Novel Name : King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 75

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Chapter 7575 When Hope Is Lost RAYHAN

This was it…

I saw Mom and Uncle exchange looks, almost as if Uncle was trying to relay a message. I didn’t need to

be able to read minds to know what was on his mind. The emotions in his eyes spoke louder than words

ever could.

If there was any doubt that maybe Dante was wrong and this wasn’t going to happen, it now vanished.

That exchange said it all. I saw the pain in Uncle’s eyes before he lunged at the Djinn, hatred and anger

clear in his eyes as he roared. His aura radiated off of him. The Djinn intercepted him, knocking him back

and roaring in an unearthly way, his fiery body illuminating the darkening skies.

“He will not be able to hold that form for too long, but it gives him enough time to find a new host!”

Someone shouted.

Time was running out.

A clash of attacks were happening in all directions, and I took a moment to try to assess our next move.

‘When all hope is lost…’ 1 Right now, we were holding well…

When was the right moment?

And how was I meant to work with the one guy who hated me the most?

I looked over at Leo. His huge wolf was an impressive sight. He was truly an Alpha wolf. His brown fur

that held hints of steely blue was matted with blood, but it did nothing to dull his power or magnificence.

A true beast that matched the Rossi’s, and deep down, I wondered if Dante was right. Would he really

help me? Would he care if Mom was killed?A shrill, painful roar left the Djinn’s mouth, the flames growing higher, and we were all thrown back. Liam

had returned but even his power was doing nothing other than holding off the heal a little His aura raged

around him powerfully as the Djinn lunged at him. Liam ducked, moving aside as he met him mid-attack

The Witches were doing their best and as I cut down another wolf, I felt the ground tremble beneath ine I

cut down two more wolves, wishing they weren’t simply his puppets…

Puppets… Just like those under Endora…

Uncle’s words about some of the Sangue pack members still played on my mind, and I couldn’t forget the

little boy’s cries of pain… Would he become another Leo? Would he hate Us? The situation was

different, but…!

The smell of blood, burnt flesh, and smoke hung in the air. Soon all I could see was the black

smoke that was making it harder to breathe.

The Djinn was not being affected by anything. No matter how many times someone managed to touch

him, it did nothing to injure him, but he was in turn burning those around him to death or close enough.

My stomach twisted as I watched one of the Beta’s from another pack attack the Djinn, but the moment

he made impact; he was burnt entirely. How the fuck do we get close? Or at least stop those who did

manage to get close from dying instantly…

The ground beneath us erupted, throwing us back violently. A sharp rock hit my left flank and I was

tossed to the ground like I didn’t weigh a thing.

Damn this.

I saw Uncle jump up, his sword raised and his aura visible against the flames, like black waves

enveloping his body. So only Alpha-level wolves were able to get close and not die… That hacked down

our numbers vastly, but it was obvious Uncle had clicked on too. ‘Get your men from beta rank and belowto back off. Everyone is to hold the attacking wolves at bay! Alpha Blood and witches are to step

forward!’ Uncle’s voice came through the link

Frowning, I relayed the message to my pack ‘Got it Alpha! ‘Yes, Alpha!

Seven Alphas, two ex-Lunas, and fifteen more of Alpha blood all stepped forward, along with thirteen


Our pack members created a wall around us, fending off the attacking wolves. The witches were at the

back, the sound of their chanting only growing louder. ‘When all hope feels like it’s lost…’

The power around me was immense. It felt as if we had cornered the Djinn as each Alpha blooded

werewolf attacked him, with protective shields created around every werewolf here. What did he mean?

The Djinn was beginning to struggle to block all the attacks We would win, right?

The Djinn’s flames and aura were diminishing. I jumped, swiping my claws across his face. His eyes

filled with hatred as he turned his gaze on me.

This is for my kitten.

With renewed hatred and anger, I attacked again, but with each passing moment, it was becoming

increasingly obvious that he wasn’t going to die. Every one of us who attacked was being thrown aside

like ragdolls. I growled, seeing Chris being slammed to the ground, instantly shifting back to human form.

His entire body was covered in blood, and I could see a heavy injury on his shoulder and neck. I growled

in anger, running over to him and pulling him to safety. He was injured, but he was alive.

I frowned, sensing Raihana’s powers around him, and smiled internally. His woman definitely wouldn’t

send him to battle without backup. Whatever she had done had stopped him from having his head ripped

off. I turned back, hearing a scream as Aunty Red was thrown in the air, blood spraying down on us,making me flinch when her human form hit the ground. Blood as red as her hair covered her body. She

was someone I would never want to fight in battle; violent, dangerous, and aggressive.

Whatever she had done made the Djinn stagger as he tried to regain himself, black smoke coming out of

his ribs. His power kept steady but his rage was now directed at Aunty Red. He launched himself

towards her, ready to tear her to shreds, but Uncle Al and Marcel attacked him, cutting off his path. He

roared in rage, slamming them both back

Uncle was in human form, and I could tell he was weakening. Despite that he remained strong,

commanding and assessing the situations. Always at the heart of the battle.

“I WILL NEVER DIE!” The Djinn hissed in a voice that was not for this earth.

I felt it inside, the shuddering power in it instilling fear in those who heard it. His gaze was on Uncle,

before he sank his claws into his shoulders. I felt an odd pulsating that I had felt earlier oozing off of him.

Uncle let out a roar of agony that filled the air. “Do not fight me! Or I will kill all!” He hissed venomously.

With sudden realization, it hit me. He was trying to take him as a host.


I saw the flash of silver from the corner of my eyes as Darien handed something to Mom.

The darger. I looked at I do who had just failed at another attempted attack, his eyes blazing with rage.

As if sensing me watching him, he turned his attention to me, our eyes met and I knew this was the time..

From the corner of my eye, I saw the Djinn dig his flaming claws into Uncle’s chest, slamming him to the


We had to do this

He gave me the slightest nod before he broke into a run towards Mom, just as Marcel attacked the Djinn,

causing leo to hesitate when he was thrown to the ground once again, a bloody mess, but I would let himknow I was here

The djinn turned his gaze upon Marcel. A shrill whistling hiss filled the air, a black smoke

emitting from his shoulder. Marcel had done some damage, and it was obvious the Djinn wanted him

dead. I jumped in the way, growling ferociously. Leo needed to know we wouldn’t leave Marcel to die.

I saw him glance at his father before he ran towards Mom, who had broken into a run.

Leo… you can do this…

I jumped at the Djinn but even though he was fighting back with one arm, he was still powerful. I saw

Darien being knocked to the ground by an immense wave of power. The djinn’s hold on Uncle remained

throughout, the flames beginning to wrap around his body. Even the witch’s shield around Uncle was


He had managed to kill a few of them as well. A few Alphas had died too…


Time was running out… I looked at Mom, who was dodging attack after attack. She was fast and lithe.

When she jumped, spinning in the sky, she was the perfect example of the Ahmar Qamar fighting style.

Her father would have been truly proud.

Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookA flash of brown and blue crossed my vision, then Leo had his jaw around her waist, knocking her out of

the air. I heard her gasp. She hadn’t been expecting an attack from one of our own. “LEO! YOU FOOL!”

Marcel thundered from where he was staggering to his feet. Mom knocked Leo back, her eyes flashing

with rage.

She had been close… “Leo! Don’t do this!” She shouted as Leo shifted back “I don’t fucking follow rules.”

He growled, grabbing her arm and ripping the weapon from her grip. “Leo!” Her anger was palpable butLeo ignored her, holding her in a death grip before he turned to me and threw the dagger. I shifted back,

Mom gasped just as the Djinn turned, realisation hitting him as he stared at the blade that I’d just caught.

“A Virgin Blade…”

The same term that Dante had used… A term I hadn’t heard from anyone before Dante… The fear in the

Djinn as he slammed Leo and Mom to the ground before he began advancing towards me was clear, his

aura of fire growing as he turned his gaze on me. I wasn’t going to make it…

“You… no… it’s not… The time is… I have time… I have time…” The Djinn was rambling, his fury


I scanned the area, Aunty Red was down… Chris, Marcel… Uncle… They were alive thanks to the

barriers made by Liam and the witches. But aside from Darien, Liam, Mom, Leo, and I, everyone else

was out…

When all hope is lost… Look for the man in black…

But there was no one. “The time of the werewolves is over. The time of the witches is over… The time for

the immortals has arrived…” The Djinn hissed, sparks flying from his mouth as he spat the words out.

“No one can kill me. No mere werewolf scum.” He hissed. I would do it. Fuck the man in black, I’ll kill

Agony ripped through me, and I felt an excruciating pain tear into me and wrap around my heart. Fear

enveloped me as I realised what this was. Delsanra! She was dying. Fuck, no!

“Die, Son of Selene.” “Ray…” Uncle growled, managing to rip free from the Djinn’s hold. I don’t know how

he was walking… the number of injuries in his body… He looked like death, yet the will in his eyes didn’t

diminish.The djinn let out a mighty roar, raising his arm. Uncle stepped in front of me, shielding me, even this

close to death he still held the power and strength that came from within. He was a true king, and I knew

he was ready to die for me. Just then, a blinding deep red glow filled the air. It was far darker and deeper

than the orangey red of the djinn. ?

I shielded my eyes, blinded by the intensity and power of the aura that now clashed against the djinns. It

diminished and there, a few metres away, stood a man. He was lean, tall, and muscular, wearing all

black with a black cloak around his shoulders, but what got to me was that his clothing was similar to

Mom’s; he had his hood up, and a black mask covered his face. His hands were gloved and the only part

of him that was visible were his eyes. 2

The Djinn hissed, and I could sense his fear. “You… There’s no way you could be here… I chose the

right time!”

“You were destined to die by my hand, no matter where and when.” He replied quietly. His voice was low

and husky, yet it held a melodic hum to it. Uncle was tense but I knew what I needed to do. The man

held his hand out as if expecting it and I threw the dagger at him. He caught it without even looking at me

just as the Djinn roared, his aura blasting away the barriers.

Fear, rage, and desperation were clear in his eyes. We were all blasted back, our bodies beginning to

burn with the heat of the fire from the Djinn. “I have waited too long! You can not kill me! I hold the fire of

hell within me!”

“Your time has come.” The masked man said quietly, yet the power that he held seemed to seep through

us all. His voice held nothing but calmness and, in a flash, he was right in front of the Djinn, unbothered

by the blazing fire that was radiating off him. I saw a flicker of a black tail from under his cloak and I

smiled slightly.

A demon.Somehow, Dante knew a demon would come.

He raised the dagger and a huge wave of power swirled around him, pushing past the flames of the

Djinn. The Djinn jumped up in the air, but it didn’t deter the demon.

He held the dagger firmly, and I felt a sense of deja vu as he pushed off and flipped it in the air like how

Mom had, before he plunged the dagger into the Djinn’s chest. 2 A terrorising scream left the Djinn as a

tidal wave of power caused a tsunami. We were all lifted from the ground and thrown back. Nobody was

able to withstand it, even trees were ripped from their roots. I shielded my eyes, staring up at the two

kinds of Demon in the centre. The man in black held strong, despite the waves of power that rolled off

the Djinn.

Through the pain of the breaking bond, my fear, and the ray of hope, I saw the Djinn beginning to

blacken and cracks began to appear in him. A final fierce scream of despair left him as he stared at the

night’s sky, his arms raised in hopelessness. “I think I fucking hit my head harder than I thought…” I

heard Uncle mutter. 1

I almost smiled, Uncle never lost his ability to comment, but my eyes were on the two before Us,

watching as the Djinn seemed to explode.

Then silence

I felt the pain that had been crushing me inside vanish and I knew Delsanra was ok; relief flooded me

The bond was intact.

The mystery man turned towards me Deep red eyes rimmed with thick black lashes met mine, and an

odd wave of familiarity washed over me. 13

“We won’ He murmured, winking at me, before a huge flash of deep red light filled the sky. Then he was

yone Leaviny behind the dryer that had fulfilled its purpose…Tuo was the first to rise Walking over to the digger, he picked it up, interest clear in his piercing, blue yes

before he smirked like the predator he is.

“Well, that sure was fun.” 16

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