Novel Name : King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 10

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Chapter 1010. Her Decision KIARA ” This is worse than we thought , isn’t it ? ” ” Demons are rare , and if this was

cast by a demon , and I’m sure it was , then finding the one behind it is going to be rather difficult , even

for us . ” I closed my eyes , wishing that was not the case . ” Is there no other way ? ” ” Of course there is

, finding the one who summoned the demon .

If we find him , then we find the rest of the answers . Magdalene stated , smoothing out the sleeve of her

dress . The two women exchanged looks , I knew they were keeping something from me . ” There’s more

to it , isn’t there ? Tell me . ” I asked sharply , just as Mom entered . Janaina sighed heavily . ” If anyone

else had performed this spell , o r any spell for that matter , trying to lift the curse …. They would have

died instantly . The only reason Delsanra survived is because of her demon side . “

Her words made my blood run cold , I felt a s if I had been slapped across the face . Goddess . My heart

was thundering erratically , thinking of the consequences of what could have happened . I had called her

here ; she could have died … Mom placed her arm around me and for a moment I took comfort in her

touch , before I walked over to Delsanra thinking of what could have happened . ” What do you propose

? ” Mom asked them . ” We shall perform a spell to simply bring them to consciousness , however , they

will remain cursed . That means hallucinations , weakness , and whatever other side effects there may

be . I can’t be fully sure . ” Magdalene said quietly . ” Are they not better off staying unconscious then ? ”

Mom asked .

” No , there is a chance they will begin to lose their minds if this continues . Time will run out . We need

to make sure the curse is broken before then , but how long that may take ? I am not sure . Whoever is

behind this , planned it very carefully . ” Magdalene continued . Janaina sighed , ” Someone strong

enough t o summon demons and to have them do their bidding … That’s a first … ” ” We all know what

happened the one time our kind tried that ; male demons are extremely hard to capture … to think they

made a deal with them . It has to be a Djinn , normal demons are more … childlike , you could say ; they

don’t think like humans . Then there are the Djinn . How they managed to get a hold of one however … is

beyond me .He must have paid an extremely high price … ” Magdalene murmured . frowning . ” So , is the enemy a

witch ? ” I asked , ” We cannot say for sure , but if it is , it is not anyone we know of . Someone of this

She replied . calibre … is definitely not from our coven . ” ” I listened to them , my mind made up , I was

going to have to find this person . ” They left a message . ” I reached into my pocket , grabbing my

shattered phone , and held up the picture of the notepad where I had written the two sentences . Janaina

took the phone from me and they both read it , looking thoughtful . ” The Crimson King , I haven’t heard

of anyone by the name . We can check if there’s anything we can find on him via magic . For now , let’s

perform the spell . ” her hand .

Janaina remarked when Magdalene raised M mused . ” Wait … I feel like I may have heard the term

somewhere … I will look into it . ” She I nodded , watching both women get to work . Individually they

may not be as powerful as Delsanra , who was at a calibre their side . beyond even the most powerful

witches , yet it was clear they had experience on With each passing moment as I looked upon the two

forms on the bed , their hearts beating fast and those dark angry veins that lining their skin , I knew that I

had to do something . I couldn’t just sit here and allow everyone else to be out there ..

The two high witches had been at the spell for a while , it took them almost an hour to steady Dante and

Delsanra’s heartbeats . I left for a short while to check on Skyla , whilst Mom got the witches some

refreshments despite both being in full concentration mode . When Delsanra and Dante’s eyes flew open

simultaneously , they blazed red as they looked around . The veins still remained on their bodies , and

their skin level . remained ashy , yet their heartbeats were ” Mom ? ” Dante croaked as I rushed to the

edge of the magic trigram that was surrounding them . ” Baby , you’re going to be ok .

” I whispered , relief flooding me . I fought back my tears , his eyes met mine , around tensing confusion

clear in them as he looked ” They’re coming . ” He croaked . ” Who is ? ” Magdalene asked sharply . ”

The Wolves of fire . ” He murmured . I exchanged looks with Mom , turning back to him . His eyes closed

and he took a deep breath . Anything Dante said that wasn’t in normal conversation was not something

to side – line , his intuition was far stronger than mine or Liam’s .” I see the boy is special . ” Magdalene said keenly . I did trust her , but I wasn’t completely comfortable

with them knowing about my son’s ability . Dante knew I was having twin baby girls when I had first found

out I was pregnant . Janaina had given me the amulet that Dante always wore , and she must have seen

it , I’m sure she had her assumptions . ” Delsanra . ” I called , turning towards the white – haired beauty ,

she looked at me and gave a small , weak smile .

” Sorry , I just caused you more work . I messed up and I wasn’t able to help him . ” stroking his hair .

She looked at Dante , reaching over and For once , he didn’t blush or pout , instead dark with thought .

stared ahead , his face deathly and his eyes ” They won’t be able to do much , but at least they are

conscious for now . You are o na short time leash , Queen Kiara . ” ” F Magdalene’s words held the

weight of reality in them , if I had any doubt , it was gone . I had to do something .. ” As the Lycan king

asked , he wished for some protective spells to be placed around the night walker pack .

So without further ado , we should head there , I’m sure it will be safer for you all as well . ” She

continued . I nodded . They were right . Returning to the pack would mean better security , and from

there I would decide what to do . I kissed Dante’s cheek before giving Delsanra a hug . ” Want to talk to

Ahren and Sienna ? ” I asked her softly . Concern filled her eyes and she nodded . ” How long have we

been out ? ” ” A day . ” I replied , taking the water bottle from Mom and holding it to her lips as Mom

helped Dante drink . ” Not too long . ” She seemed relieved .

She was a mother too , and her pups were still so young . ” I will pass the message to Alejandro . ” I said

, deciding to reach out to the nearest o four men who formed a chain of communication that reached

each wolf that was out there searching . ‘ Let Alejandro know we are returning home with the witches .

Julio and Phillip will remain to keep an eye on the villa in case something else odd shows up . Also let

him and Rayhan know that Dante and Delsanra are now conscious . ‘ ‘ Understood Luna , that is great

news . ” Night had fallen and I had just put Skyla and Dante to bed .

Mom would watch them , as much as I didn’t want to leave them , I had to . I had made my decision .

Delsanra was here , however , Raihana had brought her pups to see her and to check o n Skyla andDante . I felt better being at home , in the comfort and safety of our mansion . Alejandro had called at

one point to speak to Dante and I had filled him in on everything the witches had said . They had put

some protective spells in place before they’d left with a promise to look into the crimson king . It was

silent now with everyone having settled down for the night .

Mom would sleep in Dante’s room , I was meant to be sleeping with Skyla , however , I would tell Serena

before I left and order her to stay with Skyla . I brushed my fingers through Dante’s hair , having slipped

a small note under his pillow , letting him know I’ll be back soon . I was about to leave the room when

Mom stepped out of the adjoining bathroom . ” 1 nhía I turned as she towelled her vibrant red hair with a

navy towel . ” Hmm ? ” She didn’t speak . Her eyes were locked with mine , as if she was peering into my

mother , right ? soul . You can’t hide things from your ” Are you heading to bed ? ” She asked after a

moment . That was not what she was about to say .

” Yeah , I’m just going to shower and then get some rest . ” I turned the door handle . ” ” hid I looked at

her and I knew at that moment she knew I was going to go … I didn’t reply as we stared at each other . I

saw her concern and worry too , but mixed in with i t was the conflict of letting it slide .. ” I am not a child ,

nor am I just a trophy o n my king’s arm … I am a fighter , a queen , and above all , a mother . ” I replied

quietly , staring at the handle that I was still holding on to .

” I know , take care of yourself . ” She replied quietly . I didn’t reply , casting her a small smile and leaving

the room . I returned to my own , where Skyla was fast asleep . I sat down on my bed , brushing my

fingers through her long hair , sighing heavily . I will be back soon . I didn’t want her to get scared , but I

needed Kataleya home . ” Mama ? ” She asked sleepily , her eyes fluttering open . ” Darling , I’m here ,

but I’m going to go find Kat , ok ? ” I whispered , bending down and kissing her forehead . She looked at

me , frowning as she took in what I had just said , sleep vanishing from her eyes before she nodded

determinedly .

” Ok , Mama . ” She replied . ” Be a good girl for Mama Red , ok ? ” That’s what they called Mom . Skyla

had started it off , and even Dante who used to Red . call her grandma , now called her Mama ” I willNavig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookMama , I love you . ” She sat up , around her . hugging me tightly as I wrapped my arms ” I love you too

baby ; you , Kat , Dante , daddy . ” I kissed her cheek before she lay back down . tomorrow ? ” ” I know

Mama …. Will you come home ” I’ll come home when I find Kat ok ?

” Ok ! Mama is strong . ” I hoped so . I just needed to find my baby . ” Sleep , I will stay here until you fall

asleep , ok ? Want me to sing to you ? ” ” Yes , Mama a Disney song please ! Savages ! From

Pocahontas ! ” I laughed lightly , only Skyla would choose such a song . I began singing the s song and

she joined in with the chorus . ” Savages ! Savages ! ” I don’t think this song was the best choice to make

someone go to sleep , but if this was what she wanted , then so be it . She soon settled down as I sang

softly despite her choice . 11 ” Mama … those wolves were savages … She murmured drowsily . I

frowned , yeah … they were inhumane …. back . I will do what I can , and I will bring her ” I know my

love , now sleep …. ”

” Night Mama …. ” She fell asleep , I stood up ready to pack myself a bag and get out of here . I grabbed

two outfits , a wireless charging pad and m y phone . I slid my wedding and engagement ring off , placing

it on the chest of drawers . Gazing down at them , I felt a pang of pain . Forgive me , Alejandro … I mind

linked Serena , asking her to come t o my bedroom . ” Everything ok , Kiara ? ” She asked me when she

walked in after a light knock .

” I need you to stay with Skyla . ” She raised her eyebrows questioningly before her eyes widened in

shock as realisation sunk in . ” ” Kiara you aren’t ” Just do as I say , please . Good night , Serena . ” I cut

her off , I didn’t want Al to out . take his anger out on her when he found I gave her a small smile , hoping

she understood before I left the room , and heading to Alejandro’s office . I needed to grab my staff , then

some poisons and antidotes . I walked down the quiet halls , memories of Alejandro chasing the girls

down this very hall when they wanted him to play the wolf and they were the little red riding hood twins

made me smile . I remember he had actually shiftedjust to make them happy when they had begged him to . Their shrieks of fear and excitement as he

chased them , ever so slowly , although they had run as fast as their little feet could take them , their little

red capes flying behind them , it had made them super happy . Soon I hoped we had that back in this

home … All five of us together again , safe and happy . I keyed in Alejandro’s office code ; the beep

sounded extremely loud in the silent hall . I glanced down the hall knowing that the guards were posted

everywhere , sure enough , one of them appeared instantly . Seeing me , he relaxed and I gave a

smooth smile .

I knew I was going to have to knock one or two out on my way because there was no way Alejandro

didn’t tell them to keep an eye on me . I was not going to be a prisoner in my own home . I shut the door

behind me , glancing around the office . It was decorated in browns and blacks with a large desk and a

chair , sofas stood to the side and shelves lined one wall . His scent lingered here , and my heart

clenched , knowing I was going to hurt him by doing this . I just

hoped he understood when he calmed down that I had to do this . I walked to the far wall where the huge

shelves lined the wall and moving aside a few items , then pressed a certain area of the wall . It popped

open , revealing a keypad . Keying in the code , I stepped back as the wall on the left moved slightly . I

walked over to it , pushing it wider and stepping inside . The automatic lights came on and I de –

activated the alarm system then scanned my fingerprint before the red sensors vanished . I stepped

forward , sparing the door to the vault that was on one side a glance , but then I walked down the left

side to the room that contained poisons , weapons and antidotes . Although most of this stuff was kept

under security at the pack headquarters ,

we had some at home . I took my metal staff that would become triple its size with a sharp tip on each

side if I pressed the button in the middle . I grabbed some antidotes and poisons , along with a few anti –

scent sprays and several magic talismans that Delsanra and Raihana had made for us . OK , I think I’m

sorted . I filled my bag and returned to his office . Placing the bag down , I sank into his leather chair ,

picked up a pen and rummaged around for some paper , ready to pen him a note and , promise to stay in

touch via phone .I wasn’t sure he’ll even see the note considering he said he wouldn’t be back , but still , just in case … I

had snuck away from the mansion with the help of an anti – scent spray , after grabbing some food from

the kitchen . I only had to knock one guard unconscious before I shifted , holding my bag in my mouth as

I ran into the dark , the urge toy veins . find my little princess rushing through m I’m coming Kataleya … I

relaxed my mind , letting the glow of the shining moon sink into my white fur ..

Praying that Selene guided me to her , I had nothing in mind , no destination but t o follow my instincts .

My wolf was on edge , reeling to go , and I knew she wanted to find our pup just as much as I did . I was

heading south and I sped up not stopping . If that’s where I was being guided that’s where I’ll go . It was

all I could really follow anyway , and I just prayed it was the right way …. I will find you , my baby . I

promise .

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