Novel Name : Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 26

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26 Parents

Atlas POV

“Alpha, Elder Thomas has arrived to meet with you”, the patrol guard links me. “Show him to my office

now.” Amelia’s parents left earlier and hopefully I will have my mate back in my arms by the end of the

day. She loves her mother and she wants her father’s approval as much as she tries to act like she

doesn’t. I know how he felt about me being a Beta, but he respects me now that I’m the Alpha. “He is

nothing to be judging us, he has no rank.” “You need to worry about Amelia not impressing that piece of

sh*t.” “We need to make her ours again” Silas growls. “Silas, we need to give her time or she will never

accept us.” “I will make her see how sorry I am.” “She will be our Luna as it always should have been.”

He recedes in my mind because he knows I’m right. A knock sounds on the door before it opens and

Elder Thomas walks in. He takes a seat and before he can even speak, I tell him about sending

Amelia’s parents to bring her back to me. I can see a look of concern flash across his face. I don’t care

if he agrees with my plan or not.

“Atlas, do you think he is just going to let her leave.” “Of course not, but I’m sure he will let her talk to

her parents in private.” “I gave them a syringe with something to knock her out.” “Atlas, I understand

that you want her back but she is in a pack that is larger than yours with an Alpha that has claimed

her.” I growl “she is mine I don’t care what that ba**ard thinks.” “I agree she is yours despite your

mistakes but we need to be smart about this so I can protect you.” “They can’t just carry an

unconscious Amelia out of the pack.” “You’re not thinking Atlas.” I growl “I warned you Elder that I

would have her one way or another.” “I could just wage war on the pack and the Elders if that is what

you would prefer.” “Atlas war is not necessary I told you I had a plan but obviously you have set

something different in motion.” “Let me make a call and see if I can make arrangements in the pack so

they will get her out safely.” “You do what you have to because if I don’t ger her back soon there will be

no stopping me or my wolf for taking her by force.” He takes his phone out of his pocket and once he

hangs up. He nods “I have someone in the pack that will help them get her out undetected.” “Elder, I

am grateful that you understand that Amelia should be mine, but why would you risk yourself for me?”

“Let’s just say that Elder James and I have very different feelings about what is acceptable for Alpha


Amelia POV

I can feel Lincoln’s anger through our bond and he is on the verge of losing it. He stands heading

toward my father until they are face to face. “You will never return to my pack and disrespect me or my

Luna again.” My father growls and my mother stands with fear all over her face. I expect her to pull my

father away, as challenging an Alpha is a death sentence in our world. It all happens in slow motion but

I can’t stop it. She pulls a syringe from her pocket, jamming it into Lincoln’s arm. I reach for her but she

pushes the plunger before I can stop her. “What the f**k have you done mother?” Lincoln pushes me

behind him. I watch Lincoln try to swing at my father before he steps back, losing his balance and

falling to the floor. I bend down grasping my mate. “Lincoln talk to me”, I say. He tries to talk to me but

his words are slurred. “What did you give him?” “I’m sorry Amelia, I had no choice.” “F**k you mom

there is always a choice.” “I want the two of you gone and don’t ever come back here again.” “My pup

and I are dead to you.” “You are no longer my parents.” I’m lifted off the ground by my father. He has

my face in his as he growls. “We are your parents.” “I told you not to mate that Beta but you insisted

because he was your fated mate.” “Now he is the Alpha of our pack and you are carrying his pup.” “You

will go back with us now and do what is right.” “Like hell I will” I say and he sets me on my feet.

My father extends his claws, walking toward Lincoln on the floor. “You can come willingly or I can kill

that ba**ard you have betrayed your bond for” he says, pointing at Lincoln lying on the floor. I feel sick

to my stomach. I can’t believe this is my father. I know he, worries more about status and what others

think, but not enough to do this to me. I was very wrong. “Amelia, your father’s right, everything will

look differently once we are home.” “Your pup deserves to be with his real father and family, not this

Alpha that has misled you.” I look at my mother, the woman who raised me and she is a stranger. They

have both lost their minds. I hold back the tears and my father bends down, placing his claw near

Lincoln’s neck. He isn’t completely unconscious, but there is no way he could defend himself in this

moment. “Make your choice Amelia.” “Fine, I’ll go with you but I don’t know how you think you are going

to walk out of this pack without anyone stopping us.” “That’s been taken care of let’s go.” My parents

loop their arms through mine and when we head downstairs Jennifer is waiting. She has a smile on her

face like she won the lottery and I vow in that moment she will die by my hands. “You b**ch, how” I

growl looking from her to my parents. “Let’s just say that your mate is very resourceful.” She hands my

mother another syringe and every thought I had of escaping them is gone. I needed to get them away

from Lincoln, but I had hoped I could get away from them just as I did Max. “He is not my mate, Lincoln


“We will see once you’re gone.” She turns leading my parents out a back door that comes out directly

where the forest begins. Once we are deep in the trees, Jennifer stops turning to us. “The guard patrol

will pass by the spot straight ahead in about ten minutes.” “Once he’s gone there won’t be another one

for at least twenty minutes.” “Fine”, my father says, and Jennifer heads back toward the pack house

without another word. My mother turns me to face her. “Amelia please just listen and don’t make this

more difficult.” “I don’t want to have to give you the shot.” I put my hand on my belly and her eyes drop

to my hand. “Amelia, I would never give you something that would hurt you or the pup.” “That’s line you

draw mother.” “You’ll force me to go back to a man that betrayed me, drug me, but you won’t kill my

pup.” The hurt flashes across her face but I don’t care. “I will never stay with him.” “All your doing is

starting a war.” “Enough Amelia, you’re acting like a child.” “This is not how you were raised” my father

says. “Elder Thomas will never let that ba**ard bring war to our pack.” I laugh “Elder Thomas I should

have known he would be involved in all this.” “Linda just give her the shot she isn’t going to listen.” “I

want to get far away from this pack before that ba**ard wakes up.” He grabs me by the arms as my

mother takes the syringe out of her pocket.

Linda POV

I know that Jack is right but I hate giving her the shot. We don’t know that girl what if this hurts our

daughter or the pup. “I won’t give it to her Jack.” “We have no idea what’s in this syringe or if that girl

would hurt her.” He rolls his eyes and I place the syringe back in my pocket. “Fine, Amelia behave and I

mean it” Jack says. We catch the scent of the pack wolf and thankfully we are down wind. Jack slams

his hand over Amelia’s mouth. He links me “take the syringe out just so she can see it.” “Hopefully she

won’t fight.” I do as he says and her eyes get big at the sight of the syringe. She stays quiet and once

the wolf passes, I slide the syringe back into my pocket. We start to move and after a few minutes we

pass the territory line. “Amelia, I’m going to shift and you and your mother or going to get on my back.”

“If you try anything she will give you the shot whether she wants to or not.” He shoots me a look and I

nod. I have to keep telling myself this is for her own good. Jack shifts and she climbs up first. I climb up

behind her, wrapping my arm around her. I remind her not to do anything to hurt herself or her pup. She

doesn’t even answer me.

Jack takes off and I breathe a sigh of relief that we made it away from that pack. He runs for about

fifteen minutes before he starts to slow down. “Jack, what are you doing?” “I caught the scent of a

wolf.” “A wolf from the Nightfire pack or a rogue.” “I’m not sure Linda.” As soon as he says the words, in

our link a large black wolf steps out of the trees from the left. He lets out a roar and I can tell he is an

Alpha. Oh goddess, Lincoln couldn’t be up and around already. Could we have run into another Alpha’s

territory? “Jack, what are we going to do?” “I’m going to try to talk to this Alpha and explain that we are

no threat to him.” “Get down with Amelia and I’ll shift to speak with him.” He bends down and I do what

Jack says holding tight to Amelia.

Amelia POV

I’m confused when my father slows until I take a deep breath. I catch the scent of a wolf. When a large

black wolf comes out of the trees, I don’t know whether to be happy or scared. Alpha wolves do not

take kindly to wolves entering their territory without permission. My mother pulls me down but holds

tight to me so I can’t pull away. My father shifts and this must be my only chance to get away while he

is dealing with this wolf. My mother is not strong enough to hold me against my will. “Amelia, please be

careful, think about you and the pup”, Star says. “I won’t try if I don’t think I can get away safely, I

promise Star.” My father starts to talk and I’m just about to make my move when the wolf shifts. I can’t

believe what I’m seeing. “Alpha, I’m sorry if we have entered your territory but we mean no harm to you

or your pack”, my father says. He stalks toward my father and before he can say a word he punches

my father in the face, knocking him to the ground. My mother screams and I stand not understanding

what the hell is happening. He walks over to us and my mother starts to plead for him to just let us

pass. “Release her now” he says, and my mother steps back from me. “Go to your mate, I will deal with

them”, he says.

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