Novel Name : Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 112

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46 You Can’t Have Him

Jasmime POV

Bradford and I are in my office going over training schedules. It’s still weird to be sitting in this chair.

Once we have finished, Bradford heads out of my office. A knock sounds on the door and Madison

steps inside. I see a mix of fear and sadness on her face. I haven’t seen her since the day I took her to

the hospital. I stand coming around my desk. “I’m glad to see your doing better.” She stays quiet for

awhile and I give her the time she needs to get past her nerves. “Alpha, I’m so sorry.” “Madison, you

have nothing to apologize for. I’m not upset or angry with you. I’m sorry that he hurt you. I wish I could

have protected you from that evil prick.” She rushes forward, wrapping her arms around me. I return

the hug. She pulls back and she has a blush on her cheeks. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep.” “It’s

quite alright.” “Can I get you something for lunch?” “I plan on joining the pack in the dining room.” “I’m

glad, my uncle is visiting my parents.The Beta’s gave permission and I would love for you to meet him.”

“I would like that.” She nods and heads for the door. She gives me one more smile before she

disappears. I link Anthony, Oliver, and Benson that I would like them to meet me in the dining hall. I

want the pack to know that our rank does not define us.

Cayden POV

I feel the panic rise in my body as I look around and see no sign of Selma or that a**hole who acted like

her savior. I scent the air but there is no trace of either of them. I’m about to shift when they step out

from behind the trees. “Where the f**k were you? We need to get out of here before the warlocks find

us.” Before I can say anymore, Selma rushes over wrapping her arms around me. “Thank you for being

stubborn” she says. I squeeze her tighter, grateful that we were able to reach her before that ba**ard

hurt her. A noise behind me catches my attention and I turn to see Penny laying her hand on a large

tree. A door forms and I’m sure I look like a fish out of water the way my mouth is gaping open. “Let’s

go” she says, waving us over to the tree. She ushers us inside. I don’t know what I expect to find

inside, but it looks like a tunnel that leads nowhere. Penny goes to the dead end and lays her hand on

it, making another door appear. When we step through the door, I immediately know we are close to

the pack. I lift my mate in my arms. “You are amazing.” She chuckles as I spin her around. I set her on

her feet and press a kiss on her lips. I can’t wait to make this woman mine in every way. I start to

deepen the kiss and someone clears their throat. I pull back and she buries her head in my chest. I

look at my aunt who is smirking and I roll my eyes.

“Penny, this is my Aunt Selma. Selma, this is my mate, Penny.” She squeals and rushes over, wrapping

Penny in a hug. When she steps back, Bryson takes Selma’s hand. I notice the mark on her neck for

the first time and I’m confused. She was in the cell like a prisoner. Is he her mate? Did he mark her and

put her in that f**king cell? She must see the confusion and anger on my face. “Let’s get back to the

pack and I’ll explain everything that happened, Cayden”, Selma says. I nod and we set off for the pack

house. We arrive a few minutes later and my mother is walking toward us with her arm around Rose’s

shoulder. When she notices us, she rushes toward me. I wrap her in a hug. “Thank the goddess your

back safe.” She turns to Selma and wraps her in a hug. When she steps back, she looks toward Bryson

and smiles. I hear Rose gasp and look over to see her disappear. “What the hell was that about” I say

to no one in particular. Before anyone answers, Penny grabs my arm. I turn to see fear and worry in my

mate’s eyes. “Vampires took Larisa”, she says. I turn and rush toward the pack house. We burst

through the pack house door and take the steps two at a time. When we reach the office, I don’t even

knock. Eli looks like he is ready to shift. His eyes meet mine and the pain I see makes Riggs whimper. I

wouldn’t wish the pain of losing a sister on my worst enemy. Eli and Larisa are my family. I rush over

and pull him into a hug. “We will get her back, Eli.”

Magnum POV

I’m back in my office sitting at my desk. I haven’t spoken to Oscar since he took the wolf to the cells.

How interesting that she is my beloved? What are the chances that a wolf from the very pack I hate is

fated to me? The goddess thinks she is clever. The girl is beautiful and despite all my efforts, I couldn’t

help thinking about what she would feel like under me. I shake those thoughts away. I need to focus on

making Lincoln pay. I have no need for a beloved. She’ll just make me weak. The door to my office

opens and Jonelle saunters in. “Jonelle, I’m busy. I don’t have time to play with you right now.” “I did

what you asked and I deserve to be rewarded, master.” Normally her calling me that would make my

c**k twitch, but right now it’s like cold water being thrown on me. “Jonelle, I’m not in the mood. I have

more important things to do than f**king you. I need to find Oscar to find out what he has learned about

the girl.” “Why do you need to know anything about her? She isn’t important. She is a filthy mutt that

you’re using to take revenge.” I keep my expression even. “What she is, is important to my plans. Now

find something to amuse yourself before I lose my patience with you.” She goes to leave but then turns

back to me.

“What are you going to do with the b**ch when she is no longer useful?” I feel rage at her question and

I know it’s the mate bond making me feel this way. I shake those thoughts away before I focus on her.

“Stay away from the cells Jonelle. Do not make me repeat myself.” “She is just a mutt. Why do you

care if I torture her a**? I won’t kill her until we are done with her.” I grab her by the throat. “Have you

forgotten who is in charge? Do I need to remind you?” I squeeze enough to let her know I am serious.

“You are my master” she says and I release her. “Now leave, I have things I need to attend to.” She

rushes from my office and I take some deep breaths to clear the anger I feel. “F**king mate bond” I say

to the room. A few minutes later, the door opens again and I’m just about to flip my sh*t on Jonelle

when Oscar walks in. I don’t even let him sit when I start asking him questions. “What did you find out

about the girl?” “Her name is Laura. She is an omega in the Nightfire pack.” I was hoping she would be

a higher-ranked wolf, but I’m sure they will still care about what happens to her. “I spoke to the new

Alpha and gave him two days to turn over the former Alpha if he wants to save the girl.” “Magnum, I’m

no genius but an Alpha is not going to trade himself for an omega.” “You underestimate my plans,

Oscar. They will try to rescue her because that is who the wolves are. The former Alpha will be with

them out of guilt. When he comes for her, he will die by my hand.”

Larisa POV

I don’t know what I expected after all Magnum said about my father, but he left without another word. I

don’t know how much time has passed, but Ara has been quiet since Magnum left. I can feel her

sadness and her desire for her mate. “I’m sorry Larisa” she says and I hate to hear her pain. “You don’t

need to say you’re sorry. He is our mate. It’s normal to feel the pull to him despite what he is doing. You

are allowed to mourn our bond. I’m hurt and sad that we will not have our fated mate too.” She whines

and my heart breaks along with hers. Why would the goddess pair us with such an evil man? I lay

down on the cot and pull my knees to my chest. I hear the door unlock and I don’t turn to see who

steps inside because I know it’s the b**ch from earlier. “Hey little one” she says and I stiffen at her

words. I turn and she has a sickly sweet smile on her face. I notice she has a tray with food in her


“I brought you something to eat. I’m sorry about being a b**ch earlier. I thought I would bring you

something to eat.” She must think I’m stupid. I won’t take anything she brings me. I don’t even trust

Oscar, even though I feel like he means me no harm. Part of me wishes he was my mate instead of

Magnum. When I look back at her she is smirking. “You don’t trust me?” I don’t answer. “I guess your

smarter than most of your kind.” No matter, I have better things to do, then be nice to you. Things like

f**king Magnum.” I can’t help the growl that escapes me. Her eyes get big and she smirks. “I knew

something was up. He didn’t want me to torture you and now I know why.” She looks like she wants to

kill me. She steps closer to the cell. “You will never have him. He is mine and I will kill you first. Your

time alive is going to be over very soon.” “He is keeping me prisoner in this f**king place and you think I

want him as my mate.” Ara whimpers again and recedes in my mind. “You will, the bond will make you

want him but he hates you. I will make sure it stays that way before I get rid of you.” She waves her

hand and I’m knocked against the wall. I feel my ribs break but I won’t give her the satisfaction of

hearing me scream. She drops the tray on the floor before she leaves the room. “F**k Ara, we need to

get the hell out of here. If our mate doesn’t kill us, that b**ch surely will.”

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