Novel Name : Let's Get Married

Let's Get Married Chapter 446: Let’s Get Married

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“If you’re gone, then who will be taking care of work related matters? Lydia, I hope that you can stay, I

will be at a loss if you’re really gone.” Fiona is having a hard time accepting this sudden news.

Lily understands her feelings very well as she replies, “Fiona, you’re an excellent employee in the law

industry, so even though I’m not by your side, you will be able to make it on your own. You should have

more confidence in yourself, so stop worrying.”

Fiona sucked in a deep breath, “Before you leave, can we meet up for one last time?”

“Of course, I will make sure to delegate all the tasks properly and your responsibility moving forward.”

“Alright, then I’ll wait for you.”

Lily proceeds to give some advices to Fiona, mainly to remind her not to spread the word and just to

mention this roughly to her colleagues. After ending the call, Lily stares at the distant sky while images

of her past working hard alone surface in her heart.

It’s not easy for a foreigner to cement herself in this industry in London as locals will find it slightly hard

to trust a foreigner. But no matter what obstacles were thrown on her way, she persevered hard. She

has taken on difficult lawsuits as well as those that didn’t benefit her in the slightest, all for paving a

path of her own.

Now, she can finally savour her accomplishments as her firm starts to stable itself. But at the same

time, she is going to return to her country.

Everything feels surreal for her right now. She was still buried in her work yesterday in her London law

firm but now it seems like everything has changed.

Will she find it hard to give up all of this?

Of course she will get sentimental.

But in the end, she decides to face reality head on. There are more important things ahead waiting for

her, and giving up on something definitely takes some courage.

After getting her mood back to normal, Lily decides to head back into the house. But when she turns

around, she finds herself crashing into someone.

Rex’s chest is just within inches from her nose. She falters slightly as she tries to steady herself. She

complains anxiously, “Why are you creeping up to me without any sound?”

“Are you going to give up your business in United Kingdom?” Rex’s voice is slightly hoarse. He has

probably overheard Lily’s conversation just now.

Lily stares at him helplessly, “Can you stop eavesdropping on me?”

In fact, Rex never intends to eavesdrop on her at all; he is just here to look for her after he is finished

with his business. He has coincidentally overheard her, but that’s not what he is coming here for.

“So you have decided to stay?”

Lily can make out his hidden excitement beneath his eyes. She nods and replies with determination,

“Yes, I am going to stay here. I am not going anymore.”

She is not leaving anymore.

She is going to stay here for his sake and for their child’s sake.

A warm and passionate embrace envelops her in response. His arms are wrapping around her

shoulders and waist with enormous strength as though he is to suffocate her. Lily fumbles around and

slaps Rex’s arms to signal him to let up, “Hey, take it easy.”

Rex is ecstatic right now as though he has conquered the world with her by his side. He can’t control

his happiness anymore, and he wants to let everyone knows that she belongs to him.

“Thank you, Lily.” He knows Lily as someone who values her career more than anything else. So, the

fact that she is giving up her career makes this a precious decision.

A moist film forms underneath her eyelids right now. She has been crying a lot recently, as if there will

be no end to her crying, “If you really mean that, then please treat me better.”

Her words are a huge encouragement for him. She finally decides to start accepting him and give him a


He eases up on his grip and replaces his hands on her shoulders in order to let her get a look at him

clearly. His dark and depthless eyes are full of sincerity and heart, “I swear on my life that I will take

care of you and our child better. If I am not able to do that, let a terrible fate befall…”

Before he can finish, a tiny and warm hand cups his mouth.

He lowers his gaze and meets a rebuking face with raised eyebrows.

“Stop spouting nonsense, I trust you.” If she didn’t have this much confidence, she wouldn’t have

stayed here with him.

Rex pulls away her hand and intertwines her fingers with his. His heart is pounding hard, “Are you that

concerned about me?”

“I am not concerned about you…” She is hard-headed right now but her flushed face has betrayed her.

Although she is struggling to convey her feelings, she still decides to let him know what she is really

thinking right now, “Rex, we have gone through a lot, but I have now understood myself and you fully.

Maybe I won’t be able to let go of my feelings for you no matter how hard I tried, so instead of running

away, I decide to try again. I don’t want to have any regrets in the future, and I don’t want to see my

child growing up in a broken family. I don’ ask for much, I just want you to prove that my decision right

now is the correct one. That’s all I ask for.”

She has said all of this so tenderly and sincerely, but it still doesn’t reduce the impact her words have

on him.

She has come face to face with herself and decides not to look back. All she ever asks for is to not let

down by him anymore.

She is stout yet feeble at the same time.

There is no way he will let go of Lily from now on.

Rex steps forward and lifts her face with his hands. He rubs his nose with hers while saying, “Darling, I

will never let you down, I will never let you regret anything anymore in your life.”

Lily’s eyes are red now but she still flashes a bright smile like a sly fox, “Alright, I will look forward to

your performance.”

He seals her lips and starts kissing her passionately. His breathing is choppy but his lips are somehow

chilly. Rex feels like a fish which has been thrown into the water after beings stranded for some time.

He welcomes her lips and breathing hungrily.

He is intruding into her sacred spot excitedly and almost drowned himself in their passionate kisses. He

eased up slightly and mumbled while his lips are still hungrily kissing her, “Let’s get married.”

Lily is in a daze while being assaulted by his kissing, so she temporarily can’t process his words,


“Let’s get married.” He repeats in an extremely gentle tone, “I want to marry you.”

He is already thirty seven and their child is approaching five years old but he never really gives her an

identity to form a complete family. He is not bringing this up on a whim. He really wants to spend the

rest of his life with her.

Lily peers at him through her misty eyes as she feels her heart beating fast at the notion of marrying

him. Despite that, she questions him rashly, “Do you think I will say yes to that? I am not ready to marry

you yet.”

After she says that, she feels the force exerted by his arms increasing rapidly. She immediately starts

to ventilate while he replies, “If you don’t plan to marry me, who are you going to marry?”

“There are a lot of people who likes me.”

Rex snorts and gnashes his teeth, “If anybody dares to be together with you, I will kill that cheating man

and break your legs before confining you.”

Although she knows that he is just joking, Lily still has Goosebumps after hearing that, “Will you

seriously do that?”

“You better don’t try it.”


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