Novel Name : Let's Get Married

Let's Get Married Chapter 298: Remember What You Said Today

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Everyone is shocked by her words. Rex, as well as all the judges and procurators all shift their gaze on

her in shock.

They have seen some people who retracted their testimony during the court session. But Lily’s

testimony is so inconsistent with that of her attorney.

The chief judge takes a glance at the document in her hands and frowns, “Please restate your

testimony on the basis of the evidences you prepared.”

This is the bravest thing she has done in her life. She thinks she is a river prawn that is deliberately put

into the deep sea by someone – although she is clear that she can’t change anything, she still

desperately fights against the fate, “I said I didn’t kill her.”

She repeats the sentence in an assuring tone.

She didn’t kill her. She is clear that she didn’t violate the law.

All of a sudden, Rex’s expression turns gloomy. He is always the most calm and thoughtful person in

the court, however, this time, he can hardly retain his composure.

Things are progressing towards an uncontrollable direction, and Rex doesn’t like the feeling of losing

control of something.

He raises his hand to motion the judge, “I apply for a ten-minute adjournment…”

“No need.” Lily rejects his proposal as soon as he finishes the words, her chest rising and falling

violently. If someone takes a closer observation, he may find out that her shoulders are slightly

trembling. She takes a deep breath and tries to say in a calm voice, “I know that there is little evidence

to prove my innocence, but even so, I have to declare, on my personality and health condition, I didn’t

kill anyone, neither did I premeditate to murder someone. Melly’s death has nothing to do with me. I

gave the injection with the intention to save her. And the one who told me that the injection could save

her life is Marina, the plaintiff.”

The original smooth process is disrupted by her sudden speech. The chief judge is not skilled in

dealing with such kind of situation; she raises her hand to adjust her glasses, asking, "You are

repudiating the proposition of Mr. Rex, right?"

Hearing this, Lily steals a glance at Rex. The two were neither too far nor too close. They are clear that

once Lily gives the answer “Yes”, it will change the judgment of the case.

Lily knows that Rex hopes she can act as he said before, but…

She turns to look into the eyes of the judge determinedly, “Yes.”

“Then do you have any evidence to support your argument?”

Her powerful words make the court fall into silence and intension. Lily’s hands, which are put at the

sides, get so cold that she can seldom straighten her fingers. She grits her teeth and tightly wrinkles

her eyebrows, “No.”

The judge's expression changes slightly. She looks down at the document to reassure that the

defendant hasn’t provided any evidence to support her argument and then says in a solemn voice,

“Please state your argument with the support of evidence.”

Lily, raising her head proudly from the very beginning, doesn’t lower her head, “Justice naturally

inhabits man's heart. I didn’t kill her, and this is the truth. So I won’t admit the accusation, nor will I

plead guilty.”

“Do you have other supplementary arguments?”

Lily shakes her head and thanks her politely, “No, thanks.”

Finishing her speech, Lily turns off the microphone and stares thoughtfully at the desk. Indeed, she is

worrying about Rex’s reaction in heart. Although she can’t see his expression, she can imagine how

gloomy he would be.

If it were not in the court, she would throw her out angrily.

Lily curves her lips with a mockery and fixates her gaze on the desk, never looking away until the

lawsuit is over. The judgment will be declared later. But from the whole process, it is deducted that the

judge has ascertained the fact that Lily is a murderer, so the judgment is predictable.

Does this mean Rex has lost this lawsuit?

Lily doesn’t know the answer. Maybe not. After all, she has got the result she wants.

After the court, Lily has to be taken away handcuffed according to the regulations. Rex uses some

relationships to win the opportunity to meet her. They meet in a small, crowded room.

“Why did you say that? Hum?” Exuding a strong aura of coldness and sternness, he wrinkles his

eyebrows in disappointment and anxiety, “Didn’t I tell you not to contradict with my arguments? Why

didn’t you listen to my words?”

“I know it.” Lily leans against the wall, “But Rex, I just can’t.”

“Huh.” Rex chuckles. He is on the brim of losing temper after several days of high pressures, “Are you

satisfied now?”

“Not yet.” Lily replies bluntly, “The will give me a heavier penalty.”

Rex stars at this little woman in front of him. She is slim and even skinny and looks so weak, but she is

braver and determined than most of the strong men. “Then why didn’t you accept my suggestion. Now

you get heavier penalty, do you regret? You…”

“If I did what you said, I would regret.” When the case is over, Lily feels finally finds some comfort. No

one knows how much guts and strength she had collected to say out those words – she almost fell

down onto the ground.

“Rex. I am not afraid of the sentence. I just want to be an upright person without a stain.” She raises

her hand to caress his cheek and an unbearable pain swells up from her heart, “I know you’ve put a lot

of energies and efforts into my case. But Rex, you must make it clear; it is not me who destroy

everything. Marina is the main culprit…”

“Enough!” Rex interrupts her with a groan, “We should have gotten a better result. Why did you do

that? Do you know how unfavorable the result you get now? Lily, this is not a game. We should be

extremely cautious in every step; we shouldn’t act by will!”

“By will?” Hearing the two words, Lily just wants to laugh, “You said I am acting… by will?”

Her persistence, the knot in her heart, and even all things she has done for this case, are totally

repudiated by the two derogatory words.

Lily puts down her hand. To this point, she feels it unnecessary to talk with him on this topic anymore.

She feels that she is looked down upon by him. She is just unimportant for him.

“Don’t look at me with such expression.” Rex can’t bear to look into her sorrowful eyes because he

cares about her a lot. He is unprepared for her reaction and has somehow lost his mind, “This is the

result of you your willfulness.”

“I’m willful…” Lily giggles. Her laughter is freaky in the quiet room. She laughs louder and louder and

then suddenly stops. The mockery in her eyes is gradually replaced by determination and hatred.

The old saying goes that despair is the greatest sorrow. At this moment, she is totally despairing.

Tears well up in her eyes, which makes her look extremely fragile. Her dry lips curves into a smile,

which makes Rex unease. "Rex, remember the words you said today."


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