Novel Name : Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 22

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22 Call For Help

Atlas POV

“Alpha, what can we do to help you” Walker asks me as he tries to help me up. “Get the f**k out of my

office now” I say shaking him off. Silas is growling and the pain is unbearable. I feel like I’m being

stabbed with a hot poker in my c**k and stomach.” The door slams and I roar. She actually f**ked

another man. I can’t believe she let another man touch what is mine. “I told you I would leave you if we

lost our mate Atlas, I was very serious”, Silas says as he loses his s**t and paces in my mind. I can’t

lose my wolf. “Silas, if you leave me, we will never get her back.” “You will never have Star again.” “She

is ours no matter what I did and we need to get her back working together.” “Are you just going to let

that ba**ard have her to f**k and as a mate.” An ungodly roar comes from him “she is mine and I will

have her again.” “She is ours Silas and we will only get her back if we work together.” “Fine but if you

ever f**k up again I will take over this body and kill us both.” Before I can even respond the mark on my

neck begins to burn adding to the pain of her infidelity. I start to claw at my mark before I fall to the

ground. I can’t catch my breath and I yell out to Silas before the darkness takes me under.

I wake up to machines beeping and I look around at four white walls. “Alpha, your awake” the doctor

says. “What the f**k am I doing here?” “Walker went to check on you in your office and you were

unconscious so he brought you here to be checked out.” I start to pull the monitors off and rip out my

IV. “Alpha please” he says and I growl toward him. “I’m fine back off” I say before I pick up my clothes

heading into the bathroom. I start to dress pulling on my pants when I look into the mirror over the sink.

Amelia’s mark is gone from my marking spot. I punch the sink, breaking it in half. I can’t believe she

mated and marked that ba**ard. I pull the phone out of my pants pocket and dial it, nearly breaking the

phone in my hand. “Hello Atlas”, Elder Thomas says. “Time’s up Elder, he took my Luna.” “He marked

my mate.” “Atlas, I have things in motion be patient.” “I’m done being patient, you come to my pack

today and explain what the plan is or I wage war on everyone keeping my mate from me.” “That

includes the Elders.” “I’m on my way Atlas.” I hang the phone up and Silas pushes forward. “Finally, we

agree, he better have a plan that will get our mate back or he’s the first to die.”

Lily POV

Neal and I head to John’s cottage. I knock and a few seconds later, the door opens and a pretty blonde

wolf is standing smiling at us in a t-shirt and nothing else. Neal immediately turns around and I couldn’t

love this man more. I wouldn’t be upset if he didn’t turn because I know how much he loves me, but the

fact that he thought he should is sweet. “Is John here?” “John” she says, and my cousin rushes for the

door. I give him a look and he steps out on to the porch. “Clarissa, please give me a moment.” She

smiles and he closes the door. He turns back to me and I cross my arms over my chest. “Don’t give me

that look, Lily.” “This is the only thing I’m going to say and then I won’t say anymore.” “She is going to

have a mate and you’re going to have a beloved who is going to be hurt that you didn’t save yourself.” I

see pain flash across his face. “Lily” I raise my hand. “You have to deal with what you do and the

repercussions of your actions.” “I’ve said my peace.”

“I only came to tell you that Neal and I will be going back to our coven today.” His face morphs from an

expression of sadness to anger. “Like hell you are” John says. “We left that place to save you from your

father’s plans and we will never go back.” I smile “John your mother came to me last night to tell me

that my mother needs me.” “I don’t want to go back but I won’t leave my mother to suffer for helping

me.” “What do you mean in a dream?” “No, Neal heard her too or I might have thought it was just a

dream.” “Fine, I’m coming with you.” “John” I say but he doesn’t listen. He walks back into the cottage,

closing the door. Five minutes later, he walks out dressed. “What about Clarissa, John?” “She will leave

after she showers, now let’s go.” “I still have to talk to Amelia and Lincoln before we leave.” We head

toward the pack house and when we get inside Lorraine is sitting in the living room. When she sees

me, she smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “Lorraine, is everything alright?”

She motions for us to sit down and tells us about Max attacking Amelia. My blood is boiling and if I had

a wolf I’d be shifting right now. Neal wraps his arm around me feeling my emotions, which helps a bit. ”

“Where is that f**ker now?” “Tell me he is dead, Lorraine.” Her face falls even more and she tells me

about what Charles did. “Where’s Amelia now?” She smiles “if I had to guess I would say with Lincoln

on the Alpha floor.” I hug Lorraine before I head for the stairs. “Lily, don’t you think we should wait if

they are upstairs alone.” I turn shooting daggers at John. He puts his hands up in surrender. I turn

around, walking to the third floor with Neal and John on my heels. As soon as we reach the door, I don’t

hear anything that makes me think I should stop. I bang on the door and within seconds it flies open. A

very pissed-looking Lincoln is standing there but his look softens when he sees its me. “Where is she?”

He moves aside and Amelia is slipping a robe over her nightgown.

I rush in and wrap her in my arms. “How are you and little bean?” “We are both fine Lily.” “I promise, we

are fine.” “I want to hear exactly what happened.” We all sit down in a sitting area next to their room

and Amelia tells me exactly what happened. “He is going to pay for ever putting his hands on you, the

Elders and their stupid rules be damned.” She takes my hand. “Lily, I love you and I need you to be

safe.” “Please let Lincoln handle this.” “You know how wolves are about their laws.” “Fine but if he ever

comes near you again, he will pray for death when I get done with him.” I hug her my body finally

relaxing that she is safe. “I came to check on you and to tell you that we need to leave for a few days.”

“Where are you going?” “We have to travel to the Blue Star coven today.” A look of concern flashes on

her face. “Lily, I told you we would go together to deal with the past.” “I love you for that but something

has changed those plans.” “You need to keep little bean safe and I have no idea what we are going to

be walking into.”

I explain my aunt’s message. “Please be careful and come back in one piece.” “Our son is going to

need his aunt.” I hug her again and then Lincoln. That’s when I notice the marks. “Oh, my goddess

you’re marked.” I squeal hugging them both again. “Congratulations”, I say before we head for the door.

We head outside and I take a deep breath, getting ready to teleport to a place I had hoped would stay

in the past. Neal pulls me to him and kisses me. “We are going to help your mother, Lily.” “I know we

will, I just hope that my father hasn’t punished her for helping me.” “I can’t imagine what else would be

happening to my mother besides dealing with my father’s wrath.” “I wish that was something new but

he has always been an a**hat.” “Lily we will figure out what’s going on with Aunt Iris.” I hug John before

I go back taking Neal’s hand. I close my eyes and picture the place I used to call home. A moment

later, I open them and we are standing outside the coven shimmer. It only takes a moment for three

guards to appear.

“Lily, where have you been” Timothy, an older guard, asks me. “That doesn’t matter, I need to see my

mother and father.” “I will take you and John to see your father but the wolf will have to stay here.” Neal

growls and I thread my fingers in his. “Neal is my beloved and he will be going with us.” He turns

without another word and we pass through the shimmer. Neal’s eyes get big when he sees buildings

and people everywhere. I lean in whisper in his ear. “Pretty cool, right.” “Very cool” he says with a

smile. We follow Timothy as he leads us into the mansion. We reach my father’s office and he knocks.

“Come in” a voice I hate says. He opens the door and I walk in hand and hand with Neal, followed by

John. My father stands “how dare you come here after what you did?” “How dare you try to use me in

trade to protect your position.” “Where is my mother?” “You bring a filthy wolf into my coven and make

demands of me.” I step toward him “I am not the same girl that left the coven months ago Conrad.”

“Where is my mother?” “She died of a broken heart because her selfish b**ch of a daughter left her to


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