been at first, so much so that he somewhat

regretted entering the elevator. But now that he was already in the elevator, he had no choice but to

brazen it out and continue facing Toby.

Standing right before Asher, Toby lowered his head slightly to look down at him. “President Dafoe, what

makes you say that Little Leaf is a poor thing?”

The man’s expressionless eyes made Asher feel like he was a nobody. In an instant, a tremendous

sense of humiliation surged up within him. However, he had always been good at concealing his

emotions, so he suppressed the feeling soon afterward. Putting on a hypocritical look of regret, he let

out a sigh, saying, “President Fuller, you know as well that Sonia wasn’t the Reed Family’s biological


For some reason, she was abandoned by her biological parents as soon as she was born, but she was

lucky to be picked up by Henry. Otherwise, nobody knows what would’ve happened to her. Perhaps

she would’ve died, or perhaps she would’ve been sent to an orphanage and grown up there before

getting married, having kids, and becoming the most ordinary person among all living things.”

Sonia almost laughed in anger at his words. Is he saying these things to remind me of my real identity?

Is he saying this so that I’ll keep in mind that I’m just an orphan who might’ve not been able to live like

the daughter of a rich family, inherit Paradigm Co., join the upper-class circles, and get to know Toby if

Dad hadn’t picked me up? Is he saying this so that I’ll feel inferior in front of Toby?

Well, it’s true that as the Fullers’ eldest grandson, Toby is of noble status, whereas I’m just an orphan

abandoned by my biological parents. I became the Reed Family’s daughter thanks to a series of

coincidences, or I’d probably have grown up in an orphanage like Asher said. If I had been luckier, I’d

probably have been adopted before living the life of an ordinary person. I’d never have joined the

upper-class circles, nor would I have gotten to know Toby and gotten together with him. So, when it

comes to family background, it’s true that Toby and I are worlds apart. Indeed, I should feel inferior

because of this. After all, no matter how one looks at it, I’m not worthy of Toby.

Even so, she wouldn’t feel inferior as Asher wished. Why should she feel inferior? The one who was

courting her right now and determined to get back together with her was Toby, not her! Therefore, she

didn’t find anything about herself that she should feel inferior about. In fact, she prided herself on her

charms and her ability to make a big shot like Toby fall in love with her and court her persistently. In the

eyes of Toby, she had to be outstanding. She had to have some merit. Otherwise, with Toby’s good

taste, there was no way he’d fall in love with her, right?

Does anyone honestly think that the clichés in novels and soap operas where the scions of

distinguished families take a fancy to a good-for-nothing Cinderella will really happen? Ha! That’s

totally unrealistic, okay? Scions of distinguished families have to receive selective education since

they’re little. With their knowledge and refinement, they’re destined not to fall in love with an ordinary

Cinderella that is totally without merit.

Of course, there were all kinds of strange people, so there would also be some exceptions. For

example, it was perhaps an exception that Toby’s father had fallen in love with Jean. However, Sonia

was sure that such an exception only made up one percent of the world’s human population, and Toby

definitely wasn’t such an exception.

The fact that Toby had fallen in love with her proved that she was outstanding and was of some worth.

Since she was an outstanding person, she didn’t have to feel inferior about her parentage. She should

even be proud of herself because some people loved her even if she had been abandoned. After all,

not everyone could be so lucky. Shouldn’t she be proud of herself for being so lucky?

Sonia could figure out that Asher had said those words on purpose to humiliate her and make her feel

inferior. Toby was such a smart person, so how could he not figure it out as well? At that very moment,

he wished he could grab Asher by the throat and strangle him to death.

However, he cared more about how Sonia felt than how he wanted to strangle Asher to death. Asher

was right there, so he could kill him anytime, but he couldn’t neglect his beloved’s feelings. Therefore,

he forcibly suppressed the murderous desire inside him and turned to look at the woman next to him.

Seeing how the woman next to him had been furious at first before smiling proudly all of a sudden, he

realized that she had been very angry at first, but she straightened out her thinking in the end. This

eased his anxious heart a little, but he wasn’t thoroughly relieved, so he still looked at her nervously.

Seeing the look in his eyes, Sonia knew what he was worried about. She looked up at him with a smile,

saying, “I’m fine. In fact, I’m very happy.”

She didn’t say specifically why she was happy, but Toby understood what she meant. Finally putting his

mind at rest, he gently stroked her hair before looking back sharply at Asher with murderous eyes.

“Seems like things didn’t work out the way you intended it to.”

The instant Asher heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and his expression froze. “What do you mean by

that, President Fuller?”

Acting dumb, huh? Toby now looked at him like he was dead meat. “Didn’t you purposely stress Little

Leaf’s identity to deal a blow to her pride in front of me and tell her that she wasn’t good enough for

me? You also wanted to drive a wedge between us by making me unhappy with her because of this.

Unfortunately, though, you didn’t succeed at all.”

Upon hearing this, Asher instantly turned ghastly pale, and his pupils shrank to the size of a needle tip.

He knew there was no way he could hide the meaning behind his words from the couple. After all, the

meaning expressed by his words was indeed very obvious. However, he never thought that Toby would

say these things out loud without sparing his feelings. Won’t he feel embarrassed?

I’ve made it so clear that Sonia is just an orphan who was disliked and abandoned by her own parents.

If the Reed Family hadn’t adopted her, she’d either have died or become an ordinary woman. She and

Toby don’t suit each other at all, for she’s not good enough for him in every aspect. He had believed

that his words would wound Sonia’s pride and make Toby feel embarrassed. After all, he had found

himself an unpresentable orphan as his wife.

Any proud man would definitely mind it when somebody pointed out that he had found himself an

orphan as his girlfriend. At the same time, he would start to feel disgusted with her. After all, he would

think that it was his girlfriend’s obscure family background that had made him lose face, so he would

slowly begin to love her less.

A man like Toby was definitely even prouder, so Asher had thought that the former would behave as he

thought he would. That way, he would’ve successfully sowed discord between the couple. Getting

married would be out of the question; perhaps it wouldn’t even take long before they broke up.

However, he never expected Toby to say that he had failed!


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