Novel Name : Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 69

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3 Your No Alpha

Alpha Mateo POV

I’m sitting at my desk going over the pack’s financial statements. A knock sounds on the door and

when it opens Jasmine walks in. “I’m busy, I don’t have time for your nonsense, Jasmine.” “That is no

way to speak to your Luna Mateo.” I slam my hand down on my desk. “I will speak to you any way I see

fit. I am the Alpha of this pack. Honestly, Jasmine, I only mated you because of your breeding and to

give me an heir which you failed at miserably.” She growls “don’t speak of my pup. I have been a good

mate and Luna to you despite how you have treated me. Maybe you should have mated the omega.

Then you could have a son with omega breeding, since you can’t see how strong our daughter is.” I’m

around the desk in seconds pinning her to the wall. “I would be careful of the things you say. You’re of

very little use to me now. If you ever repeat that I was fated to an omega to anyone, I will make sure

you never speak again.” I see fear on her face at my words. After I mated this b**ch I drank too much

wolf wine and spoke of my omega mate. I drop her to the floor. “Get out of my sight. Remember your

place, Jasmine, or you won’t have one.” She leaves my office without another word.

I link Bradford to come to my office with Anthony, his son. I have no intentions of handing over my title

anytime soon, but I do need to have a plan for the future. That b**ch was only able to give me one pup

and no woman will ever take over my pack. She thinks, because she trains, that she can take on a

man’s role in this pack. That will only happen over my dead body. The door opens and Bradford walks

in, followed by Anthony. They both take a seat in front of my desk. “Bradford, how is training going with

the warriors?” “Excellent Alpha,, Calliope is an amazing fighter in both human and wolf form.” I roll my

eyes. “I don’t want to hear about my daughter’s attempt at training. How are the real warriors looking?”

“The men are doing well, Alpha. Anthony is starting to take over some of the training in preparation for

his role as Beta.” “Excellent, but that is actually what I called you here to discuss. When I am ready to

step down as Alpha, I would like Anthony to take the role and mate with Calliope.” Both men remain

quiet for a long time. “Alpha, we are both honored by your offer, but Anthony plans on mating his fated

mate.” I can’t help myself, I laugh out loud.

“I am offering you a chance to become Alpha of my pack and you’re worried about a mate you haven’t

even met. She could be a rogue, for all you know, or a pathetic omega” I say to Anthony. He stays quiet

and I’m just about to demand a response when we are interrupted. The door to my office swings open

and Calliope walks in. By the look on her face she has been talking to Jasmine. “Bradford and Anthony,

will you excuse us? We can continue this discussion later.” They get up, leaving my office and close the

door behind them. “What is so important that you need to interrupt my meeting, Calliope?” “I believe

you know why I’m here, father.” “Enlighten me dear daughter” I say. “Mother is crying because of you.

What did you say to her?” “What happens between me and your mother is none of your concern. You

need to focus on learning to become a good Luna for your future mate and Alpha,”

Calliope POV

I’m just coming back from training when I head upstairs to grab a shower. When I walk in, my mother is

sitting on the couch with tears in her eyes. “Mother, what happened” I say as I sit down next to her. She

wipes the tears from her eyes trying to hide her sadness from me. “I’m fine sweetheart.” I give her a

look like I’m not buying it and she chuckles. “I had a fight with your father.” “Tell me what he did.” She

smiles and brushes the hair away from my face. “Promise me that you will mate because of the bond

and love not because it’s your duty.” I look at her confused. “Mom you’re not making sense. I thought

you and dad were fated mates.” A sadness that I’ve never seen before is in her eyes makes my heart

clench in my chest. “I wish that were true. I thought that maybe your father would come to love me one

day, but he only mated me because of what he could gain. My father was a powerful Alpha. When we

mated, your father gained my pack and pack lands.” “Why didn’t you just become Alpha of the pack

and find your fated mate?”

“Oh sweet girl, my father would never give his title to a woman and your father is just like him.” “Are you

saying that because I am a woman he will not make me Alpha of this pack?” “That’s exactly what I’m

saying.” I stand heading back out the door. My mother calls out to me and I turn walking back to her.

“Calliope, please don’t do anything to get yourself hurt. You are all I have in this world.” I hug my

mother before I head to my father’s office. I don’t even knock before I walk in . I don’t care that he is

having a meeting with his Beta and Anthony. Once they leave, I try to control the anger I feel at my

mother’s words. “You want me to be the Luna. I am your only child. This pack is my birthright and I

have training to become an Alpha worthy of it.” My father laughs and Aurora growls in my mind.

“Women are not Alpha’s. They are meant to be Luna’s and serve their mates. You will never be the

Alpha of my pack.” I stand without another word, walking toward the door. I open the door and turn

back to my father. “I will never be Luna of this pack.” I walk out the door and I can hear him yelling at

me using Alpha command. Aurora doesn’t even whimper. Once I’m outside, I shift and we take off

toward the woods.

“Calliope”, Aurora starts to say, but I stop her. “I don’t want to talk, I just want to run.” We run until her

legs are ready to give out. She lays down near a tree I visited many times as a child. “Calliope, it’s time

to talk.” I sigh “I knew he was an a**hole but never did I think that he was cruel to my mother or that he

thought I was unworthy of leading this pack.” “Your father is no Alpha. An Alpha sees strength in others

and fosters it for the good of many. Your father is small-minded and selfish. You are an Alpha Calliope.”

“Thank you , Aurora. I would be lost without you.” “You never have to worry about not having me.

You’re stuck with me.” She rises to her feet and takes off toward the pack house. As I walk back down

the hallway of our floor, I can hear my mother’s cries of pain coming from my parents’ room. I push

open the door and she is writhing on the bed. “Mother, what’s wrong” I ask as go to her. “Calliope,

please, I don’t want you to see this. Just go, it will be over soon.” “What are you talking about? What is

causing you this pain?” She doesn’t answer but Aurora does. “It’s your father being unfaithful to their

bond.” The anger I feel is all consuming. He is a bastard and she doesn’t deserve this.

I stand stalking toward my father’s office. I push the door open without warning. My father’s eyes are

fixed on me as the omega, he was just f**king scrambles for her clothes. I don’t even blame her

because I’m sure she had no choice. “What the f**k do you think you are doing barging into my office

again?” “Really that’s what you say when your hurting my mother and being an overall sh*ty wolf.” “I

don’t answer to you and your mother is well used to it. Now leave before I lose my patience with you,

Calliope. You better learn your place because your mate will do the same to you.” “I would rather die

than have mate as pathetic as you.” He laughs “you will mate whoever I tell you to or you can leave this

pack.” “That’s fine with me, I would rather be a rogue than stay here with you. I, Calliope Justine

Robison, leave the Crescent Moon Pack and all its secrets behind. I reject you, Mateo Connor Robison,

as my Alpha and father.” His eyes turn black. I’m sure his wolf is angry that his pup is breaking the

bond with him. I turn down the hallway and head back to my mother. She can’t stay here and I won’t

leave her behind.

As soon as I reach the room, she is sitting on the bed. “Calliope, what have you done?” I should have

known he would link her. I can only imagine what he said to her. “Mom, please, we need to leave. You

can’t stay here and keep taking this abuse.” She looks at me with sadness in her eyes. “Calliope, there

is nowhere to go. If we leave we could be killed by rogues or other packs.” “What kind of life is this for

you to endure this disregard and abuse? I would rather take our chances as rogues than stay here with

him.” “We don’t have long. He expects me to bring you to him after I speak to you about your behavior.”

She gets up packing what she can carry. I run to my room and do the same. After a few minutes, we

head downstairs and I grab the keys off the key holder for an SUV. We need to get out of the pack

before he realizes we are gone. I pull up to the gate and the guard approaches my window.

“Hello ma’am, does the Alpha know you are leaving the pack lands?” My mother squeezes the armrest

and I pray she doesn’t say anything.

“It’s actually a secret that we are going to buy a gift for my dad. We won’t be gone long.” I can see he is

torn. “Jared I kicked a** this morning at training. I don’t need anyone to protect me or my mother.” His

face turns red and he nods. He opens the gate and we drive through. We drive down the road that

leads away from the pack and I stop at the very end. My mother steps out and turns toward the pack. “I

Jasmine Alyssa Robison, reject you Mateo Conor Robison as my mate and Alpha. I leave the Crescent

Moon pack and all its secrets behind. I am no longer the pack Luna.” I can tell she has pain, but after

all she has endured, I’m sure it is mild in comparison. We hear a growl that I know is my father. “We

need to go mom”, I say, and we both quickly get into the SUV. I start to drive and I know that wolves will

be coming. I make the turn that leads to the human city. “What are you doing, Calliope?” “The wolves

will be coming. We can go to the human city until we figure out what to do next.” She nods and once

we pull down the main street my body relaxes. I know this feeling won’t last but for now we are safe.

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Novel Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29


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