Novel Name : King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 27

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Chapter 2727. The Enemies Heir ALEJANDRO I hated hurting her , but she was stubborn …. I would listen to her

too … but I needed to do what was best for me and my family . If that meant taking this pup , then so be

it . Scarlett wasn’t meant to come ,

but I knew she came to fucking make sure the child was ok , probably to reassure her daughter The

silence was deafening , Raihana was frowning , and I knew her disagreement with Kiara in the kitchen

was playing on her mind . As much as I loved others to get at each other’s fucking throats , when it came

to two women I loved , it wasn’t as fucking fun . “

Kiara is right in one aspect of what she said . ” Scarlett stated , falling in step with me . I didn’t bother

looking at her , I got her point , but I needed to do this shit . ” Yeah ? Well , if you don’t want to be here ,

don’t . ” I replied coldly . ” ” I didn’t say that , don’t twist my words . “

She growled , her eyes flashing silver . Fucking Alpha female … ” I’m not . I’m just not in the fucking

mood to hear shit when I know I have to make some fucking decisions that aren’t fucking easy . ” I shot

back , my voice harsh and cold , but I didn’t really care . I hated it when Kiara was angry at me . ” I get

that . Just remember ,

he IS a child . ” She replied quietly . We didn’t speak until we entered the pack headquarters and went up

to my office . ” Babe , can you clear the floor ? ” Raihana asked Chris , who gave her a nod and moved

the chairs back whilst I pushed my table aside . ” I’ll set some barriers just in case when we pull him

through , they try to locate him … I don’t know how strong they will be , but I’ll try … ” 11 ” Is doing this on

pack territory wise ? “

Chris asked , glancing out the window . ” It’s safest , since the grounds have been spelled too . ” I replied

as Raihana opened the bag Chris had been holding that contained her supplies and she began to draw

symbols onto the ground with one of her jars of ash . I never got this mojo shit , or how the fuck it worked

, but it sure was fucking useful to have at hand . Scarlett stood there , arms crossed , a frown on her face

as she watched her intently . “Aunty Red , if you keep staring , I can’t focus … ” Raihana remarked . ” Don’t mind me . ” Scarlett replied

with a small smirk , but she did turn her back on Raihana and instead turned her attention to me . ”

Where are you keeping him ? ” ” I’m not fucking answering to you . ” I replied , leaning against my desk

and taking out a cigarette .

” Uncle no smoking , I don’t need anything messing with the spell ” Raihana warned and I fucking

pocketed it . Today was not my fucking day … ‘ Kiara ? ‘ I called through the link , but she had put her

block up .

I frowned deeply , taking my phone out of my pocket instead , the urge to message her was strong but …

I needed to do it in person . I shoved it back into my pocket just as Chris spoke . ” If this kid is raised to

be anything like his father , he may not give us the answers we need , then what’s the plan ? ” He asked

. ” Then I’ll have to probe his mind . ” Raihana replied , taking the cloth I had taken from Kataleya before

she went to bed . ” I’m not risking you doing that , if the Djinn had anything in place , I don’t want you hurt

. ” He remarked , but despite his level tone , his cocky smirk that was always on his face was now gone .

” I’ll be fine- ” ” No. I’m fine with you doing this stuff , but I do not want you risking yourself . We can all

see the state Del’s in . ” Chris replied firmly . ” You’re right , we won’t risk shit like that … Especially since

he seems to be fucking careful . ” I added .

Raihana nodded in defeat as she lit the candles and stood up , fanning her face for a moment before she

took a deep breath . ” Ok , I’m doing this … If anything feels odd , just break the circle . ” Chris walked

over to her , pulling her close and kissing her lips . She locked her arms around his neck and kissed him

back .

They exchanged something through the link and she nodded slightly , smiling , whilst he held her chin for

a moment before moving back . Scarlett stepped forward , and I saw her pointed stiletto an inch from the

edge of the circle , ready to break it if needed . Raihana’s powers surged around us , her eyes burning

bright , her dark thick hair defying gravity as it floated around her as she started chanting the spell , I

could feel the intensity of the spell as she whispered his name .A portal would open , then I was going to reach in and pull the pup through … I’m guessing there would

be guards around him . We couldn’t leave a note in case it was used in a similar manner to get back to

us , so if a guard was there , I was ready to pass a fucking message if need be .

Soon a shimmery transparent wall appeared , and I readied for the moment . Chris had his eyes on

Raihana , his eyes shimmering the pale gold of his wolf , ready to protect her the need arose . My gaze

snapped to the room that now appeared just on the other side of that translucent veil . My frown

deepened as I took in the dark room . Thick velvet curtains covered the windows . But save from that ,

the room was almost empty , with only a rectangular wooden box in the centre of the room ,

which had a boy lying on top of it , without a blanket or pillow … Was this really his son ? It didn’t seem

like the room for the son of an Alpha . Did Kataleya get it wrong ? Raihana and Scarlett exchanged looks

, and I stepped forward , knowing I had to be fast . I jumped in but before I even reached the boy , his

eyes flew open . He was about to jump up , but I was faster , claiming a hand over his mouth and lifting

him up I was back through the veil .

Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookRaihana whispered something and the portal slammed shut , she broke the circle at the same time as

Chris and Scarlett did . Everyone knew how fucking risky that had been . Raihana stumbled and Chris

caught her , scooping her up bridal style and carrying her to the two – seater near the window . We didn’t

know how far out they had been located or how much it would take out of her and by the fucking looks of

it , it had taken a lot

All eyes now turned to the p pup in my arms and I knew he was indeed an Alpha pup , he looked older

than he probably was . Maybe he was about ten or eleven . His dark hair fell across his forehead , but

the hatred in those hazel eyes of his looked far too much for a pup . ” Calm down and I will let you go . ” I

spoke quietly ,

yet my alpha aura rolled off me . His eyes burned with anger , and he didn’t obey . It was then that I

realised he only had one hand that was clawing at my arm , his other arm that had been covered by thesleeve of his long black shirt , now peeped out and it looked like something had recently happened to it .

All I could see was that it looked like his hand had been sliced off . I released his mouth , feeling a sliver

of guilt go through me when I saw the bruises that covered his neck and jaw .

” So , the Lycan decided to kidnap me . You made a mistake . There is nothing you do that can make

padre bend to your will . ” He spat coldly , his eyes glaring into mine . His voice was cold and accented ,

it confirmed we had the correct pack , I’m sure this kid was from Puerto Rico . He held my gaze , I was

doing my best to fucking control my alpha aura but even then he was forced to look away after a moment

. ” Enrique , isn’t it ?

” Scarlett asked , placing a hand on my arm she tried to move me away . We exchanged glares before I

stepped back and crossed my arms , taking the time to scrutinise the boy before me His hair was slightly

wavy , with a square jaw , high cheekbones and a strong straight nose . He had a few small faded scars

across his jaw and one on his lip that never healed properly . Another two were along his forehead and

across his left eyebrow , leaving a small gap where the hair would never regrow .

His arched brows were furrowed together . The only thing soft on the boy’s face was perhaps his eyes ;

deep hazel green rimmed with dark black and those flecks of yellow with thick lashes , but even then ,

there was still a hardness in them . ” We aren’t going to hurt you . ” Scarlett continued , placing her hands

on her thighs as she bent over to look him in the eye as he looked down . I don’t think she fucking

realises he’s her damn height … midget . I smirk at that .

The boy simply turned away from her . ” Ok look pup , it’s your choice , we do it the easy way or the hard

way . ” I said coldly . ” You should speak before he follows up on that . ” Chris added quietly as he

crouched next to Raihana , who had her head on his shoulder , clearly drained . ” Do your worst . ” Came

his fearless reply . Scarlett frowned at me , standing straight . ” We do apologise for- “

” Nothing . Your father took my daughter and hurt her . He attacked my mate and has a grudge against

me . When I have tried to reach out to him to deal with this man to man , he refuses , so I had to stoop tohis level . Or almost , because unlike him , I’m not a fucking loser … Clearly , he beats you too- ” ” Padre

punishes me when I disobey him . Do not try to manipulate his teachings into anything more . ” His face

was emotionless as he stared ahead . His voice was cold and empty . I frowned ; didn’t he realise he

was already manipulated … I shook my head at his words . ” So , the more recent bruises on you … are

these the results of disobeying him by freeing Kataleya ? ” I asked quietly , my alpha command rolling off

me . ” Answer ” 1 me . I saw the dimples in his cheeks twitch as he tried not to answer , gritting his teeth ,

but his head bowed in submission within seconds . ” 1 ” yes .

Raihana’s breath hitched , clearly shocked . Scarlett ran her hand through her hair and Chris was

frowning in concern , I wasn’t going to deny that I fucking wanted to beat the shit out of this pups father .

I placed my hand on his shoulder and crouched down before him . ” Thank you . ” I said quietly surprising

even myself .

” For giving her food and for helping her . ” His face didn’t change but I saw the haunted look in his eyes

as he glanced down at his right arm . ” It wasn’t worth it . ” He replied blankly . I swallowed hard staring

at his arm , a sickening thought came to me , but I pushed it away . No , that wasn’t possible … ” It’s late

, you can go to bed for now , we will talk in the morning . ”

I stated before mind linking two of my men to come and take him to the room that was set up for him . It

was down near the cells but it would be in one of the lesser interrogation rooms . I had asked them to put

a more comfortable bed in there , some books , a

laptop with no internet , but giving him access to some movies . As well as a mini fridge with snacks . I

know I was still holding him fucking hostage , but I couldn’t trust him . He didn’t reply , simply turning his

back on me . There was a knock on the door and I told my men to enter , thinking I needed to get Kiara

to take a look at his injuries tomorrow …

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