Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr Chapter 1423

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Chapter 1423Chapter 1423 Titus’ Decision

Julia still wanted to persuade him and ask about Sonia.

Knowing that Sonia was their daughter, she wanted to know about Sonia's past and all her experiences

growing up.

She even wanted to be by Sonia's side immediately, hold her in her arms, and express the longing she

had for Sonia for more than twenty years.

She really wanted to hug her daughter, but she also knew that both Sonia and Toby hated them.

They had no right to keep Toby and ask about everything concerning Sonia.

"Sob..." Julia cried uncontrollably.

Titus leaned against the headboard and felt it was ridiculous and ironic. "Maybe luck is not even on my

side, which is why I'm having the karma after more than twenty years," he said hoarsely after he

coughed several times.

Julia raised her head and looked at him. "Titus—"

"It's all my fault." Titus blamed himself as he pounded his chest. "If I hadn't been jealous of Henry, if I

had restrained myself, none of this would have happened today. It's my fault. If I hadn't been so evil as

to steal Henry's company secrets, his employees wouldn't have committed suicide, and he wouldn't

have stolen our daughter. It's because of karma that Henry successfully stole Rina, let Rina become hisdaughter, and had us find out the truth only after more than twenty years. It was all for the sake of

ruining me."

She hugged him. "Titus."

The couple wept in despair.

The doctors and nurses outside the door didn't know whether to come in or not.

"Lia, we owe it to Sonia. It's us who have caused her to be in this state today," Titus repeated.

With her eyes closed, Julia nodded in despair. "I know, I know we've wronged her."

"So… I want to do something for her." He squinted at her.

She hurriedly asked, "What do you want to do?"

He exhaled heavily. "It's already clear why Toby came today. He hopes that I choose to die on my own."

Julia's face changed dramatically as she held Titus tightly. "No, you can't! I won't allow you to do that."

He gently patted her back. "Lia, you know Toby's intention, and you also understand that there's no

hope for me. The only hope to save me is to use Sonia's kidney, but she is our daughter. Do you really

want her to use her kidney to save me?"

"I…" Julia couldn't find the words to say and loosened her grip on him. Titus smiled. "Not only you, but I also don't want her to do that. She's my only child and the

continuation of my life. I love her so much. How could I let her do this? Besides, she's pregnant with

our grandchild. For all these reasons, we can't let her do this. Otherwise, we would be selfish as

parents. Besides, we owe her in the first place. We have no right to ask her to save me."

"But… I don't want you to go." Julia was full of despair.

Titus was quite accepting of his situation. "You know, I've gotten tired of all this. Throughout my whole

life, I've constantly been jealous of others and have done nothing but scheme against others. But in the

end, I got nothing out of it, except for this battered, crumbling shell of a body. The only reason I ended

up like this now is retribution for what I did in the past. I paid the price for what I did. In fact, I can see

everything clearly now. Toby is right. I should be grateful to Henry. He raised and taught our daughter

so well. Had our daughter grown up under our care, she would've turned out like Tina. Would she have

a good ending then? I think not."

Julia couldn't refute his statement.

Tina ended up with such a fate, let alone their daughter.

Moreover, if Sonia grew up under their care, would Toby still fall in love with her?

Would Toby still protect her if she got herself into trouble by then?

Definitely not!

Their daughter would face imprisonment. "Lia, Sonia is in a lot of pain now. On the one hand, she's bearing the hatred of the Reeds, and on the

other hand, she's also bearing the pressure we have put on her as her biological parents. If she

couldn't avenge the Reeds, she'd feel indebted to them. But if she avenges them, it means she has to

deal with us, her biological parents. She'll be even more miserable. She's caught between a rock and a

hard place, feeling suffocated. And the best solution right now is for me to pass away."

Titus gently stroked her hand. "Even if we got Sonia to donate her kidney, the surgery may not be

successful. The doctor said it himself. My body can't even handle the surgery. Even if it could, I don't

want my daughter to exchange her life for mine. I am destined to die. If my death can make Sonia

completely let go of her hatred for us, it's worth it then. We love our daughter so much. Do we want to

see her hating us forever?"

Julia shook her head.

Of course not!

No mother could accept their daughter hating them.

"That's the point. So, this is the only thing we can do for Sonia. If she can't let go of her hatred, it's not

good for her either. She will forever be immersed in the pain of the feud between the Reeds and the

Grays. We have done so many things to hurt her. It's time for us to do something for her. Don't forget,

when she was in your womb, we made a vow to make our daughter healthy and happy for her entire

life. But in reality, we didn't fulfill that promise. We only brought her hatred and pain. We're not qualified

as parents. Now, we should fulfill that promise," Titus said.

Julia couldn't stop crying. He hugged her. "And maybe after doing this, Sonia will be willing to accept us and recognize us as her

parents. Although I may no longer be around at that time, you must live well, watch her give birth to her

child, watch our grandchild grow up, and then tell her and our grandchild that I wasn't someone good,

but I truly loved them."

She was sobbing her heart out.

Th€ connection to th€ §ource of thïš dat@ r€§t$ in n0v3lebookThen, he patted her shoulder. "Okay, stop crying. Bring me my phone."

"What are you doing?" she asked with a choked voice.

"I'm calling the lawyer," Titus said. "I need to amend the will. Originally, I thought Taylor was our

daughter, so I've already made a will to give everything to her, except for the portion that I left for you."

Out of guilt, he had divided his property into three parts, one of which was for Julia as retirement


The other two portions were given to Taylor.

Thinking about the first twenty years of their marriage where they didn't provide her with any fatherly or

motherly love and made her suffer, he left most of his inheritance to Taylor, hoping that she wouldn't

have to worry about money in the future.

After all, they owed her, and the only compensation they could offer was money.

But now, they knew that Taylor wasn't their daughter, but Sonia. Therefore, he had to change his willaccordingly.

Julia had no objection to this, but when she heard that nothing would be left for Taylor, she still turned

soft-hearted. "Titus, we should leave something for Taylor. After all, she has been with us for so long

and has brought us a sense of familial happiness. How about three hundred thousand as

compensation? Besides, this time, she only got caught by Toby for trying to save you."

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