Novel Name : Let's Get Married

Let's Get Married Chapter 770: I Will Not Leave Him

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Jasmine feels so helpless and now having Pehry right here is like having a backup. Her eyes become


No matter how tough she tries to show in front of Mr. Alfred, she can't pretend it anymore once Pehry

shows up.

He has a cake box with pink and silver colors on it. Obviously, he has bought it for Jasmine but runs

into such a scene at home.

When Pehry's eyes passes his grandpa, all the tenderness fades away, only vigilance and toughness


Without changing shoes, he puts the cake on the hallway closet and walks towards the living room.

As he gets closer to her, the redness in her eyes stands out more clearly. He frowns and hides her

behind him, saying, "I have called you just now, but no one picks up, so I guess you were still asleep,

but it's ok now... "

On his way back, Pehry has called her, but no one answered. Not wanting to disturber her, he didn't

call again. At that time, Jasmine was downstairs talking to his grandpa.

Watching the two love birds in front of him, Mr. Alfred snorts coldly, "It's good that you are here now, so

we can solve this mess quickly."

"There is nothing to be solved here, " Pehry turns around with a face so cold that can give people a

chill, and says, "No one asks you to come here."

Hearing this, Alfred's tone becomes even deeper. "Do you think that I need your permission to be


Pehry has no intention to step back, and says with a tough tone, "This is my home, not yours."

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, unlike most grandpas and grandsons, Jasmine

feels the tension between them.

She wonders if it was because of her. Does she cause the air so tense here?

"Pehry, look at the way you talk to me!" He is beyond anger and shouts in a low voice.

Jasmine is shocked and can't help trembled. She is trying to hide herself around Pehry and hoping that

she could just vanish now.

With his eyes fixing on his grandpa, Pehry tightens his grip on her hand as if trying to give her strength

quietly. He says, "I have told you that you can do whatever you want to me, I won't say a word. But not

to the one I care for."

"Well!" He snorts coldly, "Have I ever intervened in any of your previous relationships? Everything has

a limit!"

Mr. Alfred doesn't care before, because he knows that Pehry was not serious with any of them. But this

time is different, and he feels worried.

Once he gets too deep into a relationship, it will become a soft spot of him. If any of their foes knew

about it, before Pehry could take over the family business, he will be destroyed.

"There's no need for you to interfere in this." Every word from him is extremely sharp. He doesn't show

the slightest intention to step back, "Take your men and leave my house now."

Mr. Alfred stands up with his cane in hand, he walks slowly towards him. His looks at Jasmine who is

standing behind Pehry, "Today, I make myself clear to you over this issue. I can pay a visit anytime to

Miss Jasmine. So, even if you are not afraid of anything, do think about if she is like that too. "

Jasmine can feel Pehry's grip on her hand suddenly gets stronger and is even a little hurt.

In this silent confrontation, though Mr. Alfred isn't as tall as Pehry due to his aging. But his aura loses to

no one.

Jasmine has always been wondering about Pehry's pressing aura. And what makes a man so powerful

just by his presence.

Now she gets it. By growing up with such a grandfather, he can't survive if he couldn't be strong.

So this is built in his bones from a very young age.

She suddenly feels bad for him. He never mentions about his family. The only time she see him being

vulnerable, is when he gets drunk and locks himself in the room.

She clearly remembers the pain he showed last time. But seeing it with her own eyes, she feels more


Jasmine feels as if her neck has been frozen. Even just to breath feels like under huge pressure.

However, she takes a deep breath and stands determinedly in front of Pehry.

Everyone is gazing at her in shock. She raises her head and looks into that pair of aged eyes, "Mr.

Alfred, I'm just an ordinary college girl. Anyone can easily find me, not to mention a person like you. I

am just me, and I have the courage to meet up with anyone who is looking for me. I will not run from


With the right amount of sound and courage, her words is like a bell ringing in people's mind which

goes up and down and seizing everyone's heartbeats.

No one has ever stood in front of him in such a protective way.

Pehry is so shocked that he doesn't know what to say. He just stares blankly at the slender back of her.

How can she dare to...?

To Mr. Alfred's surprise too, he never thinks that Jasmine will make such a move.

Gazing at this childlike little face, if it wasn't for what she have just said and the strength in her eyes, he

will believe that he must heard it wrong.

He doesn’t know she has guts.

But, so what?

This kind of ignorant and meaningless courage is nothing but to conceal her fragileness. He will not

care at all.

"Miss Jasmine, I will remember what you said today and will check on it in the future." He sneers.

Leaving such words, he walks out the villa with his guards following him.

As they walk through, the door opens and closes again. She is like a deflated balloon taking a deep

sigh, and slacks off.

Facing such a man, she is still a little frightened.

After calming down, Jasmine looks at Pehry and says, "You really come home at the right time."

If it wasn't for Pehry, she and Mr. Alfred may already starts discussing over money issue.

Jasmine still feels unreal about what just happened. It is so surreal, like in a dream.

Pehry says anything. He keeps staring at her face, as if going to burn it with his eyes.

She rubs her face and says, "Why are you looking at me like this..."

She rubs her face and says, "Why are you looking at me like this..."


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