Novel Name : Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 41

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41 New Mate

Lily POV

We are supposed to meet with Lincoln and Amelia in twenty minutes. My mother can’t stop smiling at

Neal, who is walking in front of us. She is so thrilled I found him and she hasn’t stopped gushing over

how lucky we both are. “I’m so happy you found such a handsome loving beloved, Lily.” I smile

because she is whispering, but I know he can hear her with his wolf hearing. “Me too, mom”, I say

wiggling my eyebrows up and down. She taps my arm “that is not what I meant.” I laugh and I hear

Neal chuckle. We reach the dining room to grab breakfast before our meeting. We head over and take

a seat with Charles and Lorraine. John will join us later. He took my aunt to his cottage this morning

after the doctor discharged her. Hopefully, Michael will let Pheobe leave the room for our meeting.

Wolves can be quite possessive during the mating and marking. I remember how long Neal and I spent

making love when we mated. “When all this is settled, I plan to take you away for a week where it’s just

you and me”, Neal links me. I can feel the blush on my cheek as our eyes connect. I roll my eyes and

start to eat again.

“Where are the Elders” I ask Charles, knowing they were released last night from the pack hospital.

“They wanted to ready their men for the battle.” “They will be back this afternoon.” I nod and take a sip

from my coffee. “We may have to wait until Lincoln and Amelia finish speaking to Walker before we

head up for the meeting.” I see concern on Neal’s face. “Why would Walker be here after he just went

back to the pack?” “I’m not sure Lily, Lincoln is meeting with them in the office” Lorraine says. Neal

stands and I do the same. We both head toward the stairs. “Lily I’m coming with you” my mother calls

from behind us. She catches up and we walk down the hall toward the office. Neal knocks before he

opens the door for me to walk in. As I walk into the office a wolf growls. I turn to see Walker growling

and a woman I have never seen pick up a little girl. “Mate” he says looking in my direction. I can feel

Neal’s anger through our bond and I know this isn’t right. Neal is my only beloved. Neal steps in front of

me as Walker comes toward us. He walks around us and now I’m even more in shock.

Walker POV

When the knock sounds on the door, the scent of wild flowers invades my nose. Rowan growls “Mate”

he says. Lily is walking in followed by the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my life. I can

scent she isn’t a wolf. Maybe she is related to Lily, a sister or cousin. “I don’t care who she is, she is

ours.” “Go to our mate”, Rowan says and I walk toward her. Neal steps in front of Lily but I side step

them wrapping this woman in my arms. I bury my head in her neck and breathe in her scent. “Oh, my

goddess” I hear Lily say. “Lily, what’s happening” I hear my mate say and I stiffen at her words. She

doesn’t know who I am to her. I feel a hand on my shoulder. “Walker step back and look into my

mother’s eyes.” Her mother, this beautiful woman, is Lily’s mother. I do what she asks despite Rowan’s

protest. I look into her gorgeous eyes and she gasps. “Beloved” she says, but she doesn’t look happy.

“Mom” Lily says but my mate raises her hand at her daughter. “Come with me please” she says and

Rowan whimpers in my mind. “She’s going to reject us.” “Don’t say that.”

We walk two doors down and she checks to see if anyone is in the office. Once she sees it’s empty,

she walks inside and I follow her. She turns looking at me in my eyes. “I know that your wolf wants me

because of the bond but,” I step closer to her. “We both want you.” She takes a step back and I hate

that Rowan may be right. I have waited for her since I was eighteen. I refused to take a chosen mate

because I wanted who the goddess chose for me. “Before you even think about accepting me you need

to know some things.” Her words lessen the dread I feel but I just listen and hope.

Iris POV

I can’t believe this happening right now. I never expected to have another beloved. Conrad and I were

not fated beloveds. I never told Lily that my father insisted I mate with a coven leader’s son, but for a

different reason. I was an only child and Conrad took control of our coven when my father died. I wasn’t

strong like Lily and I didn’t fight my father’s wishes. I can’t regret my choice because I have Lily. I never

knew what it was to be drawn to a beloved, but it is intense. When I looked into his eyes, I could feel

my soul start to bind to him. Despite how composed I look on the outside, my heart is ready to beat out

of my chest. He needs to know what happened before he makes his decision. I take a deep breath

before I start to speak.

“I know you want me because of the bond, but I need you to know some things about my past.” He

doesn’t say anything, he just listens. I was mated to a man that was evil to the core. He never loved me

and he used me to grow his coven. He growls but quiets quickly. “He promised a warlock my daughter

for protection and I helped her escape.” “When she wasn’t there he gave me, to the warlock as

payment.” I see his beautiful green eyes turn black before they return to green. “Please” he says and I

continue. “The warlock is a monster and he did things to me that are unimaginable.” This time he picks

me up taking me over to the couch and sits me in his lap. “I know you need to tell me more but I need

to have you close to hear this before Rowan takes control.” I don’t protest and I continue. “He violated

and tortured me in every way imaginable.” He puts his head in the crook of my neck again breathing

deep. After a few minutes, he picks his head up and looks in my eyes. “None of that changes that you

are mine and I’m yours.” He puts his hand on my face and the warmth from his skin against mine,

warmth blooms in my chest. I’m afraid to believe that he is really accepting me and all I just told him.

“We can’t make it official right now and after all you have been through, I will not rush you.” “What is

your full name beautiful?” “Iris Louise Bloom”, I say and he smiles. “I, Walker James Teller, accept you,

Iris Louise Bloom as my mate and beloved.” I smile at his words as I know wolves don’t use the word

beloved. I say a prayer of thanks to the goddess before I accept this man the goddess sent me. “I, Iris

Louise Bloom, accept you, Walker James Teller, as my beloved and mate.” “May I kiss you” he asks

and the fact that he cares enough to make sure I’m comfortable before he kisses me makes my heart

beat a little faster. I press my lips to his and the kiss is like nothing I have ever felt before. When he

pulls back, he stands but he never lets me go. “I think we need to get back to the meeting.” He starts

for the door but then stops. “Iris, the coven that is a threat to the Nightfire pack.” He stops and I nod my

head. “I promise you that ba**ard is going to suffer for what he did to you.” He presses his lips to mine

one more time before he takes my hand leading me back to the office.

Maureen POV

I hold my breath for Walker as his mate leads him from the office. “Mama, why did he roar” she asks

and I chuckle. “It was a happy roar little one.” The Luna laughs and I remember we aren’t alone in the

office. I carry Penny over and take my seat again. I turn to my mother with a smug look on my face and

whisper. “See, I saved her mate.” She rolls her eyes at me. The Alpha clears his throat and I look back

at him. “Since Walker will be busy for a little while, let’s talk about you ladies.” “Alpha” Lily says with

disgust in her voice. “I meant talking Lily” he says with a chuckle. I’ve never seen an Alpha who seems

so kind and approachable. “So, can you tell us who is trying to hurt you.” I stiffen at his words. “What

my mate means is how can we help to keep you safe?” “Amelia is right, that is what I mean but we also

need to know if someone will be looking for you.” I look to mother and she is shaking her head at me. If

it was just mom and me, I wouldn’t care about fending for ourselves, but I have to think about Penny.

I look down at Penny and back to the Alpha. “Lily, can you and Neal take Penny to get a snack.” I hold

onto my daughter. I don’t know these wolves. The witch walks toward us. She bends down. “My name

is Lily, do you like ice cream?” She starts to bounce in my lap. “I promise you she will be safe and we

will get the ice cream and come right back.” I turn her in my lap so she looks at my face “you be a good

girl, Penny.” “I will Mama” she says and takes Lily’s hand. Once the door is closed, I turn back to the

Alpha. “We were part of a collective and the leader wanted to use me as a breeder.” He growls and the

Luna places her hand on his arm. “When I refused, he threaten to harm Penny, so we ran.” “Walker

insisted we come here but honestly you are putting your pack at risk by us being here.” “He isn’t exactly

a nice person and he wants me.” The Luna stands coming around the desk. “This man that would

threaten a child is he Penny’s father.” I take a deep breath. “No, he was killed after we joined the

collective during an attack.” She takes my hand. “We are going to set you up in a cottage and we will

figure out the rest later.” I look to the Alpha waiting for him to protest. “My mate is right.” “I understand

your worried that your presence will pose a threat to our pack but we cannot know you need help and

do nothing.” I look to my mother and she looks as shocked as I feel by his words. “I’m going to take you

to one of our open cottages if you want to come with me” the Luna says. We stand and the Luna takes

three steps before she stops dead. I look down at the floor and my heart drops.

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The novel Betrayed by My Beta Mate has been updated Chapter 41 with many unexpected details,

removing many love knots for the male and female lead. In addition, the author TheNich29 is very

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Novel Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 41

Novel Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29


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