Novel Name : Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 70

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4 Find Our Place

Calliope POV

We reach the human city and pull into the parking lot of a coffee shop. I look over at my mother and I

can’t read her face. “Mom” I say and she turns pulling me into a hug. “Thank you Calliope. You are so

strong. I’m sorry” she starts to say and I stop her. “What are you sorry for?” “I should have been strong

enough to fight my father when he insisted I mate Mateo. I should have left your father when I knew he

was never going to love me.” I pull back “don’t do that. You are stronger than any woman I know. You

sacrificed your own happiness to protect me from the vile things he was doing. I know based on what I

saw today this isn’t new behavior for that ba**ard.” She laughs and the brightness actually reaches her

eyes. I wish I had realized how unhappy she really was before today. “You deserve to be happy,

mother. This isn’t about me. You don’t owe me an apology. You did nothing wrong.” I can tell she

doesn’t think she deserves to be happy. “What are we going to do now, Calliope? Your father isn’t going

to let this go.” She reaches into the bag she packed and pulls out a wad of money. “Mom, how much is

there?” “A few thousand dollars but it won’t last long.” She is right about that. “Let’s go in and have

something to eat before we find a hotel to stay in for a night or two. I don’t care if we have to live

among humans. You are never going back to him.” She reaches up and touches the spot where he

marked her. She brushes her fingers over it and smiles. “It is already starting to fade.”

We get out and head inside the coffee shop. I can’t help but look around. I doubt the wolves will follow

us into the human city. My father knows that the Nightfire pack protects this city and will not take kindly

to wolves entering without permission. Alpha Lincoln is someone my father spoke of often and it wasn’t

fondly. I have never met him, so I’m not sure why my father hated him so much. Based on everything I

just learned, Alpha Lincoln is probably a good man. We take a seat in a booth after we get two cups of

coffee and muffins. I continue to look around to ensure there is no threat to my mother. There are many

people in the shop but they are all human. I pick my coffee cup up and place it to my lips. As I take a

sip, I scent a wolf. I place the coffee on the table in front of me and look toward the door. A beautiful

woman who is around my mother’s age walks in with a girl who looks about eight. The woman is

definitely a wolf. The little girl waves at me and the woman looks in our direction. Her eyes get big as

she must realize we are wolves too.

“What’s wrong, Calliope?” “A woman that’s a wolf just walked in. She knows we are wolves.” She

indiscreetly looks before she looks back at me. “It’s alright, she has a pup. She isn’t going to confront

us with her pup.” I hope my mother’s right. A few seconds later, she leads the little girl to a table near

ours. “Calliope, I don’t believe she is a threat”, Aurora says. Aurora isn’t an average wolf. She can feel

the emotions of others. A gift given to her and me by the goddess. My father has never even seen

Aurora or asked about my wolf so he has no idea. “My name is Sarah, what’s yours,” a little voice

brings me out of my thoughts. “Sarah, don’t bother the ladies” the woman says to the little girl. “It’s no

bother. My name is Calliope and this is my mother Jasmine.” “You have the same name as a princess.”

My mother smiles “yes, I do. You have a very pretty name, Sarah” my mother says. I look up at the

woman who is smiling at her daughter. She looks at me “my name is Abigale. It’s very nice to meet you

both.” “It’s nice to meet you and Sarah.” She looks worried but I’m not sure why. “Can I ask if you two

are alright? I don’t usually see unique women such as yourself in the city.” I lower my voice so the

humans around us can’t hear. “We will be. Thank you for your concern. We are just passing through

and we mean no harm.” She smiles “I wasn’t worried that you did.”

Alpha Mateo POV

Dante is pacing in my mind after my conversation with Calliope. “We cannot let our pup leave the pack.

We need our bloodline to continue and she is the only way that happens, Mateo.” “I am aware of that

Dante. She isn’t going anywhere. Just like Jasmine accepted my rules, so will she.” After I link Jasmine

to bring Calliope back to my office, I take a seat at my desk. I will be damned if any woman will speak

to me like that. After fifteen minutes, I start to lose my patience. I stand and head toward the door. I

reach for the handle when a pain like I’ve never known almost knocks me off my feet. “That b**ch you

chose is breaking the bond with us”, Dante growls. I manage to get my bearings. “Bradford, you are to

have every warrior out looking for my Luna and daughter,” I link him. “What’s happening Alpha?” “Do

what I f**king ordered now.” I break the link and head downstairs. As soon as I’m outside, I take a deep

breath to scent the air. I can’t scent Jasmine. We shift and Dante takes off toward the gate that leads

into the pack. We reach it in minutes and I shift. The guard looks worried and I have a feeling I’m not

going to like what he is about to say. “Where are they?” He doesn’t even ask who I mean because he

knows. “They left fifteen minutes ago, Alpha. I’m so sorry they told me they were leaving to buy you a

gift.” “What way did they go” I growl and shift. I will deal with his stupid a** later. I link the men to follow

me and I take off toward the direction the guard points with his shaking hand.

As I run I think about what I’m going to do when I catch this b**ch. “This is your fault for taking her a**

as our mate.” I focus on running to reach the SUV. Her scent is getting stronger as we run. We stay in

the woods. As we run I realize where she is going. That b**ch thinks she can hide from me in the

human city. She is very wrong. I may not be able to walk in as Dante, but I will find them both. I don’t

care about that ba**ard Lincoln. They both belong to me and I will have what is mine. We reach the

edge of the forest and my men stop behind me. Bradford’s wolf comes to stand next to me. “What now,

Alpha” he asks. “Return to the pack, this isn’t over.”

Two Days Later

Calliope POV

I get out of the shower and throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I open the door and my mom is sitting

at the table in the hotel room we rented. She has pancakes and eggs waiting for me. I smile because

I’m starving. I take a seat and start to dig in. We eat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before

someone knocks on the room door. I look at my mother and place my finger against my lips. I get up

and when I reach the door I look out the peephole. “I think you should let them in, Calliope”, Aurora

says. I turn to my mother and I can see the fear on her face. “It’s not dad” I say in a whisper. “Calliope,

we are here to help. Please let us in.” I see relief on my mother’s face and I turn back to the door. I

reach for the handle and open it. Abigale, Sarah, and a man are standing there smiling. “Please come

in”, I say, and step back until I’m standing next to my mother.

“Calliope and Jasmine, this is my mate Carter. He is the leader of the Silverpaw Collective.” He clears

his throat. “We are the leaders of the Silverpaw Collective.” She rolls her eyes. “Hi Calliope” Sarah

says, and I smile. “It’s good to see you again Sarah. It’s good to see both of you. It’s nice to meet you

Carter.” “Can we talk,” Abigale asks and I know what she means. I turn on the TV for Sarah and we all

sit down at the table. “I mean no disrespect but why are you here?” “We are here to offer you help”,

Carter says. “We know that you are not rogues. You are definitely pack wolves”, Abigale says. My

mother and I both stay quiet. “We understand you may not be ready to tell us exactly what you’re

running from, but we know you’re running”, Abigale says. I look at my mother and she nods. “You can

trust them” Aurora says. “We are running from my father. He is an Alpha who has been abusing my

mother.” Carter growls and I smile. Abigale reaches her hand across the table, taking my mother’s

hand. “I’m so sorry your mate treated you like that. He isn’t worthy of you. Hopefully the goddess will

give you a second chance just as she did for me.” My mother smiles and I guess my father isn’t the

only a**hole wolf.

“So we came to offer you a place in the collective” Abigale says. I’m shocked that they would offer

wolves they don’t know entrance into their collective. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but how do you

know that you can trust us? Not that I’m saying you can’t, but you don’t know us. You would be putting

your collective at risk. My father will be looking for us. He will not think twice about hurting you or the

people you care about.” This time Carter smiles. “We have an alliance with the Nightfire pack. The

Gamma and the Beta Female of the pack are very powerful witches. They have provided us a serum

that allows us to know exactly what your character is based on your aura. If you drink it and your aura

is blue, then you are pure of heart. If you drink it and your aura is red, then your intention is evil. We

understand that the man your running from may be a problem but I promise you between the collective

and the Nightfire pack you will be safe”, Carter says. “I have never heard of a pack aligning itself with a

collective.” “The Nightfire pack is not your typical wolf pack. The Alpha and Luna are amazing and they

don’t judge people based on their rank or lack of rank.” Carter sticks his hand in his pocket and takes

out two vials. He sets them on the table in front of us.

“Aurora, are you sure about these wolves?” “Yes I am. You and your mother are safe with them.” I link

my mother, “Aurora feels we are safe with these wolves.” As soon as I say it, my mother picks up the

vial and drinks it. The glow that surrounds her is a brilliant blue. I pick up the vial and do the same. I

look at everyone and they look like I just grew ten heads. “What’s wrong, it can’t be red?” Abigale

smiles “it is not red. It is the purest white I have ever seen.” “What does that mean?” “It means you are

now both members of the Silverpaw collective. Let’s go home” Abigale says. “We will wait for you

downstairs”, Carter says, and they leave us alone in the room to gather our things. “Are you sure this is

what you want to do mom? We will be considered rogues from this day forward.” She wraps me in a

hug. “I would rather spend the rest of our lives with these people who have been kinder to me than your

father ever was. I don’t care if people call us rogues. Your father and mine were both wrong. Rank

doesn’t matter, kindness and how you treat others does. There is strength in kindness.”

Update Chapter 70 of Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Announcement Betrayed by My Beta Mate has updated Chapter 70 with many amazing and

unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm romance of the

author TheNich29 in Chapter 70 takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the Chapter 70 Betrayed by

My Beta Mate series here. Search keys: Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 70


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