Novel Name : Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 54

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54 Dealt With

Leland POV

As soon as I hear Lucas’s voice in my head, every bit of joy I felt a moment ago is gone. After all I have

seen him do over these last few months, I know exactly what he is capable of. If something happens to

Lance, it will be because he helped me. I can’t have my brother pay for my decisions. As soon as

Lucas breaks our connection, I open my eyes and everyone is staring at me. “What happened Leland”,

Pheobe asks me. A million thoughts run through my mind about what to do next, but the strongest one

is to protect Lance. I don’t want to hurt these people, but what other choice do I have? I compose

myself to keep my heart rate even. I know the wolves can hear changes in my heart rate that could

make them suspicious. I won’t lie, I just won’t tell them everything. “My brother reached out to me as

we had planned about the timing of the attack. Lance said that Lucas told him they will be attacking at

dusk tomorrow.” Teresa squeezes my hand and I look down, seeing what looks like disappointment on

her face. She couldn’t have heard my conversation with Lucas, our bond isn’t complete. “That’s

amazing, we will ready the warriors for their arrival. Lucas is going to be very sorry for all he has done”,

the Alpha says to everyone in the room. I nod and Pheobe stands. “We’re going to let you rest, mother”

she says and leans down to hug Teresa. “Leland, I assume you will stay with her and protect her.” “Of

course, with my life” I say. “I’m glad you have each other, you both deserve to be happy” Pheobe says

before she takes Michael’s hand to leave. I hate that she is trusting me and once again, Lucas is going

to hurt her through me.

Everyone else says their goodbyes before I’m alone with Teresa for the first time since I’ve arrived. I

grab a chair pulling it to sit down next to her bed. “So, are you going to tell me what just happened?”

“What do you mean”, I ask hoping she is just talking about how I got here. “Leland, do not keep secrets

from me. I choose you, but if you betray my family, that will all change.” I take a deep breath and look

into her eyes. “Lucas has figured out what Lance and I did and he is going to kill Lance if I don’t help

him.” She grips my hand “You need to tell Pheobe and the Alpha everything.” “I want to Teresa but he

will kill Lance.” She pushes herself up so she is sitting up straighter. “Leland for years I allowed my fear

of Lucas to dictate my choices and because of that many of the people I love have suffered. I promise

you that telling the truth and asking for help is the better path to travel. It is the only path I will travel

with you.” I feel like my heart is squeezing in my chest. I need both of them alive and with me. How do I

do this?

I say a prayer to the goddess that Teresa is right and these people can help us save Lance. “I will tell

them everything.” She lifts my hand to her lips, placing a soft kiss on the back of it. Before I realize

what she is doing, she lays her hand on my marking spot and begins to chant. The feeling of her magic

flowing through me is so overwhelming. After a few minutes, she pulls her hand away and I lean in to

kiss her for the first time. Her lips are soft and I pour everything I feel for her into that kiss. When I pull

back, she smiles. “I promise that when I’m one hundred percent we will finish the mating and complete

the bond.” “There is no rush love, I’m never letting you go.” I go into the bathroom and look at her

beautiful blue mark on my neck. The mark that shows everyone that I belong to her. I come back out

and head for the door. “Where are you going” she asks, a little panicked. “I need one of the nurses to

contact the Alpha so we can discuss my conversation with Lucas.” She smiles and I walk to the nurse’s

station. After the nurse assures me, she will let him know, I head back to Teresa’s room. Once I’m

inside, I sit back in the chair and take Teresa’s hand waiting until they arrive.

Amelia POV

I walk with Lincoln hand in hand as the others walk ahead. I wanted to be a hundred percent before I

brought this up to Lincoln and today, I feel that. I feel like I’m ready to deal with Jennifer. “Lincoln,

before everything happens with Lucas, I would like to deal with Jennifer. He stops walking for a

moment. He steps closer pulling me into him. “Are you sure you want to be the one to do this love?”

“Star and I are positive that we are the ones that will be dealing with her. She tried to hurt me and my

pup by taking me away from my mate. She is mine.” He buries his head in my neck. “That was really

hot love” he whispers in my ear and I chuckle. He pulls back “let’s go do this.” We catch up with the

others. “Michael, will you take Neal to the warrior’s barracks to start preparing them for the battle.”

“You’re not coming with us” he says with confusion on his face. “No, Amelia will be dealing with

Jennifer first.” Lily smiles and Pheobe looks confused. I give her the short version and they both take a

seat on the patio while Lincoln and I head to the cells. As we approach the guard, he bares his neck to

us. “Open the door”, he says, and the guard does as he asks. He leads me down the stairs.

We come to stand in front of the cell and she smiles when she sees Lincoln. She really can’t be this

delusional. He has her locked in the cells and she is still smiling at him. I step around, so I’m standing

in front of him. He places his hands on my shoulders and the smile she had is gone. “What the f**k do

you want” she says with all the venom she can muster. “Be careful how you speak the Luna of this

pack” Lincoln says and growls. “She is no Luna of mine and you have made a mistake by claiming

someone else’s ba**ard child.” That is all I need to hear and Star is at the surface. I step forward

“Jennifer for the crimes committed against myself and the heir to the pack you have been sentenced to

death. The sentence will be carried out by me.” Her eyes get big and for first time she stays quiet. I turn

to the guard “take her to the pack yard now.” “Lincoln, please don’t let her do this. You care about me

and she is jealous, please stop her from hurting me.” He laughs “my Luna has spoken.” We head for

the stairs and I hear her screaming at the guard who is pulling her out of the cell.

We reach the pack yard and it’s almost dusk. The only ones around are Lily and Pheobe who stay

seated in the chairs on the patio. Lily knows I need to do this for myself and won’t interfere. The guard

throws Jennifer to the ground about twenty feet from me. “Star, are you ready?” “Ready to shut her up

permanently, absolutely.” “Turn around” I hear Lincoln yell at the guard and I chuckle as I start to strip.

“Amelia please don’t do this, I’m sorry” Jennifer pleads. “It’s too little too late, now shift” I give command

before I shift into Star. I watch as Jennifer’s wolf takes over. She is an average-size wolf with dirty

brown fur. We start to circle her. She starts to back up but then lunges at Star. We side step before we

come around biting down on her hind leg. She whines and tries to pull free. Star releases her and she

tries to run. Star follows, knocking her to the ground. The wolf rolls three times before she manages to

get to her feet again. As we stalk toward her, she shifts. At first, I think it’s an attempt to stop what is

happening but then I realize it wasn’t her choice. I can hear her pleading with her wolf to shift back. Her

wolf has abandoned her. She is barely able to stand on her feet with the injury to her leg and no wolf to

heal her. “It’s time to end this Star.” We close the distance between us and we shift to human form.

I see a moment of hope in her eyes before I take a fighting stance. I can’t kill her in wolf form when she

doesn’t have a wolf. I am not a monster. She smiles and we start to circle each other. She doesn’t

realize that just because I’m not a warrior doesn’t mean that I haven’t trained. She comes at me and I

superman punch her in the face. She is knocked to the ground. I don’t allow her time to get up and I’m

on top of her. I punch two more times before I grab her and pull her into a seated position. I wrap my

arms around her neck and head. I move in one swift movement and I hear her neck break. I drop her to

the ground before Lincoln helps me to stand. He takes off his shirt, placing it over my head. It looks like

a dress on me. “Take her body and throw it over the border. She will not be buried in our territory for all

she has done” Lincoln gives orders to the warrior. He leans down kissing my lips. “I’m proud of you,

Amelia” he says as he pulls back. “I’m going to get cleaned up and get Eli from your parents while you

go be the Alpha.” He chuckles “yes Luna.” He kisses me softly once more before I walk over to the

patio. Lily wraps me in a hug first and then Pheobe. “Give little bean a kiss for me”, Lily says. I head

upstairs and jump into the shower before I go upstairs to get Eli. I tell Lorraine and Charles about

Leland and Jennifer. “You just be careful that pup, my son, and this pack need you”, Lorraine says

before she hugs me. Charles hugs me and I take Eli to our room. I feed him and lay him in the bed next

to me. Once he finishes drinking and I kiss him, I lay him in the bassinet. The exhaustion hits me hard

and I lay down in our bed to wait for Lincoln to come back.

Lincoln POV

I’m just finishing up with the warriors when I get a link that my presence is being requested at the

hospital. I really would like to get back to Amelia and Eli but I can’t ignore a request as Alpha. When I

reach the hospital, the nurse directs me to Teresa’s room. What else could they need to tell me after we

spoke earlier? I knock and head inside. Leland stands and bows to show respect. “The nurse said you

wanted to see me.” “Yes Alpha, I wasn’t completely honest earlier.” I growl “what does that mean

exactly?” He tells me about Lucas and his brother. I do understand why he didn’t tell us but I’m glad

that Teresa convinced him it was the right thing to do. “Teresa’s right, it is always better to ask for help

than to keep secrets Leland.” He nods “we will do everything we can to save your brother from that

ba**ard.” “Thank you, Alpha. I’m sure that means he won’t stay to the timeline, he told Lance.” “I’m sure

your right about that Leland. We will be ready whenever he attacks.” Just as the words leave my mouth

a patrol guard links me. “Alpha we’re under attack by warlocks.”

Update of Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Announcement Betrayed by My Beta Mate has updated Chapter 54 with many amazing and

unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm romance of the

author TheNich29 in Chapter 54 takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the Chapter 54 Betrayed by

My Beta Mate series here. Search keys: Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 54


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