Novel Name : Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 49

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49 New Day

John POV

The ceremony was so beautiful and I’m glad that Lily and Neal were made Gamma/’s. It’s still hard to

believe that everyone important to me is here in a wolf pack I chuckle to myself. I told my mother that I

would have breakfast with her, Aunt Iris, and Walker today. I’m going to go on a run and get a little

training in before we have breakfast. I throw on gray sweats and a black t-shirt. I head out of the

cottage and toward the path. As I start to run, I feel like I’m being watched. I look around but I don’t see

anyone. Great John, your being paranoid, I say to myself. That f**ker Lucas has me losing it. I can’t

wait to watch him suffer for all he did to my aunt. A wolf steps out as I run near the border and I stop.

The wolf smells like pack but I don’t know all the wolves in the pack yet. It makes no move toward me.

“Can I help you?” The wolf growls and I step back. “I am part of this pack and I don’t want to hurt you.”

As soon as the last word leaves my mouth, the wolf shifts. Now I’m pissed as she stands there


“What the f**k Clarissa” I say as she starts walking toward me. “Oh, John learn to take a joke.” “That’s

not funny or a joke.” “What if I cast against you?” She rolls her eyes. “What the hell are you doing out

here, stalking me?” “Don’t flatter yourself John.” “I was out on a run when I scented you.” “Fine, I need

to finish my run because I have plans.” I see something flash on her face but its gone so quickly I think

I imagined it. “Don’t let me keep you from your plans” she says. I’m just about to take off to finish my

run when I notice her scenting the air near the border. “What is it” I ask. “It’s not a wolf but I smell

something close to the territory.” I hear what sounds like a moan and on instinct I start to walk toward

the sound. I’m wrenched back by Clarissa. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” “That’s outside

the pack land.” I pull my arm free “I’m not going to let someone or something suffer just because it isn’t

part of the pack.” I start again to cross the border and when I pass through trees the moaning gets

louder. I walk a few feet to the left and that’s when I see her lying on the ground covered in blood. I link

Lincoln before I wrap her in my arms teleporting her to the pack hospital.

Maureen POV

“Seriously Maureen we need to leave.” “Leave and go where mom?” “You know damn well that he is

looking for us and I have to think about Penny’s safety.” “I understand that these wolves are being nice

right now but they have no idea what you can do.” “Wolves crave power and when they figure out you

have powers they will use you., just like that ba**ard wants to.” I know she is just worried but I wish she

would just trust me to always do what’s best for all of us. “Mama” Penny says interrupting our

conversation. “Yes baby” I say bending down so I’m eye level with her. “Can I see Lily?” I smile, she is

such a sweet girl. “I think they are busy but maybe we can go on a run later.” “I can see Clary” she says

in her sweet voice. My wolf preens to hear the nickname our pup has given her. “Yes, you can see

Clary.” “Now, why don’t you get washed up for breakfast.” “Ok, mama” she says and heads down the

hall. This cottage is so nice and her room is perfect. I let myself enjoy the safety and comfort even

though I know it can’t last.

I expect my mother to pick up where she left off before we were interrupted, but thankfully she heads to

the kitchen to start on breakfast. Penny comes back up and I put her in the booster seat at the table.

Once my mother sets the plate of pancakes down in front of her, she wastes no time digging in. I smile

at my innocent little girl who is happy right now and I need to keep it that way. So, I plan on staying

here as long as we can. Maybe Damien will give up, I can only hope. A knock sounds on the door and I

stiffen. “It’s not him Maureen” Clarice says and I know she’s right. He would never make it into the

territory besides I would scent him. I get up going to the door. I look outside and Lily is standing on the

porch with her mate.

Lily POV

We woke up early this morning because I wanted to go see Penny, Maureen, and Judith. With

everything happening the last few days I don’t want them to feel unwelcome. We spoke with Lincoln

and Amelia about everything and they agree we should offer them a place in the pack. I knock and

when the door opens Maureen smiles. She looks so much better than the day they came to the pack.

I’m glad the clothes we had brought fit her. Before I can say a word, little arms are wrapped around me.

I bend picking her up. “Hello there, Miss Penny.” “Hi Lily” she says with chocolate on her face. “Did we

interrupt your breakfast?” “No, in fact there is more than enough if you two want to join us.” “Please

Lily”, Penny says and I couldn’t say no if I wanted to. I turn to Neal and he smiles. We head inside and

Judith is already setting plates down for us. “Good morning” she says. I can tell she doesn’t trust us yet

but I’m hopeful she will. “Good morning, Judith.” We all sit and start to eat breakfast.

“I’m sorry the last few days have been so hectic.” “We wanted to stop by and make sure you were all

comfortable and have everything you need.” “Yes, everything has been perfect.” “I’m so grateful you

given us a place to stay until we can figure out where to go next” she says and my heart sinks. I had

hoped she realized this pack isn’t a normal wolf pack and that Lincoln and Amelia will offer them a

permanent place to keep them all safe. “Did you ever think about becoming part of the pack?” Before

she can answer I get a link from Amelia. “A woman who is badly injured has been found by John just

outside the territory.” I stand “I apologize but Neal and I need to get to the hospital.” “Please think about

what I said.” “This pack isn’t like others and we would love for you to all stay.” I smile at Penny before I

wrap my arm around Neal and we disappear.

Lincoln POV

When John links me I’m in the shower. I jump out and dry off. I dress in jeans and a t-shirt.before I

head out into the bedroom. Amelia is laying Eli down in the bassinet. “What’s wrong Lincoln?” I tell her

about the link and she immediately gets dressed. A knock sounds on the door and my mother comes

in. “Thank you, Lorraine”, Amelia says and we head to the pack hospital. When we reach the lobby, a

nurse is waiting for us. “Alpha and Luna, I’ll take you to the room.” We follow her to a room at the end

of the hall. When we open the door John is sitting in a chair. A woman who looks to be in her late

forties is lying in the bed hooked up to a lot of machines. She even has a breathing tube in. John

stands when he sees us. “John” I say and he tells us everything that happened. I try to scent the

woman. She is not a wolf but I don’t believe she is human. “Alpha and Luna” the doctor says as he

walks in. He walks over touching the machines before he addresses us again.

“She was barely alive when John brought her here.” “She has a lot of wounds, lost a lot of blood, and

she isn’t healing” the doctor says. “She isn’t a wolf.” “No, she isn’t and based on her scent I would say

she is human” the doctor says. Why would a human be this close to the pack land? Something about

that doesn’t make sense. “What are you thinking, Lincoln”, Amelia asks me. “I’m thinking that there is a

reason this woman was close to our pack.” “We need to figure out what that reason is.” I watch Amelia

link before she looks back to me. “Lily and Neal are on their way.” I kiss her forehead and we wait for

them to arrive. “John we will stay with her if you want to go get cleaned up.” He looks down at his

clothes I think realizing for the first time he is covered in blood. “I’ll be back to see how everything is

after I get cleaned up” he says before he leaves the room.

Amelia POV

Ten minutes later, Lily and Neal are shown in by the nurse. “John found her outside the pack land and

the doctor said that he doesn’t know if she is going to survive.” Lily walks over to the bed and lays her

hand on the woman’s head. She closes her eyes and we just stand in silence. The only sound in the

room is the steady beeping of the monitor and the breathing machine keeping her alive. After a few

seconds, Lily’s eyes fly open. “She isn’t human but something is blocking her powers.” “I’m not going to

unbind her powers because we have no idea why someone did this to her, but I will heal her.” I love this

woman. She’s right, we can’t put the pack at risk until we know exactly what happened to her. Lily

begins to pass her hands over the woman’s body and a glow that looks like sunshine envelops her.

When Lily drops her hands, I can already see the cuts and marks are starting to heal.

“She has to have the will to survive now” Lily says. “We have to go to the Darkmoon pack today to

meet with the remaining warriors about the pack.” “Will you watch over her and link us with any

changes?” “Of course, we will” Lily says. She hugs me and we head back to the pack house to tend to

Eli before we leave. When we reach the pack house, Lorraine is sitting in the dining room with Charles,

who is holding Eli. He is telling him about the pack and I smile. He will be ready to be Alpha by five with

his father and grandfather teaching him I chuckle to myself. When he finishes, I take Eli to feed him

again before we get ready to leave. It’s my first time leaving the pack and Eli. “We won’t be gone long,

love, and Michael, Pheobe, Neal, and Lily are here to protect Eli and the pack.” “Hey I’m still able to

kick some a** too”, Charles whispers like Eli will know what he is saying. I chuckle and kiss his

forehead before I hand him to Lincoln. He does the same and gives him back to Charles.

We head to the SUV and drive until we reach the Darkmoon Pack. As we drive through the gate and

the pack house comes into view I feel a pit in my stomach. I never thought I would step foot in this pack

again. Lincoln takes my hand. “Are you ok love?” “Yes, I am, it’s just strange to be here.” He leans in

and presses his lips to mine. It definitely helps me to calm down. “You are strong, don’t forget that

Amelia”, Star says. “Thank you”, I say. Lincoln, comes around opening the door and we walk to the

pack house. Tristan is waiting and shows us to what once was Elias’s office. When we walk in my last

moments in this pack come rushing back and the thoughts of Elias overwhelms me. “Amelia, we can

leave and I can come back alone if this is too much.” “No, I am your Luna and this pack needs us.”

“Alpha and Luna, welcome to the Darkmoon Pack” Tristan says.

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@@ Please read Chapter 49 Betrayed by My Beta Mate by author TheNich29 here.


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