Novel Name : King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 53

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Chapter 5353 Unexpected Events ALEJANDRO

Kiara frowned as she listened to him. Matteo was straight to the point, and it was clear he didn’t have

any hidden agenda. Well so far, he hadn’t displayed anything strange. But I’ll withhold judgement until

the end of this meeting. “DeAngelo Rossi was the most powerful Alpha around, and he proclaimed

himself a king of alphas. A title he took by his own means, forcing the other packs to bend to him or they

would be slain. At first, many packs refused to obey and he followed up on his threat.” Matteo frowned

slightly, shaking his head. “But that was not enough, he began to interfere in other pack’s internal affairs

and taking women of choice for his entertainment. Many women were stolen away and never seen

again.” .. “

He had five women over the course of time, correct?” I asked sharply. Matteo shrugged. “He took many

women, but only a few of those who he took were recorded or given any importance. Those are the ones

you are most likely referring to. The fear of our women being taken, tortured and abused the way he did,

made each pack isolate themselves from other packs. Not wanting anyone to see their women, other

Alphas began copying the path DeAngelo had set. Seeing it as a display of power.”

“That’s f****d up. The fourth woman that he took as his chosen mate, she was from a prestigious pack,

correct?” I asked. “Yes, I don’t know the name. It’s a pack that was completely wiped out. In fact,

everyone thought the Lupo Nero Pack was completely annihilated in that clash as well. If you yourself

hadn’t told us about the link, I would never have made the connection. In fact, when I mentioned it to

someone who I thought may know of this matter, it turns out you were correct. Alfonso Rossi made the

wise choice to leave, or he would have been killed by the many enemies that his father had created.”

Matteo motioned to the snacks as he poured three glasses of wine.

Kiara leaned over, taking one, despite the fact I had told her not to. Although I knew she could sense a

person’s intentions, I still didn’t take anything.“‘Yeah, so you don’t know anything about the pack that went to war with The Lupo Nero Pack, but do you

know about the link they had to a pack from abroad?”

Matteo shook his head.

“No, but I do know someone who has more information, the one I mentioned earlier. I wouldn’t have

wasted your time to call you all the way here. However, to protect them, I couldn’t mention them over the

phone. I hope you understand.” Well, what do we have here, a f****r I actually don’t f*****g mind. “I

appreciate that. Is there anything you want in return?” I asked. He smiled slightly, and it was the first time

he had.

“I would only hope that the Lycan King considers the Zanna Di Diamante Mortale Pack as its


“Consider it done, especially if you have the information of someone who knows more.”

“I do and as asked, I have written the address-”

I gave a curt nod, not wanting Kiara to think anything of it. “That’s great. We should head out then.” I

said, standing up swiftly. He looked surprised but said nothing and nodded as he too rose from his seat.

“May I ask what’s wrong with your leg?” Kiara asked, smiling warmly at him. He looked down at his leg

and gave a wry grin. “This is the battle injury I gained when I saved my little petal from a rabid wolf.”

Rabid? Did he mean rogue? “Oh, and it didn’t heal?” Kiara questioned. “No, due to the poisoning. I can

in fact no longer shift. The poison from his fangs made me lose my wolf. I don’t sense his emotions in my

head, my mind link and my ability to heal have all gone.” He smiled gravely. I frowned. How the f**k was

that possible? “How the f**k did that happen?”

“‘That is a problem we are handling. You should focus on your own troubles, Alpha King Alejandro.

Come, I will show you out.”Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookI frowned. That sounded f*****g crazy. I guess everyone has their own s**t going on. He led us through

the building, despite holding his back straight with pride and arrogance. It was obvious he was in pain

and was no more than a human, but he was still the Alpha… The f****r remained stubborn, leading the

way to the gates. “Thank you for gracing us with your presence.” He said politely. “No, thank you for

having us.” Kiara replied, taking the elder man’s hand, I felt her aura surge around her.

His eyes widened, but Kiara didn’t let go, her purple aura becoming visible as she fuelled her power into

him, a deep frown creasing her gorgeous face. “You… You’re in a lot more pain than you are letting on.”

She murmured. Matteo smiled slightly, trying to remove his hand from Kiara’s but without a wolf to help

him, he had no f*****g chance. She was way f*****g stronger. “I do not want the queen Luna to heal me, it

is not why I called you here.” He replied, and I could sense the pride he had.

“I know that you are telling the truth, but it’s not something I can do. To walk away from healing someone

when I know I can help them.” Without another word, she continued to heal

him, whilst the elder Alpha could do nothing but watch.

My own attention was on Kiara, memories or not she was a f*****g queen at heart. Born to be one and

f*****g full of compassion for all…

That night we stopped in Verona, our next location was not far from here. Matteo had been beyond

grateful, the image of him placing his cane aside and taking a few steps stayed in my mind. It wasn’t his

ability to walk now that he was healed that stuck, it was the look of pure happiness on my nympho’s face.

I don’t know how I got so f*****g lucky to have her as mine, but I was not f*****g complaining. My f*****g

perfect queen… It was now morning, and we had left the hotel before the crack of dawn. We had gotten

a few hours of sleep after a round of hot s*x, which I’m sure several people heard because the staff that

was around in the morning were unable to look at us and had red faces when we had checked out.

Not that I f*****g cared.Kiara was dressed in a white halter top which was just about covering half her t**s, leaving her stomach

and the middle of her b*****s uncovered, showing off her underboob chandelier tattoo and her entire

back. I was going to f*****g enjoy the view all f*****g day. She had paired it with khaki cropped cargo

pants and a pair of block heels. Her hair was up in a messy, stylish bun.

Our designated driver had been waiting outside by the sleek black car, and we were now on our way to

see a man by the name of Antonino Venturi. Kiara hadn’t asked me for any details, and I was relieved. I

didn’t want to hide anything from her, but if the Djinn still had some sort of hold over her. I couldn’t risk

giving her all the details.

I hated that, knowing that I was keeping secrets, but I hope she understood. If worst came to worst, I

would just tell her why. She’d understand but it would also give the Djinn a heads up that we knew.

After a while, we finally made it to our location, and following the instructions Matteo had given me, I

finally found the vineyard with a moderate-sized house belonging to this Venturi guy. “Welcome Alpha,

Luna.” A young woman at the door said, clearly expecting us. “Is Antonino Venturi here?” “Yes, he’s

waiting for you.” I gave a curt nod as we both stepped inside, I just hoped he had some f*****g


It was half an hour later and after pleasantries, we had gotten down to business. It was obvious Antonino

wanted a price for his knowledge, saying it could put him in danger. I was willing to pay that price, and

the f****r knew it.

After coming to an agreement of fifty thousand pounds, he was finally sitting back ready to speak. I had

gotten half wired over to him and he would get the other half after we got our d**n information.

“Yes, it has come through.” He replied, smirking slightly.

I could rip the f****r to shreds if I f*****g wanted, d******d. Kiara placed her hand on my thigh, and I slung

my arm around her slender shoulders, casting Antonino a warning glare as his eyes roamed over Kiara.He looked away swiftly, at least he was smart enough to know you don’t f*****g mess with me.

“The pack in question is from Puerto Rico, run by the Escarra families, one of the oldest packs to hold

the Alpha title in their family. They indeed started buying out all the shares to the Rossi businesses,

selling them off at very low prices, and even framing them for illegal arms distribution. I’m not saying the

Rossis were innocent, after all, they funded many illegal avenues. Also, I know Matteo has already told

you about what your ancestor DeAngelo did.”

“Yeah he did, and regarding illegal avenues, you’re talking about The Lupo XII Rossi, right?” I cut in, I

didn’t have time to waste here. “Ah, so you know that already.” “A little yeah, carry the f**k on.”

“I will, I will. Anyway, this company was the main source of income for the Rossi’s, the only holdings they

had left, but the Escarra’s were not finished. When the Rossi’s were financially weakened, they then

began isolating them from other packs, destroying their trust by truth or by lies. Who knows, but the Lupo

Nero pack was falling apart. DeAngelo’s son even tried to get his father to step down. He refused, and

then there was open war. The Escarra’s gathered their allies, and they ambushed the pack, killing

DeAngelo. It’s said Cortez Escarra was so consumed by his daughter’s loss he made a deal for power.

He even called upon the help of witches to assist him, and he succeeded, he gained such power that he

was a beast that could not be slain.”

Antonino paused as if waiting for a reaction.

“We know all that already.” I stated, if he was thinking he could ask for more money, I don’t think so. We

got a name, Cortez Escarra, but it still didn’t answer the questions we needed. “I heard there’s some debt

that was left.”

“Well, I guess the fact your line has lived on, I am assuming Sebastian Escarra now wants you all dead

as it was meant to be.”

I frowned.“Do you know anything of use, because if that’s all you f*****g had it’s no d**n use.” I growled.

He raised his hand and looked thoughtful, as if he was actually trying to remember,

“Well, if memory serves, Cortez knew one of DeAngelo’s bastards got away, but he said he couldn’t do

anything about it – that when the time came, they would both get the revenge they wanted.”

“They!” Kiara asked curiously.

“Well rumours it is, but apparently, it means he and the demon that possessed him. The demon that

witches helped him summon. A devil that he struck a deal with. A deal that meant he couldn’t kill the

Rossi b*****d. Not yet anyway.” I frowned, so he was waiting for something… Pay the debt by blood of

beast? Did he want my blood? Did they know a Lycan would be born? And waited? What was with this

blood and s**t? There’s this f*****g Djinn after my blood, and then there’s me who needs the blood of six

hundred and sixty-six f*****g virgins…. Yeah, I hope my Delta’s and Rayhan were enjoying handling that

s**t. “And how do you know all this?” I asked sharply.

He was a lone wolf, so although he had a pack, he didn’t live with them. Matteo had said he was not from

their pack.

“Knowledge is power King Alejandro. Power.” 1 “Yeah? Well, I hope it does you f*****g good. Let’s just

hope you’re not killed for power.” I smirked sardonically, standing up. “Ah no, that is your forte.” He

tensed as if scared of my response, but I didn’t have time for this s**t. I looked down at him.

“When I return home, I will transfer the rest of the money. If anything else comes to mind, you will let me

know.” I commanded coldly, my aura rolling off me.

His heart began racing, and I saw the panic that flitted across his face. “What do you know?” I growled,

grabbing him by the collar and slamming him up against the wall. “…….. I can’t say.” He choked, “Youcan. What. Do. You. Know?!” I thundered, releasing my aura. I heard Kiara gasp as the man struggled to


“King Alejandro, you are a fool… Your son… We all know he appears like a normal boy, but the eyes of

the world are on him. We know you have witches on your side, it’s easy to mask his abilities but tell me,

how long will you hide what he is?”

“What do you mean?” I asked, my heart racing. Why was this f*****g pointing at Dante? Was the ‘beast’

they talked about Dante? And if so, did that mean he was a Lycan?

“It means your family will always be in danger.” He chuckled coldly and my anger flared through me, I

was about to rip his f*****g throat out when Kiara pulled me back “Alejandro!” Her eyes were wide with

concern as my chest heaved with rage. “My family will deal with whatever s**t is thrown at us.” I hissed.

“Even if it’s forces beyond this world?” He muttered, massaging his throat.

“Explain what the f**k you mean.” I commanded coldly. “There’s a prophecy… I can’t say!” “I don’t care,

you will tell me!” I growled, lifting him up and slamming him against the wall. The smell of blood filled the

air as I hit his head hard against the wall.

“Alejandro, maybe he can’t-” “ANSWER ME!” I thundered, ignoring Kiara. “Al…”

I needed answers, and I wanted them now.

“Answer me.” I commanded, my eyes blazing red. Unable to resist my command, his gaze fell to the

floor. “When the blessed wolf gives birth to a…” He trailed off, his entire body tensing, and then, to my

shock, he stilled. 3

I let go of him, realising his heartbeat had vanished as he tumbled face-first onto the luxurious woven

rug. “He’s…” Kiara gasped, stepping away, her heart beating erratically. I looked down at the body, the

cold reality of what had happened settling in. I don’t know how, but he was f*****g dead.(A/N – Today marks exactly one year since I first signed my first ever book on GN, I am hosting a

giveaway on my ins ta if anyone wished to follow before I launch it. Thank you)

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