Novel Name : Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 76

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10 Unexpected Visit

Cayden POV

I open my eyes and I’m in a room like I’ve never seen before. The walls are clean and white. The bed

I’m lying on feels amazing. I sit up and notice that all the pain I had earlier is gone. I must be dead and

honestly it’s a relief. I pray that Clara found a safe place and will be happy. I don’t even know how I

helped Clara escape. It was like it wasn’t even me that helped Clara. The door opens to the room and I

stand expecting to see the goddess. I’m confused when a man I’ve never seen walks in. For the first

time in a long time, I feel my wolf. “Cayden, don’t be afraid. Everything will be clear soon” Riggs says.

Before I can respond to him, the man speaks. “Cayden, it is so good to see you.” “I don’t mean to

sound rude but who are you?” “It will be easier to show you than to tell you.” He sticks out his hand and

I take it. Images begin to flash through my mind.


The man in front of me and a beautiful woman are sitting at a table. A few minutes later, he goes over

and helps her to stand. Her belly is very swollen and he places his hand over it. “I can’t wait to meet our

pups, love. It’s hard to believe it will be happening in just two months.” He kisses her before they head

for the door. The image fades and a new one replaces it. The same man is sitting in an office with an

older man that has his features. “This is not right Theo. She is not a witch. You are polluting the

magical bloodline by mating with a mutt” the older man says. “Uncle, do you believe that you know

better than the goddess herself? I would suggest you never speak of Evelyn that way again.” “Don’t

challenge my authority, Theodore. I am the leader of this coven and you will follow my orders without

question.” “She is carrying my children and she is mine. I will gladly leave the coven for her. You can

find someone else to follow your orders.” The anger on the older man’s face is unmistakable. He

stands “the only way you will leave this coven, Theodore, is to meet the goddess, so make your

choice.” The younger man attempts to stand to defend himself but the older man shoots something

from his hand. The image fades again but I’m sure he didn’t survive.

The new image is of the same woman sitting at a table with a man that is definitely an Alpha. I see pain

on her face and then they appear in the hospital. She is in labor and her screams fill the room. A few

moments later, the pups are rushed from the room. Instead of screams of pain, the woman is

screaming for her pups. The Alpha appears and two familiar people are with him. That ba**ard Franklin

is standing with the witch, Lydia. The Alpha hands them the pups and they disappear. The next image

is of the woman and Alpha as she sobs uncontrollably. “I’m so sorry love, the pups didn’t make it.”

“How could this happen?” “I love you Evelyn and we will have other pups together.” Her sobs get louder

and the image fades away.

Vision End

I pull my hand back. “What does this all mean? Is that my mother?” He smiles “yes that beautiful

woman is you and Clara’s mother.” Realization of who this man is to me finally sinks in. “You’re our

father. So I am dead.” He smiles “no my son. You are very much alive. The goddess has granted me

this moment to meet you and give you the information you will need to make things right.” “Have you

visited Clara?” I see sadness cross his features. “Did something happen to Clara? Please tell me that

all I did was not in vain.” “What you did was amazing. Your sister is alive and, despite what the future

may hold, she is happy.” “What does that mean? Is something going to happen Clara?” “Cayden, the

only thing that I can tell you is that whatever happens was meant to be and you will need to be there for

the gift she brings that is born of that happiness.” “You’re saying a lot but making no sense.” He steps

forward and wraps me in his arms. “I love you and I’m proud of the man that you have become.” I feel

the tears running down my cheeks. I never thought I would have a moment with this man.

He whispers my mother’s name before he begins to chant. My body is engulfed in warmth and my eyes

close on their own. I feel like I’m floating for a moment before everything stills. I manage to force my

eyes open again and I’m in a dirty room. It’s not the cell, but it’s nothing like the room I was just in. I

hear the key turn in the lock and the door opens. “How do you feel boy,” the witch says. I don’t answer

her. “You could act a little grateful. I’m the only reason you’re still alive.” “Let me out to kill that b**ch”

Riggs growls. This is the strongest we have felt in a very long time. “We will, we just need to pick our

time. After what father said, I need to get to Clara.”


As we stand with my parents, Clara seems anxious. I’m sure being around all these people isn’t easy

for her, but this seems different. She seems distracted and both Silas and I are concerned. “We want to

thank you all for coming to the Nightfire pack for this celebration. I’m sure you’re all wondering what we

invited you here to celebrate.” Everyone laughs and nods at my father. “We decided to have this ball to

announce that our son Eli has found his mate.” He holds out his hand to Clara and I lead her to him. I

stand on the other side of her. “This is the future Luna of the Nightfire pack, Clara.” Applause fills the

room and I squeeze her hand. She smiles but I can see she is nervous. I lean in “I’m here with you.

You are doing amazing.” She kisses my cheek and we look back at the crowd. “We want you all to

enjoy tonight and we will be sending invitations when it is time to appoint the new Alpha and Luna of

the pack.” Again the crowd breaks into applause. Everyone starts to talk and dance again. I take

Clara’s hand, leading her out into the hallway.

I pull her into my arms. “What’s wrong Clara?” She acts like she has no idea what I’m talking about.

“Just because we aren’t bonded doesn’t mean I don’t know when something is wrong.” “That woman

that was with your mom, who is she?” “That is Luna Evelyn of the Red Moon Pack. Why do you ask?” “I

don’t know exactly but Cora and I feel anxious around her.” “She has always been very kind when I

have been around her. Do you want me to ask her and Alpha Grant to leave?” “Of course not, she has

done nothing wrong. I’m sure she is a lovely woman.” She smiles and I lean down kissing her lips

softly. I pull back and take her hand, leading her back into the ballroom. I lead her to the dance floor

and hold her in my arms. It’s amazing to share this moment with her.

The ball lasts for a few hours and I love the smile that Clara wears for most of the evening. She dances

with Larisa and Rose while I sit with Micah and Mason just watching her. I look at the table where

Evelyn and Grant are sitting. Evelyn doesn’t take her eyes off of Clara while she dances. What could

Clara and Cora possibly be feeling about her? As the ball winds down, the Alpha and Lunas start to

come to say goodnight to all of us. We stand with my parents by the door as everyone leaves the

ballroom. Evelyn and Grant are the last ones to approach us. He has his arm looped in hers. She

comes to stand in front of me first. “It was good to see you again Eli. Congratulations on finding your

beautiful Luna.” “Thank you Evelyn.” She moves till she is standing in front of Clara. “It was a pleasure

to meet you Clara. I hope we can spend time getting to know each other in the future.” She reaches her

hand and Clara takes it. I see Evelyn’s eyes flash black but it is gone as quickly as it came. Grant

ushers toward my parents as he shakes my hand. “Congratulations to the two of you” he says as he

walks past Clara.

Evelyn POV

Grant leads me to the car and helps me inside. He starts the drive back to the Red Moon and the

silence that fills the car is uncomfortable for the first time since we mated all those years ago. We’re

halfway home when Grant finally breaks the silence. “Evelyn, are you alright?” I turn “I’m fine Grant.”

He takes my hand in his and squeezes it. Everything in me right now wants to pull away, but he doesn’t

deserve that. He didn’t do anything wrong and I have no right to be upset with him. Once we reach the

pack I head inside and right upstairs to our wing. He follows me and once we reach our room he pulls

me to him. “Evelyn, you are worrying me. I hate when you are upset and I know you are not fine.” “I’m

sorry, I don’t know why I feel drawn to that girl but you did nothing wrong.” I lean up and press my lips

to his. He tries to deepen the kiss but there is no way I can do that the way I feel. I pull away and head

over to grab my pajamas. “I think I’ll feel better after a shower.” He nods and I head into the bathroom.

Once I am in the shower I let my mind wander to the day I lost my pups.

Grant POV

This cannot be f**king happening. Once I know she is in the shower, I grab my phone out of my jacket.

He picks up on the second ring. I don’t even give him a chance to answer. “Do you know who I f**king

met tonight?” “Hello to you, too, Grant.” “Franklin, I’m ready to come to that f**king collective and snap

your neck with my bare hands.” “What are you going on about?” “The pup you should have taken care

of years ago met my Luna tonight.” There is silence for a minute before he asks for an explanation. I

tell him about the ball and meeting the new Luna of the Nightfire pack. “How the hell could she be

mated to an Alpha?” “She isn’t really a rogue you a**hole. You and that f**king witch had better figure

out how to fix this before my Luna finds out who she really is or you will both be sorry.” I cut the call and

the bathroom door opens. Evelyn comes out with a look of concern on her face. “Who were you talking

to, Grant?”

About Betrayed by My Beta Mate - Chapter 76

Betrayed by My Beta Mate is the best current series of the author TheNich29. With the below

Chapter 76 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all the

tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please read

chapter Chapter 76 and update the next chapters of this series at


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